I don't have much playtime to find grps. I only have 28pt builds and F2P classes and races. I'm just looking for a toon that is self sufficient and can do decent dmg and has a good soloing ability, any ideas?
I don't have much playtime to find grps. I only have 28pt builds and F2P classes and races. I'm just looking for a toon that is self sufficient and can do decent dmg and has a good soloing ability, any ideas?
I was thinking maybe a dual wield clr/pal or something like that, maybe a splash of rogue. I'm not sure of the finer points of building a toon tho
Any class can solo or + hireling and go through the whole game, excluding raids.
Depends on your play style. Like to drink a soda, eat a burger & hold the left mouse button? Barbarian & a hire would work well.
Melee are generally more front loaded than casters, although both gain power as you advance. battle clerics are very forgiving, as are paladins. Pale masters are almost unkillable at high levels.
Self sufficiency comes from resources, player skill and quest knowledge. You will get all three if you stick at it and are willing to give things a go.
Best of luck!
What I'd recommend for a new player is a human 18 clr/ 2 ftr. Very forgiving build.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
Gone through 2 lives as a 18/2 cleric fighter and I actually would recommend new players stay far away from it if you plan on joining public groups. Battle Clerics are very easy to play badly...you have to melee and watch redbars. Plus DPS is ok at first but bad from midlevels+ on a first life toon with no greensteel.
But if you are doing mostly soloing than it's a great choice.
For a new player I'd recommend you play a DPS oriented two handed fighting fighter, either human or dwarf and use a hireling for healing. Tons of feats and easy to play and solo the early quests. Hard to mess up the build. And if you group you have very little responsibility. But you really should pick the class that interests you the most, whatever is the most fun for you. They really can all fit the criteria you're asking for.
Last edited by axel15810; 08-13-2012 at 12:42 AM.
Given those constraints, hmm. I guess I'd play a great axe wielding dwarf barbarian 18/fighter 2 (because I'd really want those extra feats for Toughness and Stunning Blow). You wouldn't have any self-healing, but hireling clerics are cheap enough, a whole lot cheaper than a ton of healing potions.
Honestly, probably a Rogue 2/Wizard 18 (w/ pale master). Why? Traps + Evasion = win.
This will give you plenty of skills to use for your Concentration, Search, DD, and Unlock. You'll even be able to, as you level up and eat tomes, get more skills and spread it out to Spot and other toys.
Level 18 Pale Master will give you plenty of power to wield, you'll have any army to work with, and your hirelings will be more capable (as you'll likely need/want to take Augment Summoning). So it'd be you dishing out damage, your frostmarrow skeletons, your summon, and your hireling all hand it out.
If you want to wear light armor instead of just robes (which you can, if you want), go elf or drow (if you have it unlocked with favor). While I'm not a huge fan of taking a hit to Con, you may be able to achieve the same build with better results. Starting stats would then be 8/15/14/18/8/10 to start. You'd lose a feat and a skill point per level, but you'd then be able to take on arcane fluidity and you'd also get passive spell resistance. Going an elf-build would also be able to give you plenty of spot/search enhancements.
Just throwing ideas out there.
The drawback is the early levels are the toughest: low HPs, low DPS, no self-heals until you get to zombie form from PM I (wiz lvl 6).
I'm inferring by "self-sufficient" the OP means a character who doesn't have to rely on hirelings to stay alive. If that's the case, I'd probably go with either a WIS-based battle cleric (melee at low lvls, offensive spells at mid- to higher lvls), a melee bard (either pure or MCed), a rgr like my Tempest trapmonkey, or perhaps even a pally.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Agreed with unbongwah that the early levels are pretty punishing on a wizogue. However, the early levels are really, really easy, and by 18 the wizogue mops the floor with pretty much everything, which is (1) well past where the battleclerics et al have fallen apart and (2) the most difficult part of the XP curve. OP if you can stomach a little gimpness in the beginning, you won't regret it.
On the other hand, if you're looking to group even a battlecleric will very rarely go wanting. Just lean towards the cleric rather than the battle and everything will be just fine.
Best way to go solo...
Make an FvS Evoker, get the auto level option up to 7.
Do level 7 with the wizzy hireling with the haste boost.
At level 8 beg, borrow or steal an XP stone.
Get it up to 16 and Blade Barrier away!
I'm playing based off unbongwah's Tempest Trapmonkey (as listed above), and it absolutely fits my solo play to a tee. I can sneak alright, do traps (been grabbing spot gear on the AH as possible, since it's my first toon), and I love using my bow from distance (especially against casters) and am plenty powerful in hand-to-hand for my needs right now. Decided to go Human Rouge(2)/Ranger(18), so I'll lose one feat (i.e. Maximize), but that 30-percent extra wand heal and little boost to my Open Lock (since I'm putting those points into Hide/Silence) has really given me a little more flexibility.
Currently level 9, so things may definitely change, but this build couldn't be any more fun for me right now.
I've got a pure Cleric that I use when I'm playing with my dad (the only person I game with online, right now), and he works well, but I always miss my tempest trapmonkey.
I'm playing a 18Paladin/2Rogue and there is no quest on normal that i dont uterly destroy and i can solo most elite on lvl without a hierling when i get cure serious wounds.
I stoped using hier at lvl 12 but i only play hard/elite so you probly wont need any as of lvl 8 if you only run normal.
Rogue at 1st and 8th the rest Palli. keep using a shield and carry a 2-handed when dps is needed.
16/14/14/10/10/16 (you wont need spot just search, and thats only for xp. with palli saves u will never be hit enough by traps to care)
human for feat or drow for SR and better stats.
I'm in 2nd life so i have some good gear, but even first toon/first life can play this easy.
If u get Epic Destiny's you'll solo most epic hard with no hier if u have to right gear and play it right(by then u'll be used to the build) and if u just want to explore the quests for enjoyment, again, no quest is even a threat on normal.
if u ever reach 3rd life u may want to farm some docents and try WF for immunity but it only realy matters against beholders as ull be death wardeding yourself.
if u want my specific build just ask.
Last edited by Thegreekguy; 02-04-2013 at 01:37 AM.