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  1. #1
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    Default Crash upon login/latency icon

    Pre-u14 Update I had none of these issues. I owuld have no problem logging in. Now:

    My first time logging in almost every day for the day I usually have an issue. I say usually because it is not every day, but more on that in a second as I have a theory why.

    So when the problem occurs I log in as usual (I'm on Cannith server). I enter user name and password and get taken with no issue to my character selection screen. I select any of my characters and then get taken to the loading screen which is usually pretty long (Longer than it used to be pre-u14). So maybe 2 minutes for the blue bar to work its way across the screen and complete and now I see my character on screen and all the surroundings but right in the middle of my buff bar I have the dreaded red latency icon.

    There's nothing that can be done. After about 30 seconds of sitting there the game DCs and I get the pop up saying it is shutting down. So I log back in, enter my password and go to my character selection screen. Whether I pick a different character or the same it makes no difference. I select the character and the loading now is super fast. I'm talking about 10-15 seconds and boom I'm in the game. No red latency or anything. I'm loaded and playing with no issues or lag.

    Later if I quit the game and log back in during the same day I have no issues. The game comes up, and after the character selection screen the loading my take longer, but I never get the red latency icon in the same day (almost never I should say).

    I say almost never because if I'm doing a mail check and logging in through my characters one at a time to get mail and re-post in the AH I will certainly start experiencing lag after the 6th character I've logged into. Rubber banding in the market, Freeze frames in the harbor. Etc. But sometimes I will get the red latency icon by character switch number 8 or 9. As with the first log in of the day I get DC'd and it shuts down the app. I log back in and no lag and no problems with a fast loading screen.

    So my theory is the memory leak with regard to logging (Memory leak which has been mentioned by many others but never seems to get addressed. It only seems to get worse with each update). However I think it may now be staying through application sessions. Meaning if I have a day where I only play one character and didn't relog to another during that day I almost never get the red latency icon the following day on my first log in.

    So anyways this is my issue. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing, but I tried to be as specific about how and when it happens. Definitely never happened pre-u14. Now almost once a day since I usually play multiple toons in a given day. I'd love for a dev to respond and say they are aware of it and working on it. Whether it takes them 6 months to do so or not I don't care. So long as I know I'm not the only one and it is on the radar of issues.

    Thank you

  2. #2


    I believe you are on the right track, but it isn't a memory leak causing the disconnect.

    Your loading times are, and the game isn't rigged to talk during loading apparently to keep the connection alive.

    Now obviously the leaks aren't going to help your loading and will exasperate the issue but they are not the cause else first time loading would never disconnect but I've seen it happen.

    Load times vary from system to system, case to case. This is due to hardware, how the OS is rigged, and what the OS has running.

  3. #3
    Community Member legendlore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    Not sure if anyone else is experiencing, but I tried to be as specific about how and when it happens. Definitely never happened pre-u14. Now almost once a day since I usually play multiple toons in a given day.
    I'm getting this to since u14 aswell (never before), first login almost always disconnect, second login and onwards works like a charm. If I restart the computer it's the same thing all over again.

  4. #4
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    I would agree that Hardware and OS would be the issue if it was consistent. Meaning every time I logged in I got a long load time and latency issue. However after the first log in followed by a game crash the load time is super fast. It comes right up in a matter of seconds.

    As further info I do not power down my PC every night. I work for a global company and (unfortunately) get emails all throughout the 24 cycle. So what I see happening is I log in first time and get the boot. Then I get right in no issues. I play maybe 3-4 characters that day and log off (I.e. exit the app). The next day I come in and log in and I get a slower loading screen but maybe no latency. I play 1-2 characters and log out. The next day I come in and latency issue and booted. I try again and get in and play 6-7 characters, maybe switching back and forth a couple times. The next day I log in an BOOM. I get the latency issue.

    What it seems to me is happening is that despite the shutting the game down., if my PC is still running between sessions I am holding on to some of the game possibly? So as I change characters I build memory leak until I get a latency issue. Once i get that the whole game shuts down and restarts.

    So how is that my hardware? OS? Setup? Again I would agree if it were constant lag, or if I had no pattern of normal play directly following a shut down I would agree. But when I get that latency error that shuts down the whole game something is being reset that has an immediate positive effect on my loading.

    How can that be explained? If you have any suggestions or need more info on my setup, machine, OS let me know and I'd be happy to share if it benefits others. Apologies in advance I'm not super techie so may need some help for more complex info you require.

