So, I'm currently level 13. Using web SLA and hypnotism SLA predominately with some firewalls thrown in for good measure up to this level, rest of my SP spent on buffing/ repair spells/ etc. Just got access to finger of death (woohoo), staying arch-mage for the time being because I love the SLA web and can already self-heal through WF. Here's my feat layout:
1: SF: Conjuration
1: Toughness
3: SF: Enchantment
5: Extend
6: Mental Toughness
9: Heighten
10: Maximize
12: SF: Necromancy
I ever so slightly messed up my feats because I don't qualify for AMIII right now, since I need a greater spell focus. I hate to drop ANY of those feats at the moment though, even extend because of how amazing it is on haste/ displacement/ rage. However extend is bottom dog and the one I'm most likely to ditch- is that the loser? I'd probably drop it for GSF: Necro and then pick up secondary spell mastery: necro through AMIII.
Disclaimer: I pug almost exclusively with this character, so enjoy what extended hastes bring to the table- however recasting every 1:30 can't be THAT bad, can it?
As long as I have your attention, here is my tentative spell layout through 20, any critiques appreciated:
15: Quicken (for reconstructs/ displacement in tight spots)
15: Spell Penetration
18: Greater Spell Penetration
20: Empower Spell
Not 100% committed to that order, not sure if I'll suffer from 13-15 without both spell pens (no past lives on this character, hoping to TR him through a few wizard lives). Also could see trading empower or quicken for GSF: Enchant but not solid there either. Thanks for looking,