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  1. #21
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eighnuss View Post
    I would rather buy 10 silver flame pots than have your soulstone scale my quest.
    I lold XD

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    Hello to you too. Good for you if you are enjoying the game. But tosay a 200 hp 1300 sp cleric is awesome at lvl 20 is a bit far fetched. I think I ran a demon queen raid with you on my sorcerer yesterday, rather soloed it with you in party. I am happy to help new players and ensure you have a good experience. but running to forum because you got kicked out over very legitimate reasons is silly. There is always place for improvement.
    Hola Thaxlsillyia...
    Yes, that was me yesterday. Thank you for helping me. I guess i should elaborate more about my characters condition.

    The reason why i have 200 hitpoints is because ive found that it is currently more than sufficient. I could add more yes, but at this point i have no reason to do so. That is not 2 say that my character isnt going to add more hp,sp in the future would b wrong.

    I do plan to add skills, stats, etc, items when i am finally satisified with the items i desire to have. I have most of my best items in the bank. I am constantly reviewing ddowiki, and several other sites. I analyze every potential item that my character would be allowed to use. Its like trying to fit together a jigsaw puzzle. When i am finally satisfied with the combination of items, that is when I will utilize them.
    For instance; ive found the scepter of healing 2 be worthless, but the staff of fleshmaking is perfect for my character. I also spend time researching crafting. I know that with crafting and power items, I will become the character the community wants me 2 be.

    But as it stands my character will remain as is. I desire to keep it this way because i enjoy the challenge. If it isnt near impossible to succeed; then i find it boring. I have to be challenged. If its not challenging then i find it a waste of time. I rarely play normal difficulty. If its not elite or hard i wont do it.
    But i also know my limitations. There wasnt even a slight chance of me completing the quest you helped me with yesterday. I enjoyed watching you. I was just like ***!

    As for my initial post; I was tired of same people bashing me. They are the players who copy builds from other players; and still cant kill a kobold.

    I know that i am more than an adequate party healer for any party. Because i know how to keep myself alive. If you have fear of a 200hp healer then maybe you should look at your own character. This is my observation of a good/bad party. If i can stand in one spot and heal; thats a good party. If i have 2 run around avoiding mobs thats a bad party. If mobs are attacking the healer, Well youre about as useful as a 199hp cleric!

    none of the comments above are directed 2 u thaxlsillyia

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    But as it stands my character will remain as is. I desire to keep it this way because i enjoy the challenge.
    But as it stands, you will still get denied/removed from groups because you will be incapable of fulfilling the role(s) required of you. I desire to keep it this way because I enjoy success.

    The post below me describes perfectly a necro 2 pug I was in yesterday on sarlona. I think it was the swimming quest, shadow lord i think.
    Last edited by Eighnuss; 08-05-2012 at 01:14 PM.

  4. #24
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    I don't kick people with low hp if I am desperate to fill that spot. Case in point, I needed a firewaller for some necro 2 quests. A wiz applied that was level 7 and had 67 hp. I kept him in hopes of his firewall helping. he died 12 times and never cast a single firewall. BUT we completed. so I got my xp, flagged for shadow crypt and fantastically funny story to tell my guildies. Win all around. I wouldn't kick a 200 hp cleric out of my group. I would just have several rez scrolls handy.
    Main toon Gromphia I have others but that is really the only one I play

  5. #25
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    all i can say is that your 200 hp clerics can be made better if you want to and accept that there is room for improvement.

    to start with you need some understanding of the spells you have. no excuse for not having and knowing how divine punishment works, or blade barrier.
    Last edited by Thaxlsillyia; 08-05-2012 at 01:53 PM.
    Thaxlsillyia: Proud officer of Halfling Commandos

  6. #26
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    hola sarlona... greeting and <snip>
    You started out fine. And then you whined that you built a character that can't kill mobs when in quests under your level and don't have enough HP to survive one shot by Harry in Shroud normal.

