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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Smile Block XP completion increment when running with overlevel chars.

    When running a quest that would give XP, but gets converted to NO XP due to a higher level character, do not increment the completion count.

    The current mechanism increases the XP completion count which stunts xp growth in raids and pugs due to the sudden possibility of an overlevel char. This mainly affects the Epic quests due to current quest scarcity.

    By blocking the XP tick on completion, the quest would still finish; however, there would be no xp loss for running it subsequent times with at or around level characters.

    This mechanism would increase the filling speed of raids etc. where now people may get xp unless grouping with 25s etc. and have adjusted accordingly to avoid docking xp.

  2. #2
    Community Member dng242's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Having a hard time with this one.

    Seem reasonable on the surface, it's nice in that you can run "farming" type quests like shroud and run it later for full xp with level appropriate group.

    The problem is you can run "Farming" type quests and then later run full xp. I just can't help but think this could get lead to something undesirable.. but I could just be drinking some old school Kool Aid.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Then it may simply be an issue of scarcity on commonly traffic'd upper level quests.

    Also I think an example is due:

    Running Shroud normal 1st time this life with a pug containing a 25, when you complete you get +25% on 0 xp. That +25% first time bonus is now gone/wasted because you have completed Shroud on normal for the "first" time. Subsequent runs will increase the repeat count until you drain the quest.

    In the case of the quests themselves, there are common ones that people need to flag, get specific items etc. such as Shroud, SoS, Reign of Insanity, VoD, HoX, Abbot, IQ 1 and 2, etc. that are also in the sweet spot for post 20 bravery bonus (17+ quests). I figure SoS counts due to the favorites of Enter the Kobby and SoS itself.

    With challenges now XP challenged themselves, people may begin to pug backlog quests such as the ones mentioned above. They added a no powerlevel tick for >20; however, each completion even at 0 xp decrements the total gained xp for a quest. They get the completion, but hurt themselves in the long run due to lost xp.

    If more quests are added then it will bandaid the issue. I would liken it to pre-bravery bonus times for TRs grinding xp.

    I guess when we get Shavarath - Demon, Shavarath - Archon, IQ 3, Invasion of Droam, and Epic Korthos - Attack of the 50 Foot Scrag Troll, then things will be different and this won't matter anymore.

    Also forgot a follow on to Reaver's Refuge where you fight the truthful one.
    Last edited by GoRinNoSho; 07-30-2012 at 07:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dng242 View Post
    Having a hard time with this one.

    Seem reasonable on the surface, it's nice in that you can run "farming" type quests like shroud and run it later for full xp with level appropriate group.

    The problem is you can run "Farming" type quests and then later run full xp. I just can't help but think this could get lead to something undesirable.. but I could just be drinking some old school Kool Aid.
    level 25 joins your von flagging quest to help you flag for von 5/6, and you loose no exp, and it wont count toward exp decay, total manipulation and i think is unacceptable. if you wanna get through von flagging with 0 exp your choice, but you shouldnt be awarded a bb or first time completion when you back track to run the quest at your leisure. I think this system will cause alot of people to take the easy route.

    I think thats how this would cause some undesirable effect. While people may be like "that would be awesome" i think its too much of an "easy" button.

    How to stop from getting 0 exp, this is how you fix it

    1. communicate with the party leader, if your in his group, and see if this is an at level run or not. If its not an at level run and your going to be awareded 0 exp, leave group and start your own group.

    2. read the lfm post, most people will put "normal shroud for completion level 16-25" chances are a level 23-25 toon will join, and boom 0 exp. But you can prevent yourself from loosing exp by not joining this group!

    3. start your own group, it may not work out today, but when ddo pugs knock you down, try, try again. I have always been able to kick off an at level vod, shroud, chrono, and hox run. There are people out there who enjoy the challenge, and will join for shiggles and to see if this group will work out. (always made new friends when doing at level runs, they usually show a level of team work and patients i oh so enjoy.)
    Last edited by V_mad_jester_V; 07-31-2012 at 08:52 AM.
    You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here.

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