1. More spells. Druid has exactly one acid spell, obtained at level 17+, and is just a relatively low damage spell that is part electrical as well. Druid has only one non-DoT electrical spell, call lightning. 3 DoT electrical spells, all of which are slow to inflict their damage. Similar for cold, only two non-dot ice spell and both form dependant. JoW and SS are not cold spells even though they are winter wolf only and would appear they should inflict cold damage. There is one cold based weapon enchant as well that is self only for the winter wolf. Level 9 spells have 2 that can be used in any form, 3 others that are form dependant, plus the always present spontaneous cast with one of the summons being next to useless (dryad). Additionally, druid has a level 9 spell component (mistletoe) but NONE of the level 9 spells require material components!
2. Change Body of the Sun to be a floor hugging aura like Death Aura. Right now it's too big, too ugly, interferes with seeing things....the same complaints that were made about DA before it was changed to the purple carpet.
3. Remove the spell point cost off all wolf and bear form dependant spells so that they function like any other tactical move *OR* remove the hit roll off all the wolf and bear form dependant spells so that they function like any other spell. Takedown, snowslide, jaws of winter, baiting bite, all the bear attacks require BOTH a mana cost (and can be disrupted by a beholder or by too much damage) AND an attack roll. Further, reduce the cooldown on Jaws of Winter to 10 seconds from the current of 20 seconds. While the equivalent tactic, stunning blow, does have a 15-20s cooldown it also has no additional saves beyond the initial save, and can be used regardless of it being a sneak attack or not. JoW has a save every TWO seconds, and only inflicts the freeze upon a sneak attack.
4. Snowslide needs to be changed (as in point 3) so there is NO attack roll and the initial freeze cannot be resisted. It is a LEVEL NINE SPELL, but functions like I'd expect a level FIVE spell to work. Additionally, the saves need to be reduced to once every 6 seconds (once per round) instead of the current once every 3 (twice per round). A snowsliding wolf frequently cannot stop, turn around, and get back to the target(s) they just froze before the targets have broken free...assuming the player didn't just flat out "miss" on the attack roll.
5. Change the pet enhancement Feed so that it is automatic on any kill the wolf makes, instead of making the wolf stop and chew on the corpse for awhile. As soon as the wolf makes a kill, the regen effect should be activated.
6. Reduce the cost of all the druid damage enhancements to 1 AP per tier, and split them into their component halves. They are too expensive and too useless as they are now due to the extreme lack of spells utilizing most of the damage components.
7. Wolf form negates any striders you are wearing, instead getting a flat 15% movement boost. Really? Anyone wearing 20% striders or better can easily outrun a wolf? Give wolf a 15% movement boost and winter wolf a 25% movement boost plus an additional 5% movement boost per 4 caster levels, so that a winter wolf with caster level 20 is moving like they have 50% striders. Remove the strider boost off snowslide. A player who has mastered their wolf form should be able to run like the wind, keeping up or even passing monks and barbarians of the same level.
8. Fix the crit range for winter wolf. Don't just "fix" it by changing the tool tip, FIX THE WOLF!
9. Change the flameblade spell to be a self only weapon enchant for just the fire effects. Make it so that the flameblade will not gain blinding embers or incineration unless it's being used in Fire Elemental form.
10. Give the Fire and Water elemental forms SLA's. Fire should be able to throw scorching rays and fireballs at a minimum. Water should get frost lance and freezing sphere at a minimum. Perhaps make them enhancements the druid must purchase similar to Archmage spells. If they are made enhancements, then there should be additional tiers of SLA just like Archmage.
11. Give druid additional CLASS feats, chosen every 5 levels. Class feats would include natural fighting, some of the metamagics, etc.
12. Boost the druid mana gains per level to be on par with wizard and cleric. PnP druids do not receive fewer spells per day than these classes, why is druid receiving fewer spell points since that is supposed to represent the # of spells cast each day?
There are probably many other things people could add to this. Right now Druid is obviously a half finished class. Level 9 spell components that are not used by any spell, prestiges that only have 2 tiers, etc