    And you came here for sympathy?

  7. #27
    Community Member twigzz's Avatar
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    I'm guessing your a 0% fortification kind of guy too?

  8. #28
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    I just took a look at the OP's gear and I really want to send him a few things. Yes, he is a 0% fortification 200 hp cleric.

    @ the OP. You should be warned that stat items, and your two sacred items do not stack. That globe of imperial blood is cool and all, but it's not really doing anything for you. Well... it is giving you +2 con, but +6 is much more useful.

  9. #29
    Community Member Zyerz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    Hola Thaxlsillyia...
    Yes, that was me yesterday. Thank you for helping me. I guess i should elaborate more about my characters condition.

    The reason why i have 200 hitpoints is because ive found that it is currently more than sufficient. I could add more yes, but at this point i have no reason to do so. That is not 2 say that my character isnt going to add more hp,sp in the future would b wrong.

    I do plan to add skills, stats, etc, items when i am finally satisified with the items i desire to have. I have most of my best items in the bank. I am constantly reviewing ddowiki, and several other sites. I analyze every potential item that my character would be allowed to use. Its like trying to fit together a jigsaw puzzle. When i am finally satisfied with the combination of items, that is when I will utilize them.
    For instance; ive found the scepter of healing 2 be worthless, but the staff of fleshmaking is perfect for my character. I also spend time researching crafting. I know that with crafting and power items, I will become the character the community wants me 2 be.

    But as it stands my character will remain as is. I desire to keep it this way because i enjoy the challenge. If it isnt near impossible to succeed; then i find it boring. I have to be challenged. If its not challenging then i find it a waste of time. I rarely play normal difficulty. If its not elite or hard i wont do it.
    But i also know my limitations. There wasnt even a slight chance of me completing the quest you helped me with yesterday. I enjoyed watching you. I was just like ***!

    As for my initial post; I was tired of same people bashing me. They are the players who copy builds from other players; and still cant kill a kobold.

    I know that i am more than an adequate party healer for any party. Because i know how to keep myself alive. If you have fear of a 200hp healer then maybe you should look at your own character. This is my observation of a good/bad party. If i can stand in one spot and heal; thats a good party. If i have 2 run around avoiding mobs thats a bad party. If mobs are attacking the healer, Well youre about as useful as a 199hp cleric!

    none of the comments above are directed 2 u thaxlsillyia

    No offense at all, but it is YOU who needs to take a closer look at your character. Most of us here are trying to help you. If you don't want our advice, then don't take it. But don't expect parties to let you stay for long.

    "Hikari datte, yami datte, kitto"

    Into light, into darkness, surely.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    If you have fear of a 200hp healer then maybe you should look at your own character. This is my observation of a good/bad party. If i can stand in one spot and heal; thats a good party. If i have 2 run around avoiding mobs thats a bad party. If mobs are attacking the healer, Well youre about as useful as a 199hp cleric!
    see, this I have a problem with. now, I might be reading this wrong but this is what I am hearing:
    "In parties that are crashing the quest, and have no need of a healer, I can stand back and pike, and everything is fine. If I have to actually do something, like kill a mob or try to stay alive, than I am in a typical pug, and can't handle it."

    I run plenty of quests byoh (I'll let you figure out what that means), and sometimes get a divine caster in there. Some of them are happy to pike, others run behind me and throw 3-4 heals throughout the quest, and others still are actually pulling their weight. To pull your weight as a divine caster, I expect you to get agro, I expect you to kill and finish objectives by yourself, and I expect you not to call for me to help because two mobs are trying to hit you. (btw, these are my expectation from any class, if they want to be useful to the quest). So you telling me that if you have to run around avoiding mobs (why not just destruct/slay/implod them, may I ask?) you are in a bad group, doesn't cut it.

    You ran DQ with thaxi? sounds like you were a soulstone most of the time. this is a level 12(!!) raid. how will you do in a level 14 raid? 17? 20?

