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  1. #61
    Community Member Xezrak's Avatar
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    /signed to OP with a few caveats

    I am guessing more end game loot is on its way with the coming updates, only a guess but hopefully true.

    I mean more items to acquire is almost always a good thing if implemented properly, I am all for making the game accessible for everyone, look at my past posts, and so I hope these items can still be acquired by running on a normal difficulty too, but new items are a good thing.

    I also like the idea of 1 handed weapons for divine casters.

    Furthermore melees should definitely get some cool new weapons which replace the ESoS and hopefully like it has been suggested by some others in this thread, the weapons will be really good against some monsters and not so good against others, the cannith challenge loot is a fantastic example of this. I really don’t like the idea of 1 weapon for all situations, and hopefully strong weapons will come in more forms than just great axe/great sword.

    There is nothing wrong with adding new items to the game, it should be done, it makes playing the game more fun, as long as obtaining these items are not overly restrictive (no I am not asking for the items to drop from 1 or 2 run of normal but you should be able to eventually get the items by running it on normal, the drop rates on the older raids on normal difficulty is perfect).

    The main caveat I have for adding new weapons is make them accessible at easier difficulties (although somewhat longer grind). Do not balance lower (i.e normal difficulty) difficulties for (based on) these new power weapons.

  2. #62
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    As it is i am using the same old stuff i was before. This has both negative and positive sides. Bad because new shinies to grind for are nice. Good because i spent nearly three years getting the last lot of Epic items at least I don't have to start over
    I've replaced a couple of items on every one of my guys. This has required some inventory swapping. I'm still not done yet.

    But I've also kept many of my old items, since they are still top-of-the-line, or very close to top-of-the-line.

    I would hate to have to replace ALL my items every update, or even a majority of them... I think the power-creep is well-done... We don't want older areas to become ghost towns, as they would if the gear they dropped became totally worthless.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xezrak View Post
    /signed to OP with a few caveats
    The main caveat I have for adding new weapons is make them accessible at easier difficulties (although somewhat longer grind). Do not balance lower (i.e normal difficulty) difficulties for (based on) these new power weapons.
    I'm sorry but Risk vs Reward is what we want. Feather is doing that with the new quests: EElite having a piece of gear maxed, EHard having the same piece of gear just less powerfull. EN less powerfull than EH. I think it's the right way.

    You are asking devs to put powerfull end-game equip accessible at normal diff. It shouldn't be like that. If you want powerfull equip, you have to earn it. You haven't the equip to farm EElite? Farm the lower stuff till you are ready for it.

    I think the old Lord of Blades had it right. If you wanted T3 weapons, you had to run Epic LoB. For a T2 you just needed hard.

    Also, keep in mind (to the 2 posters above you) that I'm not asking for a complete replacement of ALL our gear.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    I'm sorry but Risk vs Reward is what we want. Feather is doing that with the new quests: EElite having a piece of gear maxed, EHard having the same piece of gear just less powerfull. EN less powerfull than EH. I think it's the right way.

    You are asking devs to put powerfull end-game equip accessible at normal diff. It shouldn't be like that. If you want powerfull equip, you have to earn it. You haven't the equip to farm EElite? Farm the lower stuff till you are ready for it.

    I think the old Lord of Blades had it right. If you wanted T3 weapons, you had to run Epic LoB. For a T2 you just needed hard.

    Also, keep in mind (to the 2 posters above you) that I'm not asking for a complete replacement of ALL our gear.
    I agree, I like this new loot mechanic setup as well. Everyone can get the same loot, but those who get it on a higher difficulty are rewarded with a slightly better version of the item. It also provide a great "stepping stone" system for newer players to acquire said powerful loot. If hard is too much for you, you can run normal and get some better loot from it. Then, you can run hard to improve that gear with better versions, and then you can move up to elite to go for the best versions of the loot.

  5. #65
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Risk versus reward is precisely what I've been asking for for a while now.

    The problem with feather's loot design however, is that the reward is so suboptimal that is entirely not worth the risk.

    Risk for a WORTHWHILE reward is what the name of the game should be.

    There shouldnt be any **DOUBT** whether or not ml24 stuff is better than ml20 gear in a given situation. It should simply be absolutely better in a given situation.

    Look at the earthcarver for instance, it has better base dmg and a crappier crit profile than the esos. I would use that thing over the esos when I fight the enemy for which it has greater bane for, but if I need to dish out raw DPS against a boss, I'd flip back to the esos.

    THATS good design. But no, instead we got crappy replacement gear for the undergeared.

    Every challenger set should have also been able to be upgraded to a cormyrian armor of choice at the favor patron, I should be able to get PDK set bonus with cormyrian redplate. they give us a crappy bonus that involved pretty subpar armors, and even made the thing interfere with our claw sets for 1 less damage.

    Just more examples of how terrible the loot is. They should get the art guy to design the loot, then the endgame experience would improve drastically.

  6. #66
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    They should get the art guy to design the loot, then the endgame experience would improve drastically.


