From the U15 beta release notes:

VIP characters now move 10% faster in public spaces! This movement speed boost stacks with all other movement boosts in public areas.
Are you KIDDING me? How unfair is this!? More pay-to-win junk that we Premium and F2P players have to put up with? There is NO way for non-VIPs to emulate this cheap ability.

And no, I'm not complaining that this ability is OP. I realize that it has 0 effect in combat. But I'm complaining about the PRINCIPLE of the thing. Picture this: You're playing a character who hasn't quite gotten his 150 House P favor yet and all the VIP's are running around faster than you. They get to the quest entrances and start complaining that you're too slow. Some might even decide to drop you from the group for wasting their time (not me of course but those people ARE out there).

Or what about that VIP Barbarian/Monk/Ranger who always outruns your Barbarian/Monk/Ranger in town? Or the Risia, Succubus, and Traveler events. They'll always have an edge over you on gathering gifts. Let's not forget who can ship buff the fastest and get back to the quest entrance.

It just makes me sick. DDO is becoming more and more like a horrible xeroxed WoW clone every day.