Two days ago now I lesser ressurected my monk dreamless (Khyber) She was lvl 24 with the grandmaster of the flower epic destiny tree maxed out. I completed the remake adjusting my stats the way i needed.
Everything seems to be going fine i lvl back to 24 np, transfer to the market open up my adventure compendium to find it wiped clean, checked the patrons tab back to 0-400 on a toon with over 2000 favor previously. Zero in every explorer zone. I seem to still be flagged for all the raids i was previously. Also all epic destiny xp gone checked in with fate spinner reselected grandmaster of the flower with zero xp.
So first option I check the in game support tabs (I am VIP have been since 2006 with out ever taking a break) it is bugged and will not display on the toon only. I logged in out tried a few times(20 or so) on this toon nothing. Submitted in game ticket on Breunorson number 26871787 waited about an hour and a half no reply had to go to bed it was getting late.
Could really use some help.