Might have a few more on other toons. Send message with offer/if you are looking for something else.
Looking for plat/shroud large ingredients. Some of the fancy new random items (not weapons).
Vulkoorim fighting leathers
Ring of baphomet
Silken chain
Vambrace of inner light
Wolf whistle
Big top
Illusionist robe
Spy dagger
Mask of tragedy
P Mirror cloak
Full plate of ring leader
Utility vest
Noxious fang
Brawns spirits
Grims bracelet
Shimmering pendant
Kronzek’s cruelty
Ring of elemental essence
Brimestone verge
Mask of comedy
K warding shield
K delving goggles
K delving suit
Necklace of crimson prophecy
Stonemeld plate
Belt of mroranon
Helm of mroranon
Iron weave robe
Hammer of life
Staff of nat gann
Hellstroke great axe
Goggles of time sensing
Diabolist robe
Charged gauntlets
Envenomed cloak
Boots of corrosion
Gem of many facets
D heavy chain
Blade mark docent
Chimera’s fang
Elyd edge
Winters wrath
Boots of mire
Necklace of venom
Elder’s cap
Ring of venom
Gloves of claw
Cruel nobility