I'm a mature on again off again player for the past 3 years on DDO, that is looking for a fun/fun-loving, relaxed guild to run with. I'm not new to the MMMRPG world, and many life-times ago cut my teeth on old school paper and dice AD&D. While I'm not adverse to running through quests just for the favor and loot, my preferred game-style is to fully explore dungeons on at least the normal setting, with all breakables competantly trashed :P I will always go the the optional bosses and open the secret doors to get at the extra loot; the quest is not done if I don't see the entire map!
I enjoy grouping more than solo, but I'm adept at sourcing out the quest solo to make sure I have the traps and boss locations down for when I have the pleasure of questing with others. Hirelings do not replace the fun one can have with 'real' people - thus I'm posting here.
My highest level character currently is a lvl 8 half-elf rogue on the Orion server, although I've had fun previously with bard, ranger, monk, and sorcerer, and I've dabbled with favored soul (although many of those are currently being re-rolled as I recently splerged and bought myself the 32 pt build), with others scattered across a few other servers.
I'm on a premium account, with pretty much just the basics in terms of quest lines, but I'm open to purchasing others if there's a good group to run them with.
I'm on most evenings from 9pm est and some weekends - I'd love to connect