I was one of the few original barbs on Sarlona running around with a falchion, everyone else either had G Axe or dual wielded Khopeshes.. People laughed at me for using a Fal, said something like weapon speed is slow... but Now I see a bunch of barbs running with Fals... Did they change something while I was gone? Was away from DDO from 2010-2012...
I know someone said mauls were junk because they swing slow, and two handed swords swing fast, but only x2 multi. G Axes seemed to be medium swing with x3..
Quite personally, I always favored Falchions because with IC:S they crit on 15-20, which is around 30% of the time, so every 3-4 swings was usually a crit. Granted the x2 was low, but IMO i'd rather crit 30% of the time for x2 then 10% of the time for x3
(comparing Fal to Gaxe and Maul) 2-handed sword would be 25% of the time for x2 with a slightly faster weapon swing?
So my winner was always the Fal.. even if it was close to another weapon for comparison, it looks cooler to me...
so again I was away for 2 years and for all I know they could have changed weapon speeds and such...