This is a basic layou for a first life palamonk wss build
Somewhat of a flavor build, undead hater. Here's the basics(on iPhone, so will post more in depth version later)
Stats: base. Base@20
Str: 16 16+4lvl ups+2tome 22
Dex: 14 14+1lvl up+ 2 tome= 17
Con: 14. 14+2 tome= 16
Int: 10 10
Wis: 10 10+ 2 tome= 12
Cha: 14. 14+ 2 tome= 16

Reason for Lvl up in Dex is to allow a 10 int and max umd, since tomes will be purchased with giftcards(birthday), I won't have enough int tome.

1m twf, otwf, power attack
3p wf slash
6p wss
8m dodge
9p itwf
12p: ic: slash
15p: gtwf
17m: fol
18m: cleave
20m toughness

The reason for the odd split is it will be the first toon on a new server, using vet 2 And stone of xp at 8, this way I can make holy swords after I use the stone.

Plan on makin the monk bracers from deneith chain,can't spell the things, using minos, grabbing challenge gear: robe, ring of the stalker, fire cloak, and a few other nice things.

One benefit of this build is high heal amp, 20% from hotd2, 30 human, 10 monk, 25 bracers, (that's the easily achievable from the get go, can get higher in eveningstar). Also has base 9% dodge, and really high double strike potential, 5% from windstance, 10% zeal, 6 twisted from gof.

The build would e mainly solo, able to make good use of fol healing, while retaining
Moderate dps. Saves would also be through the roof.

I do plan to start this toon soon, in order to use xp stone, but I would still appreciate any advice people have