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  1. #81
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    I'll bite... why not....

    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    Final words...

    I doubt it, your behaviour reeks of wanting attention, even if you indulge in making yourself look as a fool to get it. (Just FYI I am a Certified, although Non-Practicing Psychometrist so I kinda know these things)

    ....snip useless-pointless paragraph....

    As far as hit points go. I am able to overcome most obstacles with 200hp. So i feel more than confident with what i have. If i didnt then i would get more. I am a cleric. I have bears endurance,divine power, stalwart pact,aid. I havent used bears endurance in weeks. Divine power is only used when i melee. aid is used on my summons.

    I left this one for purposes of Humor.

    I think that most of the trolling is obviously from players; who simply cant play. They run to the forums looking for temp builds, copy them, then for a brief few seconds they think they r l337. They then blame each other when the party gets wiped out in room 1 of a instance. Ive been with some good parties and been with some bad ones 2

    Wrong - I recognize some of the people who are trying to help you (via trolling as you claim) and you are quite wrong. (imagine that!)

    So It is my turn to offer some advice. (This is where the real fun starts)

    If you cant survive 3 seconds without being healed, plz go to auction house and buy some new toys. No clue to whom you may be speaking to, other than yourself of course.... although you only require a half-Baked EMPOWERED Cure Light Wounds to top you off! -

    If you are being chased by a monster, please do not run down the hallway and aggro more monsters. Instead at least run back into the area that you have previously cleared. - What if they are "I don't get hit builds like yours, yet require running and Bunny Hopping around the entire quest gathering Mob Aggro unnecessarily? HUH?

    some wisdom 4 u...

    i plan success, not failure.

    You *try* for success and wonder why you fail.

    As for my current equipment that i am wearing. I wear it because i know u r checking it. I do it cuz its funny to me, to have some1 comment on it.

    - Thats a Resourceful Lie in order to try to maintain face.... it does show accelerated brain wave activity, (so you are not a Moron by that only leaves your early childhood year development / environment. So we toss in a pinch of your displayed Narcissism with your potential Megalomania and we may be getting somewhere.)

    I wonder why though, that many players dont have a solo character themselves...

    Most players do (and more than one) . I for one will not play a Build that cannot self-Heal. Period. (even my Barbarian can HealScroll with 95% Success and is HOrc...not HElf)

    - Why? Because I had this nightmare you see.... Adventuring in a Non-Guild Party with a Stubborn, Self Righteous, Narcissistic inching towards MegaloManiac Healer that guarantees a loss of 10% Quest XP because he won't listen to people trying to make him/her better at what he/she is supposed to do.

    And what is worse... when given the opportunity to explain the build (and believe me if you ask anyone that knows me after 6 yrs from Aerenal --> Sarlona... I make Odd Builds.... but they work and I can prove it.

    So since you won't be responding I do want to thank you for at least not being anonymous as that is probably the 2nd biggest reason to tick me off (Cowardice)
    And so it ends.
    Last edited by Dexxaan; 08-08-2012 at 05:38 PM.
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  2. #82
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    [QUOTE=silmwaren;4632546]Final words...

    It has always been a passive curiousity of mine; That people see what they want to see; Even though it is what they see isnt what they think it is. For instance my Characters name is S i l m w a r e n. But quite alot people call me S L I M. Not a big deal when i first meet someone. But after a span of time. i began to wonder about the persons level of reading cognitation.

    My cognitation could be lacking, but I think the word you may have been looking for is 'cognition'. The build is impressive enough, no need to overwhelm us with your vocabulary too.

    Bottom line: your toon may be fine for your personal style of solo play, but you're gimped for party play, nor do you seem cognizant (yep, it's a real word) of the fact. That or you just don't care. Many here have given you solid advice on simple ways to improve your HP, none of which would require you to change your play style. Your decision to not equip improved gear until you assemble a perfect gear set is perplexing. That would be akin to a starving man refusing to eat the steak in front of him because he's still waiting on the salad, potato and side.

    Your build is quite simply a liability to any party attempting quests at or above your level. Just as you have a preferred play style, most others do too, and it generally doesn't involve dragging around someone's soulstone. You can either make some basic and easy changes, or continue enjoying the life of an Eberron hermit. Just don't bother whining about people not wanting to group with you here on the forums, especially when it's the product of your active ignorance. Your explanations have already demonstrated how limited your understanding of the game is.

    Thanks for the thread though, it's been enjoyable reading.

  3. #83
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    Final words...