  5. #5
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    Sorry one last thing I have noticed post u14 is I get a display driver issue. My screen will often freeze (usually after multiple relogs. Almost never after getting booted for the first time and going back in). I get a message saying my display driver has recovered. Happens a couple times throughout the day. More often the more I relog to different characters. I never had this happen pre-u14.

  6. #6
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    Do devs or GMs ever read and respond to these posts? I know there's a know bug issue post, but it would be great to see a "Known technical issues post" that is updated every now and again. Memory leaks I would assume would be near the top.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    Sorry one last thing I have noticed post u14 is I get a display driver issue. My screen will often freeze (usually after multiple relogs. Almost never after getting booted for the first time and going back in). I get a message saying my display driver has recovered. Happens a couple times throughout the day. More often the more I relog to different characters. I never had this happen pre-u14.
    Please follow the 'how to get help' sticky and post your dxdiag:

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    I would agree that Hardware and OS would be the issue if it was consistent. Meaning every time I logged in I got a long load time and latency issue. However after the first log in followed by a game crash the load time is super fast. It comes right up in a matter of seconds.
    What? you've never heard the phrase "Windows likes down time"?
    Given what DDO can do to a system (unless you are an OS guru god) you would be better off rebooting more often than what you do.

    Or get a different PC for your gaming and for your work.
    Although I fail to see what good your PC being on and you getting emails is going to do for you if you are sleeping. Why increase your electrical bill?
    Last edited by Missing_Minds; 08-10-2012 at 02:01 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Daine's Avatar
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    RumbIe, you're not alone, you've described my exact same symptoms. One update and one hotfix later and it's still happening

  10. #10
    Community Member Nuryam's Avatar
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    I had/have the same problem since U14. Sometimes it happened and sometimes it didn't. But only on the 1st character I logged onto the game after being logged out a while.

    I cleaned up my system and defragged the drives. Then put my energy balance full on Performance. And now it seems to be gone. Not sure though, since it has only been a few days. :S

  11. #11
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    I have the same problem, too. So do I need to replace my computer? Any suggestion for new model?

  12. #12
    Community Member Buggss's Avatar
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    I had this problem for quite a while too.

    I increased my virtual memory in the system area of the control panel which seemed to help and cleared some more space on my main hard drive.

    If anything else works for you please post again so we can all benefit from it.
    <------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.

  13. #13
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    I have the exact same issue as the OP.

  14. #14
    Community Member GreyBlaze's Avatar
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    Yup. I'm getting the same problem, only for me, it's every other log in. Literally, every other log in crashes the game. It also appears to crash my router and modem. No idea why that is.

    I had this problem before, and it turned out to be my drivers needing an update. Any idea if that's the same case here?

    While it's annoying as all get out, I can still play the game after trying to log in, crashing, resetting my router and modem, and logging in again.

    Kind of a lot of work to play a game, but that's what's going on.

  15. #15
    Community Member GreyBlaze's Avatar
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    Looks like there's a driver update available. May be the source of my problem again. I'll share if it solves the problem.

  16. #16
    Community Member GreyBlaze's Avatar
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    Well, that didn't fix it. Sill crash on character log in. Still takes out my modem. I don't know what else to do at this point, but basically, DDO is now unplayable on my computer.

    Guess I need to stop paying for it.

  17. #17
    Community Member GreyBlaze's Avatar
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    Actually, let me rephrase that last. It ow crashes every time I log in. Trying to roll back my driver, but that's not going to fix the main problem.

  18. #18
    Community Member GreyBlaze's Avatar
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    Well, the driver rollback helped. I can get in now. Not sure yet if it's back to crashing every other time or not, but at least I can get in.

    If there's something I need to do, I really wish Turbine would let me know. I love DDO and love playing it, but when they update and something changes, the players need to know what to do to keep on enjoying the game.

    I'll submit a ticket, I guess. See if they con find whatever it is that needs to adjusted, box that needs checked, or option that needs turned off.

  19. #19


    The only thing you could do is get faster IO with your system.

    Really, the DC upon log in (that isn't a crash btw) is more on Turbine's end with the client than anything. They never really seem to check for "heartbeats" while loading which is the base cause of this issue.

    Add to it various systems, and various states of systems (aka what is running in the back ground) and it becomes a mad house of "why bother spending effort on this" from a manager's point of view.

    Sort of an M$ stance of fix it with hardware.

    I've used a spare SD card with readyboost. While it hasn't helped DDO much directly, I can multi task much better with it than I could before. So there is a system preformance gain while not much of a gaming preformance gain.

  20. #20
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    I also have teh eact same problem! First load it takes long and always gets the red latency ico and DCs! Other loads are normal.

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