IMHO I think that the whole poison thing has gone a little over board. It seems to me that every attack round now starts out with poison (spell, attack, weapon, ect..) and even when I have the poison resistance buff on, I still get hit with it and get held from the effect. Now I do not know if this is WAI or is just a bug . But please take some time to make a few changes.

1. Give us back at least 1, or 3 min poison res buff pots back

2. when you have your resistance vs. poison remove the chance of the penalties and vulnerabilities.

I'm sure this is beating a dead horse to death, but Having to Swing/cast , stop chug, swing/chug starts to take the fun out of the game for me and a few of my friends.

(By the way I got hit for 38 con damage on s poison spell on EE Rusted blades. I wish I had the SS for that one, 38 con is not just over board it's at the bottom of ocean)

Poison weakness, what is the point of the buff if I still am getting hit and taking a penalties for it?

Turret>. Animated object with poison. Come on Dev's Lets get rid of this, its just not good gaming.

I'm not sure how others feel about this matter, I do like it in the game and don't want it removed, just a little less of it.
