1. What is the name of the toon you wish to join Majestics with?
Xardaa (20 bard)
2. Will you be bringing any alts?
Yes... BigMistake (20 monk), Mallaak(TR 5 barb), Xarda (TR 20 wiz) and Tiamaat (18 fighter/2rogue)
3. Why did you choose Majestics over the other guilds?
Ran with a cool member this afternoon ( Coolerdad ) who spoke very highly of the guild and suggested I apply
4. What are you looking for in a guild?
5. How often do you usually play, and in what time zone do you reside?
Several days a week at random times . GMT-5 (central)
6. Have you read over the Majestics Charter including the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth for the duration of your membership in Majestics?