Updated for U23.
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Dubbell O'Seven
WF artificer 20
True neutral
36 point build
This is a 36 point casting/ranged/survivability focused artificer with a sorc PL. Went WF for survivability and easy button self-healing. Goals for the character are casting/ranged dps, survivability through high HP and quickened reconstruct, and self-sufficiency. Breakdowns on everything can be found below. I'd appreciate any feedback about the build. Thanks in advance.
str: 8
dex: 16
con: 18
int: 18
wis: 6
cha: 6
All level up points in int.
+5 tome in dex required.
1 point blank shot
3 rapid shot
4a precise shot
6 empower
8a maximize
9 spell focus evocation
12a imp crit ranged
12 adamantine body (arcance spell failure will be 0)
15 greater spell focus evocation
16a improved precise shot
18 insightful reflexes
20a quicken
21 combat archery
24 overwhelming critical
26 epic spell power fire
27 ruin
28 doubleshot
Note: Empower is taken at level 6 so it can be swapped with precision if desired.
Skills: max spot, search, disable, open lock, UMD, repair, spellcraft, concentration, balance, jump
Spell List:
1st: Ablative Armor, Resist Energy, Conjure Bolts, Enchant Weapons, Enchant Armor
2nd: Elemental Weapons, Byeshk Weapons, Reinforce Construct, Toughen Construct, Elemental Prod
3rd: Stoneskin, Flame Turret, Insightful Damage, Adamantine Weapons, Positive Energy Infusion
4th: Protection From Elements, Lightning Motes, Thundering Armor, Armor of Speed, Cold Iron Weapons
5th: Radiant Forcefield, Prismatic Strike, Align Weapons, Silver Weapons
6th: Blade Barrier, Tactical Detonation, Deadly Weapons, Reconstruct
Battle Engineer: 41 total
Core: 6 total
battle engineer 1 (rune arm provides 8 spell power when charged to tier 1)
infused weapons 1 (1 enhancement to weapon, 1 seeker, rune arm provides 8 spell power when charged to tier 2)
infused armor 1 (1 enhancement to armor, 5PRR, -10% ASF, rune arm provides 8 spell power when charged to tier 3)
infused weapons 1 (1 enhancement to weapon, 1 seeker, rune arm provides 8 spell power when charged to tier 4)
infused armor 1 (1 enhancement to armor, 5PRR, -10% ASF, rune arm provides 8 spell power when charged to tier 5)
master engineer 1 (2 int, 1 enhancement to weapon and armor, weapon provides implement bonus)
Tier1: 5 total
weapon training - crossbow 2 (1 to hit)
thermal venting 3 (-30% rune arm cooldown)
Tier2: 5 total
weapon training - crossbow 2 (1 to hit and damage)
thaumaturgical conduits 3 (+33% rune arm charge rate)
Tier3: 10 total
weapon training - crossbow 2 (1 to hit)
extra action boost 4 (2 extra action boosts)
arcane capacitors 2 (-25% rune arm charge decay)
int 2
Tier4: 10 total
weapon training - crossbow 2 (1 to hit and damage)
endless fusilade 2
rune arm overcharge 2 (stable charge tier 2)
arcane capacitors 2 (-50% rune arm charge decay when moving)
int 2
Tier5: 5 total
weapon attachment 1 (0.5[W])
rune arm overcharge 2 (stable charge tier 3)
tactical mobility 2 (rune arm charge does not reduce movement speed)
Harper: 32 total
Core: 7 total
Agent of good 1 (1 to hit vs evil, 1 universal spell power)
Int 2
Agent of good 1 (2 to hit/damage vs evil, 5 universal spell power)
Int 2
Agent of good 1 (3 to hit/damage vs evil, 10 universal spell power)
Tier 1: 6 total
Harper enchantment 2 (1 weapon enhancement, 20 spell points)
Strategic combat I 2 (int to hit)
Traveler's toughness 2 (10 HP)
Tier 2: 6 total
Know the angles 3 (int based divine might)
Versatile adept 3 (3 melee/ranged/spell power)
Tier 3: 5 total
Int 2
Versatile adept 3 (3 melee/ranged/spell power)
Tier 4: 8 total
Versatile adept 3 (3 melee/ranged/spell power)
Throat dagger 3 (SLA, 1 sp, 15s cooldown, d4+4 pierce damage per character level, non-boss enemies can't cast for 6 seconds)
Int 2
Arcanotechnician: 7 total
Core: 1 total
arcanotechnician 1 (1 universal spell power per point spent)
Tier1: 4 total
uncaring master 2 (no damage when defender dies)
spell critical 2 (1% electric, fire, force)
Tier2: 2 total
spell critical 2 (1% electric, fire, force)
Epic destiny:
Legendary Dreadnaught
Tier 1: 4 total
Extra action boost 2
Con 2
Tier 2: 5 total
Action boost damage 3 (30% damage boost)
Con 2
Tier 3: 5 total
Critical damage 3 (+6 crit damage)
Con 2
Tier 4: 2 total
Con 2
Tier 5: 6 total
Advancing blows 2 (+1 hit/damage on crit hit, stacks 5 times)
Devestating critical 2 (+1 crit multiplier on 19-20)
Con 2
Tier 6: 2 total
Master's Blitz PRR version 2 (7 ranged power for 15 seconds, 10% chance on hit to gain another stack, stacks 10 times, 30 PRR)
Note: To get blitz going, before I activate it, I usually tone down my damage by not using know the angles yet, make sure improved precise shot is on and try to have some mobs lined up, hit haste boost, then activate blitz. That usually ensures that I'll get a few stacks going and can build it up from there. If you can stand still, turn on archer's focus as well. A full stack of both archer's focus and blitz along with damage boost puts out a lot of consistent, high damage.