  11. #31
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    I guess i am not explaining myself, or my statements are pre-discounted before being read. Which causes one to be unable to understand the reasoning behind it.

    fact 1: I play better solo than when i am with a party.

    fact 2: i am collecting items and gathering materials for crafting to build a set of named items+crafted items to create a set of items that will enhance all degrees of melee, ranged, spell attack/defense.

    fact 3. i switch out items(weapons,armor,trinkets...) based upon how i want 2 approach a quest. For instance if im going to do a melee heavy quest, i use archery or other ranged attacks.

    I change items frequently. If im going to use a bow then i dont need fortification, because i dont let anything near me.

    Thats part of being a solo player. You have to have the ability to change to match what quest you are attempting. This takes alot of items to be able to achieve.

    Im a lvl 18 cleric and 90% of it ive acheived on my own. I only do elites or hard. Very rarely do i do normal. I know that most of you dont understand this; but thats ok.

    As i have stated earlier; i am working on collecting and crafting things that will provide a stronger viable character that will meet and be beyond what you would require of a healer. But, for some of you; im sure you dont need to be told; i wont be sharing the bread i sowed, prepared, and baked.

    But, sarlona community let us stop this pointless circle. Lets get 2 know each other instead of going in circles...

  12. #32
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    For instance if im going to do a melee heavy quest, i use archery or other ranged attacks.
    Just because someone is going to say it, I'll get it out of the way...

    Melee is hand to hand combat.

    Ranged is damaging things from a distance.

    Just helps to get the terminology straight so people don't focus on the details that you don't want them to.

    So, a quest where you must kill many things, you tend to use ranged attacks. You don't melee at all (hand-to-hand combat) so you don't feel the need to have many HP or fortification.

    If it works for you, cheers! I will echo the others that group play will be difficult for you so if you are offended (as you seem to be) at being dropped from a group over HP, don't bother with grouping.

    I do think it's great that it's working for you, though.
    A PUG is like a box of chocolates
    Get people to read your post.

  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    fact 1: I play better solo than when i am with a party. Then who would want to have you as a healer in their party? If you play worse in a party then there's something wrong about you, not them.

    fact 2: i am collecting items and gathering materials for crafting to build a set of named items+crafted items to create a set of items that will enhance all degrees of melee, ranged, spell attack/defense. That is no excuse to not use previously recommended items until you have all you are looking for.

    fact 3. i switch out items(weapons,armor,trinkets...) based upon how i want 2 approach a quest. For instance if im going to do a melee heavy quest, i use archery or other ranged attacks.

    I change items frequently. If im going to use a bow then i dont need fortification, because i dont let anything near me. You always need fortification.

    Thats part of being a solo player. You have to have the ability to change to match what quest you are attempting. This takes alot of items to be able to achieve. I've soloed 80% of my 19 lives, if not more and I rarely swap anything. It does not take a lot of items to accomplish. Just one set of good items that you keep all the time. The only things I swap are clickies, umd items and weapons depending on mobs.

    Im a lvl 18 cleric and 90% of it ive acheived on my own. I only do elites or hard. Very rarely do i do normal. I know that most of you dont understand this; but thats ok. I'm getting close to having 1000 elite streak and I'm pretty sure most of the people who have answered in this thread run stuff on elite all the time. All the advice that was given to you is aimed at elite content, yet you seem to be missing the point entirely.

    As i have stated earlier; i am working on collecting and crafting things that will provide a stronger viable character that will meet and be beyond what you would require of a healer. But, for some of you; im sure you dont need to be told; i wont be sharing the bread i sowed, prepared, and baked. Least you're trying to be more than a nannybot, I'll give you that.

    But, sarlona community let us stop this pointless circle. Lets get 2 know each other instead of going in circles...
    I think we've learned quite a lot from your posts already. Not pretty right now unfortunately.
    Comments in glorious red

  14. #34
    Community Member Allorian's Avatar
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    Cool Invest in HP's.

