MyDDO works the same, actually. (Just tried it not long ago, lol.)
If you close it, then click on MyDDO later, it will be on the page you left it on. Also, I love Steam, but it's way too much of a memory hog, so unless you've got like 8GB RAM, you'll be slowing down DDO with it.
we need any kind of private notepad, which wouldnt be seen by others like bio. quests to repeat, exp/lvl, tips for puzzles, notes about other players - all that dont fit to bio, i dont want others to see my notes. ddo sometimes crashes after minimizing (at least on my pc) and its riddiculous to use pen and paper when using pc same time
sry for my english, but i think my point is understandable
please... there's so much info to keep track of. I'm using the toon bio for this now, which is annoying since everyone can see it.
I suggested this in another thread that no one saw.
/signed here too
I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
Silverweb - Silverwren - Silverware - Daydream - Dubbelklik
*grunts in a manly yet constipated voice
"updated my journal".
/signed - its classic D&D for goodness sake.
Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
stuff by me:
I'v been using my 'Biography' tab page to write what stuff I am flagged for, but that's obviously not the place for that.
They're planning on adding a bunch of stuff to the CH anyways, so ya, lets have a 'notes' tab.
That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu
Bug report form link
Good idea this has my backing![]()
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
I think this is an awesome idea, I have lost track of the amount of notes about things I have taken since coming to the game (hopefully some of it has actually stuck lol).
Agreed. Good idea, simple, and encourages playing with due care and attention.
Beauty? nah...the Death ray is in the eye of the Beholder
Notes (non-public) tab right below Bio (public) tab.
Easy peesy.
/Scribbles signature scratch.
Good. Now, everyone that /signed it here go to my thread and sign it there.
That way we'll have it in two places and it will appear as though we REALLY want it BAD!![]()
I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
Silverweb - Silverwren - Silverware - Daydream - Dubbelklik
This thread necro is not meant to be mischievous or anything. I was just going to suggest adding a note pad to the game but quick search shows it has already been suggested. I think the suggestion is still relevent today. I , for one, would still like to see it introduced. Nothing fancy. Just a simple, in-game tab to write down reminders or whatever. Something private, unlike the character bio. please please.. thanks...
Edit: ah Hell, cmon, I'll buy one if you put it in the store![]()
Last edited by xberto; 05-09-2014 at 02:39 PM.
Totally going to try the MyDDO browser trick tonight when I get home; my video card likes to wonk out my gamma settings if I alt-tab to a different window. (yay)
Add another user to the list in favor of a private notebook.
Orien Toons: Aapex Predator | Adipostal | Bholgrin Stoneforge | Felldar | Gorruk Boulderbreaker | Khail Ironfist | Kiljoen Lorebringer | Madfinger Runewarden | Mattok Shalefinder | Tholgrin Stoneforge | Tubbho Lard | Uldwena Skyreaver | Uldwin Skyreaver | Varjek Lorebringer | Walreign Aggron | Whall | Whong Fei Hung | (and a couple more...)
I appreciate the necro, I think it's a very simple thing to implement, and I want to stress that this does NOT have to be information stored on server-side, just simply a file that goes into My Documents that can be easily transferred via machines by the user.
Server-side *would* be appreciated, though, in this day and age. I mean it's only text data, it's not exactly like keeping a server-side screenshot gallery storage like Steam offers.