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Thread: Spot DC limit?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Spot DC limit?

    According to the DDO Compendium, only Rogues can Spot traps with a DC over 20. Clearly, Artificers can also do this, but I feel like I missed that note when leveling up my Monk. She has a good Wisdom (17 at level 9), a Ring that Provides a +10 to Spot, and I was not seeing Traps in Delara's Tomb. Is the Spot DC capped at 20 for non-Rogues?

  2. #2
    Community Member Telayna's Avatar
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    Rogues and Artificers get a feat at level 1 called Trap Finding. This enables them to find traps with DCs higher than 20.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    As far as I know the cap of 20 is for search, not spot.

    If you weren't seeing traps in Delera's I'd say the problem is that your spot was just too low. Some of those traps have fairly high spot DCs on elite.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post

    As far as I know the cap of 20 is for search, not spot.

    If you weren't seeing traps in Delera's I'd say the problem is that your spot was just too low. Some of those traps have fairly high spot DCs on elite.

    Of course it is possible that my Spot wasn't high enough, but there is this (, and it matches the text in-game. Either there is a limit, or the official documentations should be updated to not say there is.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atras126 View Post
    Of course it is possible that my Spot wasn't high enough, but there is this (, and it matches the text in-game. Either there is a limit, or the official documentations should be updated to not say there is.

    I checked the information on DDO wiki, not the compendium. I don't find the compendium very useful, but that's not to say it isn't correct this time around.

    On the wiki, the class description for rogue mentions the DC as being an issue for search only, and the skill description for spot doesn't mention any DC limitations for certain classes.

    Of course, that doesn't really prove anything about how the game works, just that there is a difference between these various sources of information.

    I could be wrong about what I said, because it's been quite a while since I've played a toon which doesn't have a rogue splash. However, I was pretty certain things worked the way I described and what I saw on the wiki seemed to confirm that.

    If it would be useful, I could roll up a veteran toon with no rogue or artificer levels, give him some twink gear and go into the quest to see whether or not I can spot the trap. I'd need you to tell me exactly which quest, which difficulty, and which trap you mean so it is a decent test.


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