Passive, stack 3x.
Epic Artificer: +1 caster level of any item you use
Epic Barbarian: 10hp; +1 damage; +1 fort saves
Epic Bard: +2 cha skills, enemies that strike you have a 1% chance of being danced (DC=char level +20) for 6 seconds.
Epic Cleric: +10 positive/light/alignment spellpower; +1 will saves
Epic Druid: +10 fire, water, elec and acid spellpower
Epic Favored Soul: +10 light alignment and untyped spellpower
Epic Fighter: 2% doublestrike
Epic Monk: +1 all saves
Epic Paladin: +2 saves vs poison, disease and fear; +1 fort and will saves
Epic Ranger: 1 favored enemy +2 damage/attack.
Epic Rogue: +2 MS/hide, +2 damage/+1 attack while SAing; +1 reflex save
Epic Sorcerer: +5 universal spellpower, maximize and emp cost 1 fewer sp
Epic Wizard: +10 force/reconstruct spellpower, heighten costs 2 fewer sp (total, not per level like capstone)
This is in addition to any passive heroic benefits, which are retained when a character hits 20.
Completionist is now passive and does not require a feat. Its stat boosts apply at level 1 and count for any and all relevent feat/enhancement prequisites.
The motivation to TR is no longer there. Epic destinies are so overwhelmingly powerful that grinding out a barb level looks thoroughly uninviting; foolish, even. Ditto on almost every other past life. 10 hp or 1 attack or 1 damage is next to nothing now when a teir of an epic destiny gives 50hp or 5 attack or 5 damage.
So what happens when the new content is dead? The raid is buggy and does not sound fun in the least. People will tire of it fast, I'll wager. Loot doesn't seem to be impressing anyone. TRing was what kept this game great for a long time, but there is no longer any motivation to do so. Many players that went completionist don't even slot the feat!
So the motivation to TR needs to be put back in place. I truely feel this needs to be done. The TRing scene is a wasteland. People complain that TRs are overpowered...well, not really. Not anymore. A first lifer with access to even 1 epic destiny maxed out is easily more powerful than a completionist with no EDs.
These passive PL feats do not make TRs any more powerful in heroic content. They merely offset the power creep (and by creep I mean explosion) that EDs have created, and make TRing a viable way to improve your character again.
Because except for wizard/fvs past lives for spell pen, and perhaps ranger on an arti, all the others are so hopelessly outclassed at endgame that it just doesn't matter.
There are people who I am sure will disagree with this; indeed, I am sure there are still those out there who think TRs should be nerfed. But I do not think there is anything unbalancing or game breaking here; indeed, no more unbalancing than epic destinies are.
As for *why* turbine should do this? Simple: customer retention. After more and more people cap out their epic destinies, have beaten the new content on epic elite, maxed out PDK favor, gotten their red or green armor, what is their left to do?
There are two things that happen when a player gets tired of endgame. TRing, and leaving the game. They just need to give players the motivation to do the former so they don't do the latter.
Suggestions/Feedback welcomed.