Sure I'll add that in today. I have not tried advancing blows, but now that you mention it, it is probably worth finding out if it works with ranged. I'll let you know what I find.
Also, forgot to mention in my update, ruin has been a great addition as well. I don't even have the spell power from Knives Eternal yet, but it's a solid 3k damage with a short cooldown. It can eat up your sp quickly but when you need to unload on something (Abbott at the end of MoD, for example), it's a great asset.
Last night I was wandering around wiki and discovered
this page which tested doubleshot on repeaters. Apparently repeaters gain the full benefit of doubleshot. The testing was done on March 7th of this year, so it was recent enough to assume that it is still valid. I'll be swapping out elusive target for doubleshot. I looked at gear and I'm not real clear about which items with doublestrike also apply to ranged, but I think the best place to fit in some doubleshot is the Epic Quiver of Alacrity. It will add more dps than the EE Quiver of Poison.