Dear OP I am sorry your thread has been trolled into meaningless dribble.
For those too ignorant or whatnot to grasp what the OP was talking about allow me to explain what I deduce they where speaking of.
The OP from the sound of things was happily and quietly soloing some content they enjoyed and felt comfortable with when they almost certainly received a very rudely worded request to drop what they where doing and come assist this other group of strangers.
Almost certainly needling comments and outright threats and insults where used to browbeat the OP into dropping their quest and joining the others group. The needler/leader of this questionable group who was so incompetent they actually NEEDED a nannybot, saw the low HP of a character mainly used for solo/casual play which is perfectly viable for all but raid specced builds and booted them without a word.
So now the OP was without a group and perhaps a social outlet they where eager to participate in and the quest they had already spent time on solo was now automatically reset. Leaving them feeling frustrated at both the community and the game.
Although I cant know for sure this has happened, as a player of solo battle cleric builds I have received many pleas to come heal them, rarely worded with even a hint of civility,and one of the main reasons I and so many other clerics go /ANON as soon as we log on. I have also been in groups where the leader treats those on support duty with such poor behavior as to drive me to use the feared grease on the POS as ideal times then take the stone far out of reach of the poor badgered clerics. Once I even sacrificed myself taking a ****** bag far out into a lake of lave and sinking his stone to the bottom then using res cakes to get myself back out just to make a point. The star makes know one anothers master.
I put forth the idea that the OPs rant is more about having been pushed into a bad mood by thoughtless players rather then because of some ignorance on their own part. If they are happy with their character that is enough, if another ask for their aid then they really have no business judging the build that is willing to help them. Especially clerics who are going to be in shorter and shorter supply.
OP, I'm curious exactly what you need or consider important stat wise and equipment wise?
To the OP.
I'm sure that for your current style of play your HP total is not a cause of concern.
If you are a good player with 200HP, just a very few tweaks and you will be a good player with 400 HP.
If you intend to progress much further you are going to come across all sorts of situations where 200 HP will leave you dead in a single hit. Could be a Spell, a Boss or a Trap.
As the Healer being so squishy will automatically leave the PL and group worrying because as the Healer keeping you alive is crucial to the success of the run.
Lots of players in this thread have tried to tell you in a friendly manner that your hit points are not sufficient for endgame play.
Also find a kindly experienced player and run through an item list. Not sure if ur f2p or not ?
You may either accept this friendly advice or ignore it
Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 08-06-2012 at 12:05 PM.
Dear Karavek
Although the Protector inside of you has tried Gallantly to defend the Noob from the Legions of Forum Trolls........ allow me to explain that the past is the past and I could care less about why he's posting. It has absolutely zero bearing on the follow ups and replies you defend.
I do care about the fact that he did post (and arrogantly so) pretending to justify his sorry 182 HP existence with conceptual justifications and zero Data to back up the claims.
If he continues to to solo play then IMO more power to him, BUT if he pretends to join a PUG (in which you, or I may be in) then the Trolling (as you have labeled it) is beyond justified and imperative that it be seen as the constructive criticism that it mostly is.
Failure to do so will only create more of these Newbtard types and ruin a really cool game I have enjoyed for a long time. (Of course the funny thing is I rarely use Healers or Hirelings unless in a House C Challenge)
Anyway, at least hes not anonymous, which does show some personality.
Last edited by Dexxaan; 08-06-2012 at 11:58 AM.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Forget about raids just send him/her to the f2p quest servants of the overlord in elite with full party![]()
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
I would expect to get booted from parties without notice if I only had 200 HP. It's just the way it is.
I think you'll learn that there are certain situations that, no matter how good your defenses are, 200 HP isn't going to cut it. I wouldn't boot you from a raid, but don't be offended when I try to get a third healer. It's called insurance.
I personally think that everyone's entitled to play the character they want to.
When asked, "What are we going to do tonight?" the only acceptable answer is, "The same thing we do every night...Try to take over the world!"
