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  1. #1
    Community Member bward76's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default 18/2 FVS/MnK Arcane Archer TR-build

    So I'm trying to plan out my FVS life for my completionist run. It will be my 8th life and was thinking an archer build would be fun as I have a nice MinII Greensteel bow in my luggage from when I was a ranger life. This is my first real attempt at making this build. I had decided against half elf because even with 36 points I cannot get 13 dex for ranger dilettante and then a decent strength to use the bowstrength. So the elf racial line at least gave me the +2 racial damage, perhaps I should go half elf and I am just missing something here. I am thinking as I go into Epic Levels I will take Improved Precise Shot as my 21lvl feat. But I don't plan to be epic for long as I will TR again after clocking in a little Destiny time and Token Collection.

    Max Wisdom for high DC destruction/Implosion/Blade Barriers
    Zen Archery in water stance
    Elf for AA line and +2 racial bow damage
    +3 tomes for all stats
    Decent Bow Damage 40 regular hits, 115 average crits

    Empower Spell
    Energy Resistance (Cold)
    Energy Resistance (Electricity)
    Energy Resistance (Fire)
    Favored by the Silver Flame
    Maximize Spell
    Mental Toughness
    Past Life (Arcane Initiate)
    Point Blank Shot
    Precise Shot
    Weapon Focus (Ranged)
    Zen Archery

    Arcane Archer (Conjure +2 Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Conjure +3 Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Conjure +4 Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Conjure +5 Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Acid Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Explosive Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Force Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Force Burst Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Slaying Arrows)
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Terror Arrows)
    Elven Arcane Archer I
    Elven Dexterity I
    Elven Ranged Damage I
    Elven Ranged Damage II
    Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance I
    Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance II
    Favored Soul Charisma I
    Favored Soul Charisma II
    Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I
    Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II
    Favored Soul Energy of the Scion III
    Favored Soul Improved Empowering I
    Favored Soul Life Magic I
    Favored Soul Longbow Specialization I
    Favored Soul Longbow Specialization II
    Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Smiting I
    Favored Soul Prayer of Life I
    Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting I
    Favored Soul Smiting I
    Favored Soul Smiting II
    Favored Soul Smiting III
    Favored Soul Toughness I
    Favored Soul Toughness II
    Favored Soul Toughness III
    Favored Soul Toughness IV
    Favored Soul Wisdom I
    Favored Soul Wisdom II
    Racial Toughness I
    Racial Toughness II
    Silver Flame Exorcism
    Way of the Clever Monkey I

