My character, Zinraku, a True Reincarnated level 4 half elf ranger, on the Ghallanda server, is currently unable to log into the game. When I attempt to log onto him I get the message "This character is already in the world." This is false however, because I have not logged onto him in two days and I have logged onto another character in the meantime which should have force-logged him out if he was still active due to a bug of some sort, which I have seen before. Restarting my client has not fixed this error. He should be logged out in the area "The Marketplace", "The Harbor", or my guild airship (storm glory typhoon). The character selection screen leads me to believe he was logged out on the guild boat, while the in game guild character listings says he should be in the harbor.
This is the screenshot of the error. Keep in mind it is Zinraku that is having the problem, not McNoob the Hjealinator.
For testing purposes, in the name of science, I have loaded up the five hour heman song HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA and I will play this over and over again until this issue gets resolved. If turbine fixes it before the first iteration of this video gets completed, I will give a random noob in the harbor a +3 con tome. Screenshot will follow if Turbine completes. TY!