*Edit: I misread your observation. So here is the answer. I considered it, that's the (1-%F) part. For the benefit of this 25% fort bypass, you need to calculate with your own build. There's no way to evaluate it in a simple way.
I only consider the benefit from PA, so without -25% fort. from precision.
This is to evaluate the benefit of precision for your build, because the value of a hit depends on too many factors, while we only need the weapon profile to evaluate the benefit of PA. If your character has 13 SA damage, it will counted to evaluate the single average hit and check if it's better than what PA is giving to you.
For example, if I want to evaluate a level 20 Kensei III against 80% Fort. The average hit would imply the weapon basis (1.5[1d8] = 6.75), Str bonus (+15 for example), the weapon bonus (let's say +5), the elemental/alignment damage (+7 from holy, +3.5 from lightning), special effects (+9 average from lightning strike), the damage from feats/PrE (+4 feats, +4 enh.), the SA reduced by (%F - 25%) (+8 * 55% = +4.4), sum it all:
6.75 + 15 + 5 + 7 + 3.5 + 9 + 8 + 4.4 = 58.65, apply off hand (same but with +7 from Str and 80% proc) = 40.52, for a total of 99.17.
I would also need to account for the benefit of criticals for the bypassed fort. In this case: 0.25 * ( 17*(6.75+15+8) + 5*2*11 + 14) / 19 = 8.29.
My average damage that doesn't benefits from my damage with PA is 107.46, which isn't enough to bypass the benefit of PA even against 80% Fort.
But it would be very different with a better weapon, ED, etc. All this cannot be appreciated in general. Everyone has to do the calculation for himself. But at least, you get a comparison. A dual wield rogue certainly always benefits more from Precision than from PA, as soon as he doesn't hit on a 2. But it may be different for an acrobat for example, who would benefit more from PA.