it seems that when you die, all item granted spell power effects are removed from you. the only way to fix it is to relog, or to stop and re-equip all your items which grant spell power. (the same issue might be plaguing heal amp, but i haven't tested that yet).
i've heard a rumor that just moving from one zone to another can cause the same effect, but i haven't noticed this yet myself. if i do spot it happen, i'll bug report that then also.
the only major thing that changed between these 2 screenshots is the fact that i died. (i did move thru a few zones, but i checked my spell power values after entering the quest i died in. in both screenshots i have cast cure crit a few times to get a rough idea of average amount healed.
yes, i have bug reported this.
granted, this is not as game-breakingly bad as the loss of fort that was giving monks and monk mixes issues, but it is still a pretty bad bug. (pretty frustrating, too)
acknowledgement of the issue would be nice.
Thank you.