Drow Wizard (2nd Life) going Palemaster
Proposed Gear...
I like those Purple Dragon Gloves.
If I added those I could strip out the Lion Belt cause additions to CON would be covered by an Envenomed Cloak (+7 CON) and then the Purple Dragon Gloves would cover STR (+7) and CON (+2 Insightful). That would free up a Belt slot for something fun. It would also let me strip out Ring #2 because STR and INSIGHT CON would be covered. ****, that leaves FOUR SLOTS open!!!!
ROBES: Spider Silk Robes (+3 Insightful Intelligence ones)
TRINKET: Litany of the Dead (+1 bonus to all stats)
NECKLACE: Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-De II (for the kinetic energy conversion)
RING #1: Clever Ring +8 (if I can find one of these)
BRACERS: Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort (for the potential hp gain)
CLOAK: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 Constitution and other things)
GLOVES: Purple Dragon Gloves (+7 Strength and +2 Insightful Con)
BOOTS: Epic Rock Boots (I like the Earth Earthen Guard, Stone Prison Guard and the 2 crystal slots)
BELT: Open
RING #2: Open
+5 Nullification Dagger of Necro Mastery (+15 Spell Imp, +108 Null Power, Greater Necro Focus, Spell Penn IX)
+5 Glaciation Dagger of Superior Void Lore (+15 Spell Imp, +102 Glaciation, Superior Void Lore)
Anyone have suggestions for the open slots?