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  1. #1
    The Hatchery
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    Default Breaking Bravery Streak; or, A Patch

    I just completed Zawabi's Revenge on Epic normal with a couple of friends, on my xp capped favored soul Dandonk, 23 holding the rest. I had also done the raid before on epic hard.

    Now for the kicker: It broke my Bravery streak.


    Now, I suppose it doesn't matter much. But... wut?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Aldieb's Avatar
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    This happened to me with Chrono normal, after having done it on hard kinda every 3 days after expansion -.-
    I'm capped at 3m exp so I'll never have it back again..

  3. #3
    The Hatchery
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    It happened to a friend, too, while doing Chrono. Seems it is a general issue, then. Yay?
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  4. #4


    I've stepped into first quest since U14.2 and my Elite streak has been set to 0. Despite not having done any quests that would break it. So just recalled out.

    My Hard streak is still sitting at 997 where the Hard and Elite counters had been sitting for a while (counter stops advancing intermittently for whatever reason, but not a big issue and streak doesn't break).

    So, having been especially careful not to break my streak, and this being the first time I've stepped into a quest since the patch, can I ask .... W.T.F.?

    EDIT: I do remember doing Beyond the Rift on Epic Hard a few nights ago, but had already done on Epic Normal with a 25 in the party about a week ago. Maybe soloing Epic Hard broke it and I didn't notice, and because I had already done it on Epic Normal, I wouldn't have had any reason to worry about my streak.
    Last edited by Deadlock; 07-27-2012 at 04:35 AM.

  5. #5


    Okay, so stepped into a lvl 22 Epic on Hard with a lvl 25 in the party.

    It's attempting to award a Hard bravery bonus instead of the expected bit about "You are not eligible for a ....."

    So this means that there is now no way to protect your streak if you're doing Epic quests?

    So where you could do a Shroud on normal with a 20 in your party to protect your streak, you no longer have that option in Epics?

    Can that really be WAI?

    Epic Elite or nothing for Epics if you want to preserve your streak until you TR?

    Sure, I can just TR and get my Epic streak back up and running again, but it's a bit of a ball buster when you had it at 997.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery
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    This does sound very weird.

    You said it attempted to award hard bonus? I'll have to check that, if I can get a streak up and running again even though I'm capped and even though I've already done the quests before...
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  7. #7
    Community Member NexEverto's Avatar
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    Just lost my Bravery Streak doing Epic Normal Caught in the Web, I'm capped at 25 and have roughly 12,000,000 Experience in Epic Destinies... Go figure, maybe I'm not capped yet?
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by NexEverto View Post
    Just lost my Bravery Streak doing Epic Normal Caught in the Web, I'm capped at 25 and have roughly 12,000,000 Experience in Epic Destinies... Go figure, maybe I'm not capped yet?
    It doesn't even help if you have done the quest before (at least not if you've only done it vefore patch - cannot say anything about postpatch completions).
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  9. #9
    Community Member NexEverto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    It doesn't even help if you have done the quest before (at least not if you've only done it vefore patch - cannot say anything about postpatch completions).
    Taking a stab in the dark, it's probably because they lowered 25 from being 25, to being 23. Actually, I'm not all that surprised this issues popped up. Bravery Bonus is probably having a heart attack with this change.
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  10. #10
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by NexEverto View Post
    Taking a stab in the dark, it's probably because they lowered 25 from being 25, to being 23. Actually, I'm not all that surprised this issues popped up. Bravery Bonus is probably having a heart attack with this change.
    Could be a halo effect from that change, yes.

    I've reported it, and sent a ticket (never got a reply), so I hope they'll fix it. But likely not until U15 :/
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  11. #11
    Community Member griffin_230's Avatar
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    I had asked if that change would affect the Bravery streaks

    Looks like it might have done so.

  12. #12


    Have I missed a dev post confirming this is WAI or acknowledged as a bug? Can't see anything in the known issues list.

    Maybe something on Monday after the weekend.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Could be a halo effect from that change, yes.

    I've reported it, and sent a ticket (never got a reply), so I hope they'll fix it. But likely not until U15 :/
    ticketed it, got closed without replies with the same canned response 'we cannot help you as it's not known', pretty annoyed that it broke my ~920 (7 lives worth of streaking) elite streak on a quest I had done half a dozen times before while already at 3.000.000 xp
    Last edited by Forgeborn; 07-28-2012 at 06:44 PM.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlock View Post
    Have I missed a dev post confirming this is WAI or acknowledged as a bug? Can't see anything in the known issues list.

    Maybe something on Monday after the weekend.
    I seriously doubt this is WAI.

    But then, I didn't see the heal nerf coming, either, so who knows?
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  15. #15
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forgeborn View Post
    ticketed it, got closed without replies with the same canned response 'we cannot help you as it's not known', pretty annoyed that it broke my ~920 elite streak on a quest I had done half a dozen times before while already at 3.000.000 xp
    Yeah, it's annoying to be sure. My own streak was a puny hard streak that I don't care much about, but for you (and likely many others) it'll be much worse.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Yeah, it's annoying to be sure. My own streak was a puny hard streak that I don't care much about, but for you (and likely many others) it'll be much worse.
    the streak itself doesn't give a **** as it's 5 or higher, it was a pet project to get it to 1000 though on that character, together with the 'ohh you do not advance your actual streak number' bug that went during my last life I'd have hit 1k easily.... but it should not be I guess, the lack of care of the GM's that deal with the tickets peeves me off the most though.

  17. #17
    Uber Completionist
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    What is even stranger with this bravery bonus, is that even though i am capped (but still level 23), I was able to gain 1 hard bravery bonus streak even though I had already done the quest that gave it before... Unfortunately it was after losing my streak doing a caught in the web

    Still haven't figured out how bravery seems to work other than it is buggy as #ell
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