So, I'be decided to make a flavor completionist build centered around monks. Originally, the goal was a monk splash in every build, but that was shot by alignment restrictions very quickly. Now that Druids are out, I think I'll substitute monk for the shapeshifted Druid where monks are impossible or ill advised. I plan on starting with a pure monk based of my main. I could use advice for other builds though.
Here's what I have so far
Monk life: pure 20 monk
Pally life: 14/6 long sword hod2/shinto1
Fighter life: 14/6 Kensai/Shinto
Barbarian: 12/ 8 dire bear/frenzied Beserker?
Druid life: 18/2 druid/monk.
Ranger: exploiter, not too worried about this, plenty out there
Fvs and cleric i think will wait till we see the soon(tm) to be expected enhancement pass,
Same for wiz/sorcerer, though have heard of monk palemasters
Artificer... This one will be tricky
Bard bear warchanter? 12/8?
Rogue would be either ninja assassin spy or wolf assassin

Probably not the smartest idea, but should be fun.