1) Draconic incarnation energy burst fire
2) Magister evocation specialist (+3 evocation DC's)
3) Draconic incarnation precise casting (+2 evocation DC's)
Alternatives: energy sheathe electric (draconic incarnation tier 2), brace for impact (unyielding sentinal tier 1), fey form (shiradi champion tier 2), extra action boost (legendary dreadnaught tier 2)
Gear Set:
Weapon: Thunder-Forged Heavy Repeater (1st degree burns/dragon's edge/mortal fear/orange slotted meteoric star ruby/colorless slotted repair15)
vs fire immune mobs: Thunder-Forged Heavy Repeater (touch of shadows/dragon's edge/mortal fear/orange slotted meteoric star ruby/colorless slotted repair15)
Rune Arm: Knives Eternal (knife shot/spike guard/2d10 pierce imbue/impulse150/kinetic lore22/spiked - 3.5 pierce damage/yellow slotted disease10/green slotted poison10)
Armor: Shadowscale docent with shadow guardian upgrade (shadow phase x3/deathblock/ghostly/fort130/DR30 epic/DR60 epic below 75% health/blue slotted arcane spell failure -15%/green slotted max dex2)
Goggles: EH Intricate Field Optics (int3/spot20/TS/green slotted wizardry10/colorless slotted globe of true imperial blood)
Helm: Epic Deific Diadem helm (lesser heighten5/int11/wis11/cha11/deific focus2/yellow slotted greater evocation focus/green slotted sonic resistance40)
Neck: Sage's Locket (evocation focus5/spellcraft15)
Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead (turn the page/profane abilities2/attack4/damage4/light of dawn/yellow slotted draconic soul gem/green slotted cha2)
Cloak: Epic Cloak of Flames (combustion90/fire lore16/insight AC4/fire absorption20%/fire shield hot/inherent fire resistance10/colorless slotted vitality/blue slotted good luck2)
Belt: Epic Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance (deathblock6/con11/concentration20/resistance11/dodge11/greater regen/yellow slotted blindness immunity/green slotted PRR16)
Ring Swap: EE Consuming Darkness (seeker12/combat mastery5/green slotted feather falling)
Gloves: Sanctified Gages gloves (UMD5/2d6 light damage/deadly11/greater dispelling guard/yellow slotted fear immunity/green slotted str6)
Boots: GS HP Smoke2 (45HP/dex skills6/blur/displacement clicky x2)
Ring: Seal of House Avithoul (wis2/exc sneak3/sneak attack5/imp deception)
Bracers: Epic Inferno Bracers (con11/fire resist40/combustion144/spellcraft20/blue slotted HP40/green slotted con2)
Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity (concentration -50/speed15/ranged and spell threat -15%/insightful sneak4/doubleshot8)
Dog's Docent: Epic Blademark's Docent (life shield/DR5epic/contstruct fort10%/SFL/vertigo15/blue slotted heavy fort/colorless slotted str7)
Dog's Collar: Grave Wrappings (2d12 untyped/d3 neg levels on vorpal/imp destruction/stunning10)
Final Stats:
str22: 8base, 3tome, 6item, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
dex26: 16base, 5tome, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
con46: 18base, 5tome, 11item, 2insight, 1exc, 2profane, 5destiny, 2ship
int58: 18base, 4tome, 7levels, 2capstone, 2battle engineer, 4harper, 11item, 3insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2yugo, 2ship
wis27: 6base, 3tome, 11item, 2insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
cha27: 6base, 3tome, 11item, 2insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
120 base
80 epic levels
25 heroic durability
20 improved heroic durability
10 draconic vitality
10 traveler's toughness
60 legendary dreadnaught
504 con46
40 false life slotted
20 vitality
45 GS Smoke2
20 hag's apothecary ship buff
48 Yugo pot
1002 self buffed
845 artificer base
80 magical training
20 past life sorc
20 harper enchantment
851 int56
250 wizardry10
2066 Base SP
Fort/Reflex/Will Saves:
6/6/12 base
4/4/4 epic
11/11/11 item
2/2/2 good luck
1/1/1 alchemical
4/4/4 greater heroism
3/0/0 game hunter ship buff
0/2/0 chronoscope ship buff
0/0/2 grandmaster's dojo ship buff
15/0/0 con40
0/24/0 int58
0/0/8 wis27
46/54/44 TOTAL
0/6/0 lithe
0/3/0 int6 from shadowdancer
46/63/44 in shadowdancer
Evocation DC's:
16 base
24 int58
1 sorc PL
2 spell focus feats
5 evocation focus on Sage's Locket
2 greater evocation focus augment
1 archwizard ship buff
3 magister evocation specialist
2 draconic incarnation precise casting
56 DC blade barrier and tactical detonation (55 DC prismatic strike)
2 combat archery
11 belt
13 TOTAL, MDB is 5
Max dex bonus on adamantine body is 5 with blue slotted armored agility and fencing master ship buff.