Sarlona - Auralana, Orcalana, JuicyLucy, Aquani, Wistia, Aurabella, Guildy, etc. If you see the last name Hather, it's either me or the hubby.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
X marks the spot Karavek...
to bad i didnt post what u posted. i get like dozens of tells a day. Its always hey come help us. Its really nice when you keep every1 alive and sometimes sacrificing your character 2 save some1 from a boss. Then they loot the chest and zip right on out of the instance while u r still ghosting.
and 2 stormraiser
blind immunity
poison immunity
disease immunity
damage reduction
spell resistance types(acid,fire,cold,sonic...)
cleric spell enhancement- void,light,heal
reflex save boost
not sure if i am correct about this part...
but if i have blind,poison,disease immunity, will i still need fortitude save enhancements?
I pretty much annihilate undead, humanoids arent much either i run them through blade barrier n then finish them off with a bow or melee(longsword/khopesh)
On grouped casters i usually buff with spell resists(all types) and use flesh shaping staff and use destruction with fast cast feat activated. As there group gets smaller i use harm then pop them with a bow enhanced with something that they are weak against(cold,fire,acid,crit chance)
I tend 2 avoid spells that have are dot and affect only a single target. its best to kill the threats quickly before they have a chance to do some chains on u.
thanks 2 the both of u
p.s.(edit) i also am i fan of disruption, banishing, vorpal, enhanced weapons. ranged and melee. this helps out alot.
Last edited by silmwaren; 08-06-2012 at 04:28 PM.
Yes you might need fortitude disintegrate from anything at level will do 200+ damage. Also avoiding instakill spells (you can get deathblock for that...) but I'm not quite sure about that...finger of death will average 200+ damage on a save, at caster level 20 with no spellpower boosts.
There are a lot of powerful spells that are near impossible to avoid without'll want HP for them. This includes...Destruction (if you save), finger of death (if you save), powerful AoE's and ray spells at close range (meteor swarm, necrotic ray and horrid wilting are particularly noticeable as they have near irresistable damage types), blade barrier will tear you apart if you can't avoid it (like if it's cast right around you), also many bosses can rip you up with other spells since they often have ridiculous CR and thus a high caster level. Like Suulomades on elite difficulty (he shows up in level 18 and 20 raids, around your level) will chain lightning and delayed blast fireball the room for 300+ damage, and that's with protection from elements on. They have hit for near 500 on unprepared characters.
If you can prepare for poison/ can probably get good HP'll probably die from low HP way more than you will poison or disease (and you can prepare spells to remove them if you get hit by them anyway...which has a good chance of happening now that those items don't even grant immunity anymore just a bonus to saves). If you have general DR gear then spearblock isn't all that useful (they don't stack). You can cast the resist energy spell, no need to use gear for that (although your post doesn't exactly say where your resists are coming from).
I was intentionally trying to avoid as much grinding/farming and p2p content as possible.
i use...
prot. from elements, spell resistance, resist energy type(x), death ward, and what i consider my aces in the hole- death pact, unyielding sovereignty.
also nimbus of light is pretty reliable since it is always virtually castable.
virtually a successful run comes down 2 making it past activated trap fields.
i use eschew materials due 2 the fact that i need inventory space.
i can attest that a beholder rays range is well beyond what is stated in its specs...
and if the devs could improve the AI of summons...
I mean seriously when a summon casts a fire based spell on a high level fire elemental... well u know...
the 2 somewhat major issues i am trying to resolve are hp, and sp regen. Is there something out there that isnt as hard to get a hold of as something like torc of raiyum?
I can clear out dungeon areas before hitting a shrine. but i have to rely on them. A 1 shrine instance adds considerable time. 2 shrines and its bad day for mobville.
but 1 shrine...
tyvm to all the posters who have showed kindness and maturity.
