I went running out into the King's Forest tonight, to look for a fight before logging for the evening, when I abundant stepped over a cliff, and saw two Drow Necromancer's standing around looking mischevious.
Knowing how they like to take turns raising each other, I floated down gracefully and stunning fist'd the first one, then ran over to the second one (which had ran off about 20 paces) and quivering palmed him.
Then as I turned around to go back to my stunned buddy, I realized he was saving me some time by 'sliding' over to me! He stopped sliding next to his dead drowmate, stood there innocently, then rotated (still stunned) to look at me.
So, naturally, I punched him in the face.
About that time, I saw the dead necromancer come back into the fight again, about 20 paces away. So I stopped punching the first (still living one) in the face, and ran over and Stuck the dead guy in a tomb of jade.
Then, I amusedly returned to the living one, which had about 5% hp left, and roundhoused him to the floor.
At which point. The Jade statue, which had been peacefully standing by, suddenly zoomed over, posed next to the (now horizontal) other guy, then quickly pivoted to face me.
SO - THEN the second one I killed appeared about 20 paces away...
I'm sure these Necromancer's have been the source of many laughs, and probably a few scowls and guffaws. Do you have an interresting experience with them?
Do Share!