    [QUOTE=silmwaren;4627631]I guess i am not explaining myself, or my statements are pre-discounted before being read. Which causes one to be unable to understand the reasoning behind it.

    fact 1: I play better solo than when i am with a party.

    fact 2: i am collecting items and gathering materials for crafting to build a set of named items+crafted items to create a set of items that will enhance all degrees of melee, ranged, spell attack/defense.

    fact 3. i switch out items(weapons,armor,trinkets...) based upon how i want 2 approach a quest. For instance if im going to do a melee heavy quest, i use archery or other ranged attacks.

    I change items frequently. If im going to use a bow then i dont need fortification, because i dont let anything near me.

    Thats part of being a solo player. You have to have the ability to change to match what quest you are attempting. This takes alot of items to be able to achieve.

    Im a lvl 18 cleric and 90% of it ive acheived on my own. I only do elites or hard. Very rarely do i do normal. I know that most of you dont understand this; but thats ok.

    As i have stated earlier; i am working on collecting and crafting things that will provide a stronger viable character that will meet and be beyond what you would require of a healer. But, for some of you; im sure you dont need to be told; i wont be sharing the bread i sowed, prepared, and baked.

    I think the main thing people are trying to say is the need for investing in Hp's. In lower content ya can get away with stats that are lower than normal but when ya get to end game content you will find that the challenge is above what your character can currently do. I have ran a lot of raids on this server and when I get someone who has a character that is challenged in one way or another in party I will usually give em a chance but have a plan B in place if and when things go bad. There have been numerous posts on investing in Hp's not only on Sarlona but DDO as well. Learning to solo on harder content will make you a better player as you will learn to play your toon more efficient so that when you get into groups you will be more help, the only thing to take into consideration is dungeon scaling as the monsters have less H'ps, ac, saves, etc which makes soloing much easier than people realize. I can see that you have discovered that the forums is not the place to take a rant to for having a dispute with another player as it will usually end up backfiring on ya sooner or later. If you need any advice on building more Hp's, better AC, SP or anything feel free to contact me either via mesage or in game. Good luck to you young man and I wish you well.

    Allorian, BammmBammm, Choh, Glam, Juggernautte and Sllimm

  15. #35
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    I guess i am not explaining myself, or my statements are pre-discounted before being read. Which causes one to be unable to understand the reasoning behind it.

    fact 1: I play better solo than when i am with a party. If so, why would anyone want you in their party? You can barely do quests on hard overlevel.

    fact 2: i am collecting items and gathering materials for crafting to build a set of named items+crafted items to create a set of items that will enhance all degrees of melee, ranged, spell attack/defense. Heavy fortification plate/robes and belts of GFL are a dime a dozen in the auction house, especially after level 15 or so (the expensive ones are normally lower in ML for twink gear). There's no excuse for not having it

    fact 3. i switch out items(weapons,armor,trinkets...) based upon how i want 2 approach a quest. For instance if im going to do a melee heavy quest, i use archery or other ranged attacks. You're a cleric. You can cast blade barrier. Why in blazes would non-manyshot non 10k stars be better than that?

    I change items frequently. If im going to use a bow then i dont need fortification, because i dont let anything near me. Yes, you do need fortification, but you'll only realize it when you get a **** 100% fort item and stop dying to a slap in the wrist.

    Thats part of being a solo player. You have to have the ability to change to match what quest you are attempting. This takes alot of items to be able to achieve. No it doesn't. I can solo most stuff switching nothing but my weapons/scrolls and the occasional feather fall. At higher levels of play (meaning endgame raids, and stuff), you're going to see people with separate gearsets for max dps/utility and tanking. In your case, at least +6 stats on con, cha, wis, heavy fort, GFL, devotion and impulse should feature in your gearset, regardless of the situation.

