Pre-u14 Update I had none of these issues. I owuld have no problem logging in. Now:
My first time logging in almost every day for the day I usually have an issue. I say usually because it is not every day, but more on that in a second as I have a theory why.
So when the problem occurs I log in as usual (I'm on Cannith server). I enter user name and password and get taken with no issue to my character selection screen. I select any of my characters and then get taken to the loading screen which is usually pretty long (Longer than it used to be pre-u14). So maybe 2 minutes for the blue bar to work its way across the screen and complete and now I see my character on screen and all the surroundings but right in the middle of my buff bar I have the dreaded red latency icon.
There's nothing that can be done. After about 30 seconds of sitting there the game DCs and I get the pop up saying it is shutting down. So I log back in, enter my password and go to my character selection screen. Whether I pick a different character or the same it makes no difference. I select the character and the loading now is super fast. I'm talking about 10-15 seconds and boom I'm in the game. No red latency or anything. I'm loaded and playing with no issues or lag.
Later if I quit the game and log back in during the same day I have no issues. The game comes up, and after the character selection screen the loading my take longer, but I never get the red latency icon in the same day (almost never I should say).
I say almost never because if I'm doing a mail check and logging in through my characters one at a time to get mail and re-post in the AH I will certainly start experiencing lag after the 6th character I've logged into. Rubber banding in the market, Freeze frames in the harbor. Etc. But sometimes I will get the red latency icon by character switch number 8 or 9. As with the first log in of the day I get DC'd and it shuts down the app. I log back in and no lag and no problems with a fast loading screen.
So my theory is the memory leak with regard to logging (Memory leak which has been mentioned by many others but never seems to get addressed. It only seems to get worse with each update). However I think it may now be staying through application sessions. Meaning if I have a day where I only play one character and didn't relog to another during that day I almost never get the red latency icon the following day on my first log in.
So anyways this is my issue. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing, but I tried to be as specific about how and when it happens. Definitely never happened pre-u14. Now almost once a day since I usually play multiple toons in a given day. I'd love for a dev to respond and say they are aware of it and working on it. Whether it takes them 6 months to do so or not I don't care. So long as I know I'm not the only one and it is on the radar of issues.
Thank you