    It has always been a passive curiousity of mine; That people see what they want to see; Even though it is what they see isnt what they think it is. For instance my Characters name is S i l m w a r e n. But quite alot people call me S L I M. Not a big deal when i first meet someone. But after a span of time. i began to wonder about the persons level of reading cognitation. Ive clearly stated what my plans are when it comes to equipment. So i will be generous and state them once more. That way you wont have to go back and read everything over again. I do plan to incorporate named item gear, as well as fabricate items with specific traits.
    Maybe, just maybe they call you SLIM because they think you misspelled it. Maybe it is not so much their reading comprehension so much as your speaking style. I mean c'mon..

    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    wisdom 4 u
    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    b4 yer
    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    No offense, but this doesn't exactly make you sound like someone who could catch a typo.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    I wonder why though, that many players dont have a solo character themselves...
    Highly laughable. Most of those who have given you advice solo regularly.
    Last edited by LazyTigerLily; 08-08-2012 at 06:27 PM.

  4. #84
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    OMG! This thread is sooo yummy! Good job silmwaren dissing out veterans who are actively training newbs like you on a regular basis.

  5. #85
    Community Member Quetzacoala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    As far as hit points go. I am able to overcome most obstacles with 200hp. So i feel more than confident with what i have. If i didnt then i would get more. I am a cleric. I have bears endurance,divine power, stalwart pact,aid. I havent used bears endurance in weeks. Divine power is only used when i melee. aid is used on my summons.
    These spells that you are listing are not all that impressive for making up for your low hit points; Bear's Endurance and Aid are of extremely limited use in the end game, and I am not all that impressed with Stalwart Pact either. I will agree that Divine Power is a great spell, but it does not contribute much towards your survivability.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    I think that most of the trolling is obviously from players; who simply cant play. They run to the forums looking for temp builds, copy them, then for a brief few seconds they think they r l337. They then blame each other when the party gets wiped out in room 1 of a instance. Ive been with some good parties and been with some bad ones 2.
    Quite frankly, I feel that those who have responded in this thread have either been providing constructive criticism or have been making Monty Python references; they certainly do not deserve to be accused of trolling when they have simply been trying to help. You need to realize that people will not always agree with you and will say why 200 hit points is a bad thing; everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just as you are entitled to yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    If you cant survive 3 seconds without being healed, plz go to auction house and buy some new toys.
    This is simply ridiculous. At times situations can go bad quickly, and how is a barbarian with Cure Serious Wounds potions supposed to keep himself alive when that happens? Granted, many characters can heal themselves via Heal scrolls, but this can require a significant amount of rare gear which many characters may not possess.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    Dont expect the healer to know that you are an @#$^*&&, that will run out of LOS, right b4 yer struck down.
    Wow... really? The class that I most commonly play is a healer, specifically favored souls, and I must tell you that the healer should know who can take a hit and who cannot. It is not exactly rocket science.

    All in all, you are a serious liability to any group that you join, no matter what you say; whether or not you can overcome the 200 hit points, you will most likely be declined from many groups simply because you pose a risk to accept.

    I can understand that if you only ever intend to solo that you do not need over 200 hit points; that is completely fine and if this is the case, then disregard anything that you want to and do your own thing.

    However, if you plan on grouping with others, then you should invest in your hit points.

    I am not trying to troll you, I am honestly trying to help.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    I agree with the feathered marsupial.

  6. #86
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala View Post
    Quite frankly, I feel that those who have responded in this thread have either been providing constructive criticism or have been making Monty Python references; they certainly do not deserve to be accused of trolling when they have simply been trying to help.
    I like the fact that you include Monty Python references as trying to help.
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
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  7. #87
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    poker tell: A discernable, noticeable action, usually subconscious, where an opposing player reveals if he is bluffing, or has a dominating hand.

    time 4 u 2 fold dexxaan

  8. #88


    This reminds me of that 200hp rogue guy.

    I'll be waiting for your future post saying you died in epic easy quests and blaming it all on others

  9. #89
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    This reminds me of that 200hp rogue guy.

    I'll be waiting for your future post saying you died in epic easy quests and blaming it all on others
    I can't wait for him to get to 20 and do eChrono, then. That will be enough drama for a week!
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
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  10. #90
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    poker tell: A discernable, noticeable action, usually subconscious, where an opposing player reveals if he is bluffing, or has a dominating hand.

    time 4 u 2 fold dexxaan
    Also, I love the fact that you complain that people misspell your name as Slimwaren, and then proceed to engage in this eye-gouging display of leetspeak. You have no respect for English ortography, and yet you demand it from others. Hypocrite much?
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
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  11. #91
    Community Member Allorian's Avatar
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    Cool Really??