    Character Generated Using: DDO Character Generator
    Direct Link to Build:
    Favored Soul 18 / Monk 2
    Male Elf - Lawful Neutral
    Artificer (1), Barbarian (1), Cleric (1), Fighter (1), 
    Monk (1), Ranger (1), Wizard (1)
    LEVEL 1
    Race Selected: Male Elf
    Alignment Selected: Lawful Neutral
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 1)
    Abilities Raised: DEX: 16, CON: 14, INT: 10, WIS: 18, CHA: 10
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +4 (4), Concentration +3 (3), 
    Spot +4 (4), Swim +4 (4), Tumble +1 (1)
    Feats Selected: Point Blank Shot, Toughness
    Enhancements Selected: Elven Ranged Damage I
    LEVEL 2:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 1 / Monk 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Jump +2 (2)
    Feats Selected: Favored by the Silver Flame
    LEVEL 3:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 2 / Monk 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Jump +2 (4)
    Feats Selected: Weapon Focus (Ranged)
    Tomes Applied: STR: +1, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: +1, 
    WIS: +1, CHA: +1
    LEVEL 4:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 3 / Monk 1)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 20
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (4), Jump +1 (5)
    LEVEL 5:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 4 / Monk 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Jump +2 (7)
    LEVEL 6:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 5 / Monk 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Jump +2 (9)
    Feats Selected: Mental Toughness, Energy Resistance (Fire)
    LEVEL 7:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 6 / Monk 1)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (5), Jump +1 (10)
    Tomes Applied: STR: +2, DEX: +2, CON: +2, INT: +2, 
    WIS: +2, CHA: +2
    LEVEL 8:
    Class Selected: Monk (Favored Soul 6 / Monk 2)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 22
    Skills Ranks Raised: Spot +5 (9)
    Feats Selected: Zen Archery
    LEVEL 9:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 7 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (6), Jump +2 (12)
    Feats Selected: Maximize Spell
    LEVEL 10:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 8 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (8), Jump +1 (13)
    LEVEL 11:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 9 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +3 (11)
    Tomes Applied: STR: +3, DEX: +3, CON: +3, INT: +3, 
    WIS: +3, CHA: +3
    Favor Bonus Granted: Coin Lord Finishing School (400 Coin Lord Favor)
    Favor Bonus Granted: Draconic Vitality (15 Agents of Argonnessen Favor)
    LEVEL 12:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 10 / Monk 2)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 24
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (12), Jump +2 (15)
    Feats Selected: Empower Spell, Energy Resistance (Electricity)
    Equipment Mods Changed To: HP: 75, SP: 600, 
    STR: 6, DEX: 6, CON: 6, WIS: 6, CHA: 6, FORT: 5, REFL: 5, WILL: 5
    Enhancements Selected: Favored Soul Charisma I, 
    Favored Soul Toughness I, Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I, 
    Way of the Clever Monkey I, Racial Toughness I, Favored Soul Smiting I, 
    Favored Soul Prayer of Life I, Favored Soul Toughness II, 
    Favored Soul Smiting II, Favored Soul Wisdom I, Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II, 
    Racial Toughness II, Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance I, 
    Elven Arcane Archer I, Favored Soul Wisdom II, Silver Flame Exorcism, 
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Force Arrows), Favored Soul Toughness III, 
    Elven Ranged Damage II, Favored Soul Smiting III
    LEVEL 13:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 11 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +3 (15)
    LEVEL 14:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 12 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (16), Spot +1 (10)
    LEVEL 15:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 13 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (17), Spot +1 (11)
    Feats Selected: Past Life (Arcane Initiate)
    Equipment Mods Changed To: STR: 4, WIS: 8
    Enhancements Selected: Arcane Archer (Conjure +2 Arrows), 
    Favored Soul Energy of the Scion III, Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance II, 
    Arcane Archer (Conjure +3 Arrows), Arcane Archer (Imbue Explosive Arrows), 
    Favored Soul Toughness IV
    LEVEL 16:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 14 / Monk 2)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 27
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (18), Spot +1 (12)
    LEVEL 17:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 15 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (19), Spot +1 (13)
    Feats Selected: Energy Resistance (Cold)
    LEVEL 18:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 16 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (20), Spot +1 (14)
    Feats Selected: Precise Shot
    Equipment Mods Changed To: CON: 9
    Enhancements Selected: Favored Soul Longbow Specialization I, 
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Acid Arrows), Favored Soul Improved Empowering I, 
    Arcane Archer (Conjure +4 Arrows), Arcane Archer (Imbue Force Burst Arrows), 
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Terror Arrows), Favored Soul Life Magic I, 
    Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting I, Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life I
    LEVEL 19:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 17 / Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (21), Spot +1 (15)
    Enhancements Selected: Favored Soul Charisma II, 
    Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Smiting I
    LEVEL 20:
    Class Selected: Favored Soul (Favored Soul 18 / Monk 2)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 28
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (22), Spot +1 (16)
    Equipment Mods Changed To: STR: 6, DEX: 8, CON: 11, 
    WIS: 10, CHA: 8
    Enhancements Selected: Arcane Archer (Conjure +5 Arrows), 
    Arcane Archer (Imbue Slaying Arrows), Favored Soul Longbow Specialization II,
    Elven Dexterity I
    Stats at End of Level 20:
    HP:537 SP:2482 AC:34 FORT:28 REFL:28 WILL:33 BAB:+15/+15/+20/+25
    STR:17(+3) DEX:28(+9) CON:28(+9) INT:13(+1) WIS:38(+14) CHA:23(+6)
    Balance:13, Bluff:6, Concentration:31, Diplomacy:8, 
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:7, Heal:14, Hide:9, Intimidate:8, 
    Jump:18, Listen:16, Move Silently:9, Open Lock: n/a, 
    Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:3, Spot:32, Swim:7, 
    Tumble:10, UMD: n/a
    Last edited by bward76; 07-30-2012 at 06:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    In before wowo sez, "If it's not a 10K Stars monkcher, it's cr@p!"
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    More seriously, I've messed with this build concept before and have never been satisfied with the results. You just give up too much FvS goodness in order to be a subpar archer; usually you're better off staying pure and just spamming light spells. Something like monk 6 / FvS 12 / ftr 2 is clearly a flavor build (and not really intended as an offensive caster), but it's also one which gets more feats for archery while still getting that FvS PL you're after.

    That said, my advice would be to aim for at least Manyshot on this build (because otherwise why even bother being an AA?); base DEX 14 + 3 tome covers it. And I would still go HE w/rgr dilly: even with mediocre STR, it will still add more to longbow DPS than elf enhs w/out it. So base stats something like 12 / 14 / 14 / 8 / 18 / 12.

    The tough part is feat order, as it's basically impossible to get all of the AA & AoV pre-reqs plus Manyshot as soon as one would like, so you have to decide what to backload. But I'm thinking something like: PBS, Toughness (monk 1), Rapid Shot, Maximize (AoV pre-req), Zen Archery (monk 2), Mental Toughness, WF:Ranged, Manyshot, Quicken.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member bward76's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I think you are right. As I went through each variation of making this build I could just not get satisfied. Plus being short 2 caster levels for a heavy DC caster is quite the handicap for some sub-par archery. I will look at full FvS builds and see what to do. I just like throwing in some flavor but still be very effective, my 19/1 Wiz/Barb for my previous life was very fun and powerful to play. Maybe a 19/1 FVs/Barb gonna have to think and research other peoples fvs builds.

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    More seriously, I've messed with this build concept before and have never been satisfied with the results. You just give up too much FvS goodness in order to be a subpar archer; usually you're better off staying pure and just spamming light spells. Something like monk 6 / FvS 12 / ftr 2 is clearly a flavor build (and not really intended as an offensive caster), but it's also one which gets more feats for archery while still getting that FvS PL you're after.

    That said, my advice would be to aim for at least Manyshot on this build (because otherwise why even bother being an AA?); base DEX 14 + 3 tome covers it. And I would still go HE w/rgr dilly: even with mediocre STR, it will still add more to longbow DPS than elf enhs w/out it. So base stats something like 12 / 14 / 14 / 8 / 18 / 12.

    The tough part is feat order, as it's basically impossible to get all of the AA & AoV pre-reqs plus Manyshot as soon as one would like, so you have to decide what to backload. But I'm thinking something like: PBS, Toughness (monk 1), Rapid Shot, Maximize (AoV pre-req), Zen Archery (monk 2), Mental Toughness, WF:Ranged, Manyshot, Quicken.

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