You know how there is an instrument-shaped greatclub for bards called the Mad Lute? Well, I want something like that for my PM. If you're studying necromancy, it's a given that you'll be spending alot of time in graveyards, probably digging up a grave, collecting herbs for spell components, and generally getting dirty. It's not a job for bare hands, so obviously you'll need a shovel, since the Bigby's line of spells don't exist in DDO, and wizard summons don't take orders very well.
If you're surrounded by skeletons (which can be very difficult to insta-kill), it'll be nice to have a heavy blunt weapon handy to smash them to bits when they make a will save vs. Command Undead.
Furthermore, if you try to solo Running With The Devils in vampire form, a shovel is the best thing with which to dig your own grave with.