I like this idea, Pallys need a bone thrown to them and this would help. I could see some possible OP with some named/crafted weapons but even if its random gen loot only, please make it so!
I like this idea, Pallys need a bone thrown to them and this would help. I could see some possible OP with some named/crafted weapons but even if its random gen loot only, please make it so!
Yeah I agree, I prepare Holy Sword a lot just because it's annoying to prepare it, go into a quest, use it, unprepare it, and go where I want to go. I just meant it was the only way it could possibly nerf paladins...but it does save them from that annoying procedure at least![]()
sound good
except for the stacking with deadly/element/enchant weapon part
it's already a weapon enchant, not a personal enchant as it modifies weapon directly rather than affecting the user
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
That would be a MUCH needed boost.
Little problem at higher levels where the epic destiny give that anyway... maybe make it stacking.
Anyway, great idea. It would also get rid of all those silly blanks that they never fixed to make them stackable.
It'd be fine if this could be swapped in and cast permenantly in taverns, but needing to prepare it to use it in a quest is a problem - it pushes out zeal or cure serious for the now fairly common 18/2's. I'd be unhappy with this direction since I like my two 18/2 paladins.
They should either make every weapon type available for this to be cast on. And let it be cast in public.
Or make it a non-stacking imbue. And let it be cast in public.
I have a hotdog cart in Redwillow's Ruins.
Without Paladins buying hotdogs while they step in to charge up their swords I'll go out of business!
Level 6 PUGers can't even afford a cure pot much less a hot dog.
OP, why do you hate America?
Last edited by phillymiket; 08-03-2012 at 08:18 AM.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
<sarcasm on> Poor arties, they will have 1 thing less to do..... <sarcasm off>
... but seriously that spell has no use, and it needs change, i have to see a pally keeping that spell for longer than 1-2 levels untill they notice they can use that spell slot for something more usefull. btw that spell is SELF only use so arti would still be only ones who can do things to other players weapons.
BIG /SIGNED x1000 for all the times i wished it worked like that.
Last edited by bloodnose13; 08-04-2012 at 01:31 PM. Reason: patch 1 to update 1
"If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
— Groucho Marx
Hyperbole ^
Not being able to take Cure Serious = OK I'll swap in Cure Mod instead and carry some more scrolls/Potions.
I am a fan of Multiclass builds myself BUT as I've said before when talking about Rangers it seems wrong that Pure is not seen as Viable.
Giving Pure Classes a boost is NOT invalidating Multiclasses unless that boost is extreme.
This as suggested by the OP is most definitely not in that category.
Oh and I assume the 2 you're talking about is Monk i.e. Evasion - A huge benefit of that particular splash - Hardly going tobe invalidated by Holy Sword actually becoming worthwhile.
Good suggestion!
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."
Instead of making it a weapon imbue, which could get extremely silly considering you are basically adding metalline + holyburst to the best weapons a paladin can get their hands on, they could buff the spell and keep control of it at the same time by having it scale with paladin level as the druid flame blade does.
Have the + scale up to +6, +7 at certain levels. Eventually adds pure good, greater good, righteousness, maybe undead/outsider bane effects.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Sounds overpowered to me.
Simply making it function as the pnp version seems like the correct course of action. details on that are here:
DDO Translation:
Weapon gains:
+5 enhancement (doesn't have any effect it weapon is already +5 or higher)
protection from evil (aura effects never work right in ddo, so not worth the effort)
(This is still stronger then the pnp version, which supresses all magical effects on your wep.. Deserves the slight boost ot make up for DDO increased numbers of enemies/hp)
(and ofcourse fix the fact the prot from evil enchantments is currently broken)
Usual temporary weapon effect rules apply: Only one per weapon.
Ofcourse thats weaker in some ways to the current spel, so could also keep the current one, and rename it "Summon Divine Weapon".
I'd not be opposed to paladins gaining much more power, but it should come at a cost of action points via the enhancement update, not via further breaking the pnp rules by creating vastly overpowered spells that every paladin gets for free.
They could even get a high tier enhanancement in the Hunter of the Dead line:
Superior Holy Sword (2 AP, requires 12 paladin levels and 20 points spent in this tree)
Activate this spell like ability to enchant the weapons you currently wield. They gain the following enchantments for 1 minute per paladin level:
Holy Burst
Greater Good
Protection from Evil
Outsider Rending (Weapons break DR Silver, Cold Iron and Byshek)
And there could be a few passive that attach to this:
Holy Sword of Death to undeath (2AP):
Your Superior holy sword spell now additionally grants Undead Bane.
Holy Sword of Demonic/Devil Bane (2AP each):
Same deal for demons/devils.
(You would be allowed to take all 3, but obviously would be costly in AP, and these would have higher lvl/progression requirements where youd need to be around lvl18)
Could even go a step further and allow the hunter of the dead capstone (44AP spent) to upgrade the banes to greater bane.
Could bring paladins back to the forefront as a strong DPS class, though only for certain specialized types of enemies for certain types of builds as it should be. Shouldn't grand that kind of power to just any paladin who happens to have 16 lvls and thus lvl4 spells.