Wanted to get a pricecheck on a Unbound +8 Wisdom Spider Spun Caparisun.
Looking for the usual.
Also looking to trade for Planar Focus of Erudition +8 int. If you have one of these contact and we can work something out.
Wanted to get a pricecheck on a Unbound +8 Wisdom Spider Spun Caparisun.
Looking for the usual.
Also looking to trade for Planar Focus of Erudition +8 int. If you have one of these contact and we can work something out.
Darkrune TRx2 lvl 20 FvS, Darkdivinity lvl 20 cleric, Darkaxe lvl 20 fighter, Darktune TRx1 lvl 4bard, Darkbow lvl 20 AA Ranger, Darksoldier TRx1 lvl 20 Barb, Darkspells TRx2 lvl 20 Wizard, Darkbattle TRx1 lvl 20 artificer, Darktemper lvl 17 Ranger, Darkfists TRx1 lvl 20 Monk, Darkherald lvl 5 paladin Guild Leader of No Politics Thelanis Server
i have sold 3 +8 wis for a range of 350k-500k not using AH.
seems the +8 dex +3 insight sell for more or ppl want them for their build more.
i wud suggest getting the favor or having a friend/guildie upgrade it while its still on the rare side. can prolly gte about 1m-1.5m that way.
i will say i love mine now for sure.
KREYLIA - if you think it sucks, then you prolly suck too. if you think its great, then your prolly great too.
I'll upgrade it for a commission.
Farm Epic Elite Chests by yourself.
Hide of Goristro ~5 Mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNIwV...ature=youtu.be
Spider Silk & Stone Heart ~2 Mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSABE...ature=youtu.be
Farm Epic Elite Chests by yourself.
Hide of Goristro ~5 Mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNIwV...ature=youtu.be
Spider Silk & Stone Heart ~2 Mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSABE...ature=youtu.be