I can't test right now but there is nothing in the note about them.
- Executioner strike is still bugged.
- Shroudring strike still doesn't give charges when marking a target (I guess, there is no fix in the notes).
- Consume still not showing its DC.
- Shrouding strike allows you to store 2 charges (but you can actually store more on live) but you need 20 to use DI..how?
Dark Imbuement is STILL only 2d6. A lame bonus for an epic moment. Seriously, upgrade this. Or just change the name from Shadowdancer to "Whoops, nothing to see here"
Seriously hope it gets some Dev attention.
So Patch 2:
- Shadowdancer's Improved Invisibility no longer starts with a backwards tumble, and activates while attacking.
- Shadowdancer's Pierce the Gloom's text has been updated to make it clear that you don't get 100% bonus to your existing attack bonus, but rather that you automatically hit unless the attack roll is a one.
Both nice, nothing to say about them.
2nd part of patch 2:
Nothing about Shadowdancer, the most broken destiny out there.
Can we have a word from a dev? Are they going to address these issues? There are three but they are killing a destiny:
- Consume's DC is broken and not showing up. Show us the calculation please.
- Executioner's strike death effect still not applying.
- Dark Imbuement is still only 2d6 for an epic moment hard to achieve.
They are all from the T5-T6 abilities, should be the most fun and the most powerful but yet, they are broken.
I wanna use this destiny on my rog but please, fix it.
Will this destiny be ever fixed? I'm starting to doubt that.