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The Cannith Crystal* Doesn't need doubling - 50% I'll agree
Redemption This isn't bad xp comparatively + is a required quest so no need to make changes so people run it - Disagree
Garrisons Missing Pack Heck yes - Agree
Misery's Peak** Triple XP? You can't be serious? Isn't this the highest base xp quest at Lvl 2 already? Yes Ringleader and Info is Key are much shorter quests that give great xp/min but MP is fine as is in my view - Vehemently disagree
Arachnophobia* Agreed
The entire baudry chain Pt 1 Yes, Pt 2 Nah, Pt 3 Yes - Agree Partially
Kobold Assault* Agreed
The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade Agreed
The Sacred Helm* Double XP not needed - tbh not sure 50% really needed - Disagreed
Rest for the Restless Agreed
The Bookbinder Rescue Triple it
A Small Problem Actually has high base XP but an extra 50% wouldn't go amiss considering - Agreed
Most of 3BC (Except Ghost of a Chance) Pt 1 of the Fire Caves is huge XP, Pt 2 could do with being on Par though, The rest of the Cove = Agreed + Guard Duty needs to be Tripled
Gladewatch Outpost Defense Agreed
Valak's Mausoleum* Agreed
Sorrowdusk parts 1-2 Disagree
Taming the Flames Agreed
Sorrowdusk parts 3-4 Agreed
Caverns of Korromar Agreed
The Faithful Departed* Agreed
All threnal No - Just Hold for Reinforcements
The Church and the Cult Agreed
The Keeper's Sanctuary* Agreed
All threnal No - Just Hold for Reinforcements
Hiding in Plain Sight* Agreed
All threnal No - Just Hold for Reinforcements
Hold for Reinforcements** Ah! Here it is - Agreed
From Beyond the Grave Agreed
Made to Order Agreed
The Spawn of Whisperdoom Agreed
Chains of Flame Disagree
The Titan Awakes* Agreed
The Reaver's Fate Agreed
Acid Wit Agreed
Spinner of Shadows Agreed
Ascension Chamber* Never run it - Agreement reserved
The Lord of Eyes Agreed
The Lord of Stone Agreed
Hound of Xoriat Agreed
A Vision of Destruction Agreed
Blown to Bits Agreed
Bastion of Power Agreed
Power Play** Agreed
Schemes of the Enemy Agreed
The Master Artificer** Agreed
The Weapons Shipment* Agreed
Tower of Despair Never run it - Agreement reserved
The Lord of Blades* Never run it - Agreement reserved
*=consider doubling, it's that bad.
**=consider tripling, it's that bad.
Reasoning usually falls into one of three general categories:
Category 1: It's just low for the time invested.
Gladewatch defense, Kobold Assault, Power play, Taming the flames, A small problem, The sacred helm, the 15min threnal one all fall into this category. You finish the quest, it took 3, 5 or 10x as long as other quests of the level, and you got similar or less XP. These quests take a while and then you need a microscope to see the reward on your xp bar. While they usually aren't the most challenging content at each level, they are timesinks and should be boosted to make them worth running.
I honestly don't think the devs ever envisioned 3minute shadow crypts, 1-2minute GH quests and 4 minute running with the devils, etc etc...they didn't anticipate how fast this game can play, and so timed quests generally give poor xp rewards in comparision, and not just for zergers or elite players; even in slower groups, these quests are subpar.
Category 2: Obnoxious quest mechanics or high difficulty.
Faithful departed, Threnal, Made to order, The Keepers sanctuary, Valak's Mausoleum, Bastion of power, bookbinders rescue, etc. Quests that either involve protecting NPCs, or need a trapper, or have difficult/tricky quest mechanics need to reward players for running them. When was the last time you saw an at-level lfm for one of these quests? It's very rare, as the rewards are not worth it. Why do the entire threnal chain when a handful of shadowcrypts gets similar XP and can be done in under 1/4 of the time with no headaches?
Category 3: Raids.
Titan, Reavers fate, Abbot, HOX, VOD, MA and LOB have a special reason for why their xp should be doubled- they are raids. Doing a raid at level, particularly on elite, requires incredible coordination, organization, gear, skill, knowledge from everyone involved, as well as good leadership. If you successfully complete any of these raids at level, you deserve massive compensation for your xp bar, because you have done something great.
Currently that is not the case-the average base XP of these 7 raids, on elite, is a pathetic 6.6k. Considering how difficult and time consuming it is to find a group to do an at level raid, the XP involved is usually incredibly underwhelming. You would think a character would learn and adapt and grow more from fighting the most bada$$ of villans the world of ebberon can supply than from the 3minute 11th run of shadow crypt.
This increase should include epic MA and ELOB. EVON5+6 currently gives well over double what ELOB gives, and over 3x what epic MA gives. Considering the obnoxious wilderness and difficulty finding a group compared to EVON, this is puzzling to me, particularly as epic MA and ELOB are at least as time consuming.
While I realize that dev focus is about as far from the 1-19 game as it has ever been, I think that making all content xp-viable is something that is important. This really should have been done a long time ago.