  7. #67
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    Risk versus reward is precisely what I've been asking for for a while now.

    The problem with feather's loot design however, is that the reward is so suboptimal that is entirely not worth the risk.

    Risk for a WORTHWHILE reward is what the name of the game should be.

    There shouldnt be any **DOUBT** whether or not ml24 stuff is better than ml20 gear in a given situation. It should simply be absolutely better in a given situation.

    Look at the earthcarver for instance, it has better base dmg and a crappier crit profile than the esos. I would use that thing over the esos when I fight the enemy for which it has greater bane for, but if I need to dish out raw DPS against a boss, I'd flip back to the esos.

    THATS good design. But no, instead we got crappy replacement gear for the undergeared.

    Every challenger set should have also been able to be upgraded to a cormyrian armor of choice at the favor patron, I should be able to get PDK set bonus with cormyrian redplate. they give us a crappy bonus that involved pretty subpar armors, and even made the thing interfere with our claw sets for 1 less damage.

    Just more examples of how terrible the loot is. They should get the art guy to design the loot, then the endgame experience would improve drastically.
    This. Getting 375 PDK favor is NOT easy. In fact, it is one of the most difficult achievements in the game. We should be able to make *any* armor part of whatever set we like. The same should apply to weapons. We should be able to make *any* weapon a part of a Planar Conflux set.

  8. #68
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    They should get the art guy to design the loot, then the endgame experience would improve drastically.
    Lol !!


    (Sorry Feather, that's funny right there. I was in your court until you told us how much fun it would be to get random raid loot. Once you went there... It's going to be tough to make a comeback. I wish you the best of luck with it though, and thanks for reverting that.)
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  9. #69
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    Risk versus reward is precisely what I've been asking for for a while now.

    The problem with feather's loot design however, is that the reward is so suboptimal that is entirely not worth the risk.

    Risk for a WORTHWHILE reward is what the name of the game should be.

    There shouldnt be any **DOUBT** whether or not ml24 stuff is better than ml20 gear in a given situation. It should simply be absolutely better in a given situation.

    Look at the earthcarver for instance, it has better base dmg and a crappier crit profile than the esos. I would use that thing over the esos when I fight the enemy for which it has greater bane for, but if I need to dish out raw DPS against a boss, I'd flip back to the esos.

    THATS good design. But no, instead we got crappy replacement gear for the undergeared.

    Every challenger set should have also been able to be upgraded to a cormyrian armor of choice at the favor patron, I should be able to get PDK set bonus with cormyrian redplate. they give us a crappy bonus that involved pretty subpar armors, and even made the thing interfere with our claw sets for 1 less damage.

    Just more examples of how terrible the loot is. They should get the art guy to design the loot, then the endgame experience would improve drastically.

    Pretty much ^This..

    When I look at Named FR gear there should be no qualms about trashing all my existing Greensteel items in favor of these newer items. and yet... the new items are.. meh,, Maybe work in a piece here or there.

    Upgrading to Lolths Trinket from my level 13 Litany shoud be like trading a 10 year old Fiero for a brand new Ferarri.
    Instead it is a Smaart Car.. nice and economical, but no WOW factor
    .... I want to say Litany ..pft.. what litany....
    Lolths trinket should have been something like +2 Profane to all stats, Torc, and Potency 100... That would be a WOW I gotta get a Lloths trinket.. it is supposed to be a endgame item after all...
    Not a... well if I slot this here and that there it might be better.

    Where are the FR equivilents of 4 Tier Greensteels (with the multitude of variability that GS offers).
    These Pidgeon-holed niche items are decent but they are limited range selections for most players.

    I dont want to look at a player and see that he isnt equipping a eSOS and wearing red cromerian Plate so he is subpar.

    Customized Slots and Craftible high end items are what we are striving for, items to fit individual build vision...
    Not key mashed random items.
    Not static items to fit cookie cutter builds.

    Greensteel is still awesome.
    Alchemical is close, but it lacked umph and of choice combinations. This should be reworked and given a shot of Viagara. Add shield crafting while you are at it.

    FR items shoud all have augment slots and more...

    as Darth Vader would say in his James Earl Jones voice...Feather you have failed me for the last time...
    Last edited by JOTMON; 08-14-2012 at 12:58 PM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by djl View Post
    This. Getting 375 PDK favor is NOT easy. In fact, it is one of the most difficult achievements in the game. We should be able to make *any* armor part of whatever set we like. The same should apply to weapons. We should be able to make *any* weapon a part of a Planar Conflux set.
    Speak for yourself, for me is very easy getting 375 pdk AT level 25 . 1 day with a good party
    Uriziem Completionist done, past life 28/30
    solo ADQ2 EE
    solo FoT EE
    Waiting better and harder end game(or neverwinter online)

  11. #71
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    My biggest problem with the new loot is that very few, if any, of the items are BIS. That, and customization has been replaced with randomness. I'd like to see a system where fixed base items drop with an ability for us, similar to epic tokens, to grind out additional modifiers. Of course running EE would allow you to do this faster.
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