I really love this game. Its pretty close to what ive wanted from a mmorpg. Ive played alot of them 2. But DDO n UO so far are my all time favs.
Slay living, destruction and implosion. Paired with blade barrier (could use a symbol of death or enervate or energy drain depending on your DC) and you don't have to worry about ticking health down.
Yes. A greensteel item (could be goggles, helm, boots, necklace, bracers, belt or gloves) with Concordant Opposition. Is a two shard recipe and requires that you run the shroud. (my favorite crafting tool is the ddo game guide a link to download is in the first post).
And as a cleric your hp regeneration should be positive energy aura and bursts, which can be made to tick pretty high with the right gear/feats. (devotion item and empower healing.)
It is going to mean healing a raid (12 people) and you may find it difficult to get into groups as you are currently geared/standing hps. Though you are totally welcome to join us Friday nights for drunken raids
Also, your previous post touched on a huge pet peeve of mine. I hate getting random tells from people asking me to heal their pugs. It makes me especially grumpy if I get tells the second I log in. If I want to run whatever quest you have listed, I will hit your LFM. Quit it, I don't want to go anonymous! /curmudgeon
Haha. It never procs though. I get SP back from it maybe once or twice a quest unless I intentionally block with it. Also...greensteel is pretty grindy too. You'll just get it for sure after a set amount of grinding, unlike the torc.
Plus if you are really avoiding hits like a boss, even the torc is meaningless.
75 Yugoloth favor gives access to the yugoloth potions (requires access to the Devils of Shavarath pack) can buy the int based one and it ticks back 1 SP every six seconds. Very slow and amounts to 150 SP over 15 minutes...but you can buy the pots and use them at the start of any quest you think you'll need the SP.
Mysterious Bauble also requires access to the Devils of Shavarath pack. It drops in the Weapons Shipment quest, and once per rest, you can use a clicky on it to effectively get a major SP pot's worth of spellpoints back. It's a very rare drop, and is probably more grindy than the torc (but you may get it sooner because Weapons Shipment is not a raid, so it doesn't have a timer).
Xachosian Eardweller is something that drops in the dreaming dark pack. If you use the clicky on it, you'll get a small bonus to spell'll also catch a disease. If you let the disease tick its full 5 minutes, you get a Xachosian Larva. These restore 3 SP every 6 seconds for 2 minutes for a total of 57 SP. They are destroyed on logout or after 1 hour of questing, but you can sit in a tavern if you're bored and make an unlimited number of them.
Ring of Spell Storing has a clicky (3/rest) to give back 25 spell points (more for an artificer...the SP returned is based on the caster level of the clicky but only artificers can modify that). It drops in the explorer area from a specific chest, but it has a low drop rate. It is unbound, but you'll end up paying big plat on the auction house for gets close to 7 figure amounts. It can technically be upgraded to epic. But you'll need extreme luck for could run epic demon queen for years, every 3 days, and never get the shard.
Vile Blasphemy drops from the abbot raid (requires Necropolis 4)...I believe it restores 2d6 SP every 6(?) seconds for 2(?) minutes...I can't remember some of the details right now. It is not exclusive, unlike most of the other stuff in this list. The clicky is 3/rest when the gloves are upgraded, 1/rest otherwise.
Twisted Talisman requires the Red Fens pack (I think...I've never bothered to get one since I don't own Red Fens). It restores 50 SP at the cost of some HP. The clicky is 3/rest on the normal version, and 5/rest on the epic version. While both the regular and epic versions are exclusive, you can have one of each in your inventory should you actually get them.
That's all I remember now...sadly none of these are in f2p content.
Another drop from the abbot raid, the Staff of the Petitioner, reduces SP costs by 10% while it is held.
And get efficient metamagic equipment for each metamagic you use. Take 2 or 3 of the efficient empower healing enhancements...they go a pretty decent way towards letting your SP pool last. If you take all 3 enhancements and get equipment for efficient empowered healing...whoa it's down to 4 SP :O
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~