The point is shifting them from feat-cost to AP-cost doesnt actually make them more attraactive -- it just makes them inaccessible to a different set of players.
Now, removing feats from pre-reqs is a very cool thing, but you still need 3 feats to get a full DM, so that still only frees it up for a small group of players.
However, making it one feat + enhancements along with nixing feat pre-reqs (taking it all into account) may make them viable.
And there are NO DMs that will be mandatory even if they were free. Aside from the cost to acquire them, they are almost universally underwhelming. Only a couple of them are even remotely worth having, and given that they are racially restricted -- meh.
If there were some way to quest-flag a toon to take OTHER racial DMs -- well now we're talking a whole new ballgame![]()