45 heavy armor
19 adamantine body with 19 BAB
16 slotted
80 TOTAL (44.44% damage reduction)
45 light armor
16 slotted
61 TOTAL (37.89% magic damage reduction)
Force Spell Power:
23 ranks
8 epic
3 tome
24 int58
25 harper
7 arcanotechnician
48 implement
150 knives eternal
20 spellcraft
2 good luck
1 elite spider cult mask
3 forbidden library ship buff
4 GH
20 superior impact pot
338 TOTAL with 29% crit chance
150 maximize
75 empower
563 with metamagics
40 rune arm charge tier 5
603 with metamagics and fully charged rune arm
Fire Spell Power:
23 ranks
8 epic
3 tome
24 int58
25 harper
7 arcanotechnician
20 epic spell power fire
48 implement
144 epic inferno bracers
20 spellcraft
2 good luck
1 elite spider cult mask
3 forbidden library ship buff
15 sign of the silver flame ship buff
4 GH
25 superior inferno pot
372 TOTAL with 23% crit chance
40 rune arm charge tier 5
412 with fully charged rune arm
Repair Spell Power:
23 ranks
8 epic
3 tome
24 int58
25 harper
7 arcanotechnician
48 implement
15 slotted
2 good luck
1 elite spider cult mask
3 forbidden library ship buff
4 GH
25 superior mending pot
193 TOTAL - providing 435 HP quickened reconstructs
40 rune arm charge tier 5
233 with fully charged rune arm
NOTE: Some info below this point is from pre-U19 and may be outdated. I will update at some point in the future.
post #46 for options on converting this build into a 32 point version.
post #55 for my comments on building an arti only for leveling a past life, not built for endgame.
Alternative Build Options:
WF offers the greatest survivability by far, due to quickened reconstructs, as well as more options for spell power due to having fewer racial enhancement lines that are worth taking. Helf offers less survivability but better crossbow dps through the rogue dilettante and human versatility damage boost. Helf will spend more AP on racial enhancements which limits their ability to spend on spell power enhancements. Helf also has the option of picking up 1 more spell DC by taking human adaptability int and swapping combat archery with great int. These two races are optimal for this build. See
this post for a good summary of the differences between WF and helf.
For all out ranged dps and one more spell DC but with less survivability, self-sufficiency, and lower spell/runearm dps, go helf w/ rogue dil for 3d6 sneak attack. Start with dex16, con16, int18. Feats: drop quicken and pick up precision, drop epic toughness and pick up great int. Base HP of 602. Enhancements: drop repair1, healer's friend1 and 2, improved UMD2-4, and acid 7/2/1; swap WF con for human adaptability con; pick up human greater adaptability int, imp rogue dil2, human versatility damage boost2, and human improved recovery1 (heal amp).
Human offers an extra feat but there really isn't anything else you need, and human does not get the extra sneak attack damage that helf does through the rogue dil, making helf the better choice. Human also offers the same option of 1 more spell DC as helf.
Halfling, Elf, Drow:
Halfling, elf, or drow would all allow for the possibility of combat archery much more easily, but I don't think they offer much beyond that making helf the better alternative overall. I must admit, I have not worked out these options fully, but here is my brief opinion. Halfling sneak attack enhancements are
very expensive and helf does more damage for less cost. The con penalty to elf reduces the survivability with no other benefit. Drow suffers the same con and survivability penalty as elf, but does gain 1 DC, though I'm still not sure that is worth it imo.
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any feedback.
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