I am currently leveling an arty to TR it into a wizard for a few run throughs, to get wizard Past Lives to boost up my artis wands etc. So what I am looking for is a build thats effective to level with.
I mostly play either solo or in a group of 2-3 + hirelings.
What I am looking for is:
A build that will net me wizard past life that is as effective in the leveling as possible. I've been thinking of a wizard 18 / rogue 2 split, though would a full wizard be more effective in the leveling? Bearing in mind, that I have no interest for the capstone as I would most likely be TR:ing it as soon as its done. Speed is of the essence, since I guess I would have to do it 3 times
The build must not be race dependant (I think I will go as dwarf, which generally is not that suggested I guess). I have no interest in drows or WF (even with the self healing).
I've been reading the forums about using force line, but are force spells not less effective than the elemental counterparts, at least during leveling phases? If you ignore the fact that most force spells don't have a save.
There is also the debate between AM and PM, from which I guess PM aims for max necro and Instagib spells? Is it valid for leveling, or is that mostly for high level play where you aim to get mad gear to max DCs? For pure leveling purpose, which line would be more effective?
Any suggestions, ready builds or advice is welcome. I did look through a few but none of them really tells me if they are really effective or not.
I will also accept any suggestions on multiclass combos, that net me the past life feats. So anything with majority of wizard is okay with me