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  1. #21
    Community Member DaSawks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RabidApathy View Post
    Maybe on hard, but DP on elite makes you cower in a corner and spam negative energy burst until it's gone. A single stack was doing ~150 light damage a tick without any resistance item. At triple stack, even with epic mirror cloak, it would be doing ~420 damage a tick to a PM.

    That said, only a few enemies in the new pack like to cast it. Notably, the priestesses.
    Yes. This is what you do. Burst and burst again. And you would also want to Insta-Kill whatever caster is DOTing you after the first. Mob casters have cooldowns too. If you are not fast enough to kill the caster after the first DOT is laid down then you deserve to die. If it is a Red Named that cannot be Insta-Killed then find something to hide behind. Laugh if you will. There is a little thing called "If they cannot see you they cannot DOT you." Works every time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    No, although VIP players do get free Gold rolls on Daily Dice, so that might fit into your criteria. But when it comes to chest drops, chain rewards, general Daily Dice rolls (what number you get), etc., VIP does not confer additional "luck".

  2. #22
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    I used to excplusively play a PM in my first two Wiz lives. In my third life I tried going conjuration AM till level 12 and planned to respec to PM at level 12.

    Instead I now find myself sticking to primary necro and secondary conjuartion AM, because those 3 SP webs with free heightening are way too good to get rid off.

    Occasionally you get numpties in your groups that think burning away your webs is a good idea, but when that happens you have a 1 SP grease to use instead ^^.

    So much fun and awesome, instakills and 3 SP webs make a great combo.

  3. #23
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    I don't think theirs really any best to compare. The PM is self healing and gets some dmg sla's with neg energy. They also excell at necro spells which the 2 main ones are finger and wail. But as shown dc's aren't the only thing you need for that 1 trick pony. You also have to have the spell pen. Though I think I remember seeing some guy ranting about something actually being immune to neg energy. Guess he never tried using fire after lv 16.

    AM is the wizard as it was and always is. THE CC. Only difference is they don't have the spell self healing like the PM. They are however the master of all spells and specialize in certain fields. As you've seen 3sp web is just awesome. They can use wail, or finger, but they also have the option of changing up the game at low sp cost.

    And a sorc is the dmg. Some CC, but if your looking for real CC u'd be hard pressed. Mainly because of feats. And if you did give up this or that to take the feats ei spell pen, greater pen, then the schoolx2, the sorc wouldn't be what it could and u'd have this mediocre mutt that would be outdone in both fields by a real sorc and a real cc wizard.

    So sorc for moderate cc, like a good dc on web and prolly enchant magic. Or necro whatever u'd want to try and raise. And the dmg.

    Pale for more self reliance/offensive based CC.

    AM for A variety of CC including dirt cheap, meta'd out CC like web hypno, whatever else in the cards.

  4. #24
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    The biggest thing I hate right now is Fire Savants - Fire[B]all is 100% useless and terrible.

    A single web does a lot more than your fireball does. In fact a web and a firewall does massively better than a fireball + firewall.

    I put up LFMs requesting no web burners, and fire savants that keep slinging fireballs, or artis with fireball runearms still keep joining, so now I just dont accept any other arcanes without sending them a tell first.

    Web is hands down the best spell in the game, especially moreso when its only costing 3 SP. All casters need to quit using spells that burn webs and actually always have Web in thier spellbook along with whatever AoE combo they like (Web + Acid Rain + Firewall / Icestorm).

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaSawks View Post
    Yes. This is what you do. Burst and burst again. And you would also want to Insta-Kill whatever caster is DOTing you after the first. Mob casters have cooldowns too. If you are not fast enough to kill the caster after the first DOT is laid down then you deserve to die. If it is a Red Named that cannot be Insta-Killed then find something to hide behind. Laugh if you will. There is a little thing called "If they cannot see you they cannot DOT you." Works every time.
    Instagibs still have the problem that they don't work on bosses, and let's say PMs are pretty much suboptimal when you need to exchange your blue bar to damage in the shortest amount of time.

    I'm not talking about divine bosses per se where you will do next to 0 damage, but plain old regular bosses. On EN, EH DD will be just as effective on trash and much better on bosses. You will have an edge against trash (and I don't want to lessen your achievements, depending on hp it can be a lot) in killing speed. Not actually being safer as trash can be easily CCd, but faster. However against bosses you will still be inferior.

    And if you consider Underdark/Sschwhatever quests as endgame, red named/trash/undead ratio is much higher in them.

    I guess it all boils down to your party composition and what you want to run with, but I wouldn't say PM's are better. That's not true. They are better at sweeping trash on EE, and that's about it.

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