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Thread: Quest Revamping

  1. #1
    Community Member dng242's Avatar
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    Default Quest Revamping

    As many of you will recall most of the Korthos Island quests actually started as different quest and where then slightly modified (mobs, layout, xp, loot, etc) to flow with the new story line.

    I would like to see Turbine do this to many of the current quests. Add a little flavor, change things up a little.

    A few thoughts though.
    1) I'm assuming this is much cheaper (programmers, etc) than making a new quest. If not, then probably not going to work
    2) This idea works for me other player like me because we get enjoyment out of leveling and running new quests (I tend to TR a lot). Little changes would add a lot. This really does nothing for those that are more into loot/Epic running, so you would still need new high end content (thus point #1).
    3) You would have to correct various risk/reward items you have that are way off (e.g. better rewards, less time, more xp etc) for some quests. (but you need to do this anyway, so have at it).
    4) Low level quests are probably a waste. We spend way too little time at those levels. Mid level heroic content is probably where to start.
    5) Be careful with the sacred cow quests or you'll have a riot on your hands (You almost have that now with buying time).

    A handful of dungeons per update would be great.

    As an added bonus you could then mark these quests with the cool recycle symbol

  2. #2
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    I don't know if the cost/benefit supports this idea, but I do like it.

  3. #3
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    i have seen one of the sharn syndicate quest do something to this effect, i walk in once it looks one way, and walk into it again and it looks different than before (dirty laundry i think)
    You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here.

  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Dirty Laundry is set up as random I believe in which direction you go after the spike traps.

    I like the OPs idea.

    Some Possibilities:

    1. Sorrowdusk - Beef up Grey Moon and move it to Lvl 8 insead of 6 and 7 - Obviously these quests are short and sweet and amongst the easiest quests of their levels anyway {So long as you have a Rogue for the insane traps}. They can be retooled to provide around the same difficulty as Tharaak Arena or Threnal Pt 1 {neither amongst the hardest quests at Lvl 8}.

    2. Threnal - Remove the Rust Monsters and Puddings - This chain seems determined to make us break our items - Plus the Quest Levels are all over the place - Standardise them at Lvl 8-9 {Hold for Reinforcements should be brought down from Lvl 10 - Coyle should be buffed}.

    3. Scoundrels' Run - Simple Change here - Already by far the easiest Lvl 7 quest - Drop it to Lvl 6 - Make no further changes.

    4. Tangleroot - Last two parts should be Lvl 6 not 7 - Can be dropped without making changes.

    5. Hiding in Plain Sight - Restless Isles is a Lvl 10 instance - HIPS must be done first to enter the Isles - It is also Lvl 10 and quite a hard quest.
    This quest absolutely needs retooling and reducing to Lvl 8 - We need to get more people into the Isles.

    6. Chamber Of Kourush and Purge the Fallen Shrine can both easily be reduced from Lvl 11-10 - Rahmat is already Lvl 10 - No changes necessary.

    7. Necro II - Flagging quests are harder in many ways than Shadow Crypt - Up them all to Lvl 9 so Clerics with Blade Barrier/Heal can get into these quests. Shadow Crypt can stay where it is - No changes necessary.

    8. VoN 3 and 4 - Promote to Lvl 10 - Retool if you like but I believe these are already Lvl 10 quests NOT Lvl 9.

    9. VoN 5 and 6 - Promote to lvl 11 - No changes necessary in VoN 5 - Velah should fight like Sinvala - atm Velah is a big let down.

    11. VoN 2 - The Prisoner - Promote to lvl 9 - No changes necessary

    In fact most of my issues with this game stem from quests simply being mislabelled - Some would need retooling to fit new levels but in the main simple changes to the adventure compendium would fix a lot of problems.

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