    Im a lvl 18 cleric and 90% of it ive acheived on my own. I only do elites or hard. Very rarely do i do normal. I know that most of you dont understand this; but thats ok.
    Again, soloing hards overlevel on one of the most solo-friendly classes in the game can hardly be called an achievement.

    As i have stated earlier; i am working on collecting and crafting things that will provide a stronger viable character that will meet and be beyond what you would require of a healer. But, for some of you; im sure you dont need to be told; i wont be sharing the bread i sowed, prepared, and baked.

    But, sarlona community let us stop this pointless circle. Lets get 2 know each other instead of going in circles... No, thanks. I deal enough with stubborn people outside ddo.
    Comments in shades of deep purple
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
    Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
    Buy my stuff!

  16. #36
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    Dear OP, I'm happy to know that, you are doing well in soloing hard and elite difficulty quests. However if you want to join my PUG please get at least 100% fort and 300 hp, otherwise I'll hire the level 16 hireling Althea (300 hp, 2215 sp) and be done with it! One of my guildies once grouped with a similar 0 fort Arcane Archer cleric (though the cleric had over 300 hp and 1800 sp) but died so many times, after the quest my guildy gave him/her a free set of tapestries to craft Minos Legens.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by silmwaren View Post
    Hello Sarlona community!

    You invited me to help your party do 2 mired. I said sure, you rudely kicked me out because of 200hp. Thats fine. But, if you are afraid of having a 200hp healer in your party, well that means that you and the other party members arent doing there characters job.
    Hello stranger. I first want to point out that you having 200hps is not really the issue. From what I can see just from your post, you are too incompatent to care about said parties you join. If you enjoy playing solo so much, then do it, dont come to the forum and cry when someone hurts your feelings.

    As for people kicking you from groups, I understand where you are coming from. You enjoy your char. the way it is and stay proud of that, no one else has to play your char. only you. Stick to your standards and rock on.

    As for people being afraid of a 200hp healer. They aren't afraid of you, 9 times out of 10, especially in my groups, people understand the difficulty of said quest and don't want you to be a hinderance. You say you are aware of your surroundings and dont get hit, good god man you are a genius! Someone give this man a prize >insert cookie here< . It isn't you they are afraid of, it is the experience they have had with people like 555 that do absolutely nothing to support the team. Key word here being TEAM. Its probably not you as a person either, as said before it is the experience they have had with other players.

    Moral of this story, don't take things personally. Although DDO is amazingly fun, it is not real life. There is no reason in this world to stress out over it, enjoy the game before it enjoys you.

    Lastly, all of the char. of mine that I currently play are in my Sig. below. Look me up if you need someone to run with that will never laugh you out of a party due to HP's. Prove yourself to me in a mature way and your welcome in my groups. Just don't expect me to take you into an Epic Elite quest expecting you to survive the 200dmg per hit trash mobs, I will through a res.
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

  18. #38
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twigzz View Post
    I'm guessing your a 0% fortification kind of guy too?
    Don't need fort if you dont get hit.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  19. 08-06-2012, 09:35 AM

  20. #39
    Hero Gawna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeebaNeighba View Post
    It's not just a low HP thing, it's how simple it is to get it to a decent number. You'll run across +6 Con gear and greater false life in random loot. Con +6 appears on belts, rings, and necklaces, and Greater False Life is on belts, rings, and I think armor and sheilds as well (if you're lucky, you might get them both on the same ring or belt...but even I haven't found any of those yet).
    ToD belts have Con+6 and GFL.
    Awnoo . Mayonnaise . Cellebrian . Gawnaball . Gawna . Gawnaderp .
    Gawnasorc . Mamadapolis . Gawnahjeal . Winnar .
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    Gawno is excrement; Gawna is excellent.

  21. #40
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    ToD belts have Con+6 and GFL.
    And random loot versions are only L21.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

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