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  1. #1
    Community Member chaosslave2's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default The Silver Legion Periodical -Volume #1 Issue #2

    4 August, 2012 - Issue 2

    Welcome to the 2nd installment of The Silver Legion Periodical. To view the full list of previous issues see our Issue Archives Come share in our guild members antics. They have been busy running through dark dungeons, dense forests, and into other realms in search of adventure and glory. Here we have listed some of those adventures below for you to enjoy.

    Greetings Everyone,
    Our inaugural edition being the success that it was, we decided to definitely continue with Issue 2, where we continue to impress you with how uber our gimpness is! We get so many great submissions that it's just not possible to include them all, and we consider that to be a good problem. The thing is, our members just continue to do what they do best - get thmeselves into, and then out of, the zaniest trouble (read:fun!) the game has to offer. This week, join us in our Dragon! Edition, as we say hello to one iconic Dragon of DDO and welcome a soon to be another.
    - Jinguizu of Cannith, The Silver Legion Guild Leader
    Mistindantacles, Guild Medieval Realm Leader

    Aside from general questing with our guild members another popular activity is running in static groups. Our members form bonds of friendship and comradarie while sharing many hours of jovial questing with their guildmates. Here we have one such example, the Sunday Static group just hanging around in house Jorasco.
    From the left, our new cleric Maysie (Sc00by), our wily rogue Susurri (Justonemick), our well-healed fighter Kramor (Maisocks), our ever-popular bard Aeilond (HarleyHog), our dashing pyromaniac sorceror Stavarice (Horkster), and the latest addition to the group, our pajama punching DPSer Synshi (DVS1). I thought the pets made nice bookends there, too.

    The Kings Forest is a dangerous place with fearsome creatures. The Silver Legion is always ready to lend a helping hand. Here we have Aethalsage, Perfectstorm, and Tuneabomber coming to the aid of the Knight Aspirant - Jobun Fyfe against the Dragon Urklauth.

    Velah poses for a picture! Our own Stavandal sent us a letter explaining -
    "Dear Silver Legion, Here was an amusing picture, taken after an Epic Vault of Night run. I've noticed that Velah is quite the Little Miss Diva Dragon, she usually hustles right offstage after the raid completes, but this evening she deigned to hang out with us common folk for a little while afterwards. Everyone else in the raid party was more interested in the raid loot, but I seized my chance to get close to a real life rock star while I could. I was nervous, being a lowly intimitank and all, but she was very sweet in person, and even agreed to pose for a picture with me. What a sweetheart! I was so thrilled. She even politely obliged me when I asked for her autograph! I will treasure this moment forever! Sincerely, Stavandal"

    Elyzia continues her search for the perfect pet.

    Guild Medieval, founded in March of 2001, is committed to providing a drama free, family oriented, people focused gaming environment for its members across a multitude of online games. If this sounds like what you've been looking for, come check us out at
    Last edited by chaosslave2; 08-05-2012 at 06:55 PM.
    Officer of The Silver Legion on Cannith

  2. #2
    Community Member Horkster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Cliffhanger!

    Will Elyzia ever find the perfect pet? I can't wait to find out...

    Stavandal - Guild Leader of 'The Silver Legion' of Cannith, a part of Guild Medieval

  3. #3
    Community Member Olds-cool's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    I feel a little bit of the rainbow might need to join in on the fun... We have some nice resort spa snapshots.

    Olds, Proud Member of The Silver Legion on Cannith

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