Hail champions of Argonnessen!
What say you to a new Guild *The Riders of Eberron* for returning, new-adept, laidback, &/or serious players?
I've played Lotro only a few times (had to try) & can't help to notice that DDO Dwarfs it in EVERY way. So here I am & I Love it as usual XD
Honeslty Lotro.... Their new expansion Riders of Rohan does'nt look very appealing to me & once again the fx looks a Middle-Age behind DDOs'. o.o X
In respect to Eberron I shall Ride!
I am a returning player who has been back for 3 months(personal not playing others) & I have been on Allot lately.
~Still The ol' fashioned way~
I'd like to hold officer meetings in a specific location to discuss the direction & voice of our council at least once a week (or as often as needed.)
Like Any Good Guild
Teamwork is a must-Solo is fine-No getting bold. Things happen, but No Hurting Parties! (ie. xp & loot)
I like to run fast allmost as often as possible (especially when i'm using a Greater Renown pot) ; )
Maturity: We Do Not send children into the greatest battles do we?
Nay, I believe mature minds make greater warriors.
We would like to keep the member size to 20-25 (possibly until higher levels) as to keep the great renoun bonus.
Sharing is key & Allways have fun )
My personal armory holds collected low to mid level gear-All members shall have the finest equipment need but ask.
Raids/Guild runs shall be held as often as possible.(no pressure by all means if you prefer to run solo)
Would like this to be a heavy rp Guild for us
I have been in some big Guilds & would like to have somewhat of an exclusive fellowship with all members.
Can rp Lotro name based characters as long as there is a reason for their presence in the realm of Eberron.
Officaly formed 7/24 Currently Guild Level 17 Account size 8, Current Goal: Level 25 by Aug, 6th (me-birthday=Astral Ship..we don't have horses X) (Big Thanks to Mightynecro & Supaman for the hard work-level 15 as a Guild in roughly 48hrs!!) Ride With Us!!!
If you would like to join & help mold this new guild Pst/mail in game to *Olgrum* It would be my Honour!
Your Feedback/Input-Questions & Comments are Allways Most Appreciated^^
Officers: Mightynecro, (Guild Crafter)Supaman/Iblameyou, Seribro
Contact/leader: ~Olgrum~