    Dude, time to fold?? You only have an 18th lvl cleric that you solo on and you think you know this game?? If ya really wanna impress people get into epic lvls and take a gimp build and solo Epic Elite, then I will be impressed!! I take my monk and solo epic hard regularly, it's not a big deal. I've taken DPS and nearly solo'd them to Lvl 20 on Tr's. Btw I know Dexxan and ran with him a time or two and he knows what he's talking about.

    Btw Illendith, I was running that Echrono when that rougue came in after his abilities were nerfed in Echrono unbeknowst to him. While I won't put him down for his build, I will say that it does not pay to tell people how good you are and how you will lead the kill count in the raid and wind up leading the death count!

    Dude, c'mon, we know you are trying to save face and it's starting to backfire on ya! All you are really gonna do is make it so a lot of people who run groups and raids won't let ya in with that kind of attitude. I don't normally post in these rant threads but c'mon dude, really????

    Alllorian, BammmBammm, Choh, Glam, Juggernautte and Sllimm.

  12. #92
    Community Member delsoboss's Avatar
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    I'm from Ghallanda, and i just want to say that this is an impressive display of dedication from you Sarlonian.

    You're still a lot behind Khyber but this is surely the non-khyberite best drama thread i've read in a long time.

    Gratz everyone, keep up the good work!

  13. #93
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delsoboss View Post
    I'm from Ghallanda, and i just want to say that this is an impressive display of dedication from you Sarlonian.

    You're still a lot behind Khyber but this is surely the non-khyberite best drama thread i've read in a long time.

    Gratz everyone, keep up the good work!
    Dude, you have it totally wrong. Sarlona is not known for its drama, it is known for how uber-derpy we are. If you want some good drama, check Cannith

  14. #94
    Community Member delsoboss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LazyTigerLily View Post
    Sarlona is not known for its drama
    That's why i said you're showing great dedication: drama is a field in which you're not specialized and generally some other server is better (with Khyber light-years ahead), but this thread rocks.

    Orien tried in the past months but it's all OR-centric drama and gets old fast, i've seen some movement in Cannith recently but nothing impressive (for me at least).

    But this Slim Shady Guy you got, he's doing a great job.

  15. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Allorian View Post
    Btw Illendith, I was running that Echrono when that rougue came in after his abilities were nerfed in Echrono unbeknowst to him. While I won't put him down for his build, I will say that it does not pay to tell people how good you are and how you will lead the kill count in the raid and wind up leading the death count!
    I was mostly refering to this

  16. #96
    Community Member Allorian's Avatar
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    Cool Yepper

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I was mostly refering to this
    As was I.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I was mostly refering to this
    Ahh... the good ol'days. No one understands the 200hp club, am I right?
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

  18. #98
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Wow! Amazed this thread is still going.

    So let me get the gist of what's happened so far.

    1. After telling his story of getting rejected by a group, new guy comes along claims he is extremely good at the game even though his gear, build, and stats more than likely state otherwise.

    2. Next, old veterans attempt explain why the new guy's issue occurred and give him advice on what he should try and do to improve his character.

    3. Afterwards, the new guy laughs in the veterans' faces claiming they are all trolling and don't know anything even though they've been playing the game for far longer than the new guy.

    4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 indefinitely.

    That about sum it up guys?

    I also can't help, but have him remind me of a certain FF7 themed character who had a FvS that he claimed was amazing.

    Oh, and slimwaren, give me a heads up when you reach level 20. I'd love to pike some Shavarath elites while you're amazing character solos them. I mean since he is so awesome.
    Characters: Cardan | Rifte | Feylicia | Warmin | Reimi | Catrini | Deadpugs | Crankthis
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  19. #99
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grieve View Post
    Oh, and slimwaren, give me a heads up when you reach level 20. I'd love to pike some Shavarath elites while you're amazing character solos them. I mean since he is so awesome.
    He's already 18, should be more than enough. It's all about running in a stop sign pattern, man.
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
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  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grieve View Post
    Wow! Amazed this thread is still going.

    So let me get the gist of what's happened so far.

    1. After telling his story of getting rejected by a group, new guy comes along claims he is extremely good at the game even though his gear, build, and stats more than likely state otherwise.

    2. Next, old veterans attempt explain why the new guy's issue occurred and give him advice on what he should try and do to improve his character.

    3. Afterwards, the new guy laughs in the veterans' faces claiming they are all trolling and don't know anything even though they've been playing the game for far longer than the new guy.

    4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 indefinitely.

    That about sum it up guys?

    I also can't help, but have him remind me of a certain FF7 themed character who had a FvS that he claimed was amazing.

    Oh, and slimwaren, give me a heads up when you reach level 20. I'd love to pike some Shavarath elites while you're amazing character solos them. I mean since he is so awesome.
    Agreed, again.
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

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