So many people come up to Bairclaw and say things like, “Bairclaw you are awesome”, “Bairclaw we have a hard time keeping up with your path of destruction”, “Bairclaw we want your autograph”, “Bairclaw, you are named after a donut”, “Bairclaw how do you do it?”
So Bairclaw decide to share some of his secrets with you guys, because you are so cool to him.
One question that Bairclaw gets is, ‘where did you get your training?’ Well Bairclaw do lots of training. I started out as a Druid and then trained as a monk for a little bit and then went back to Druid and I think I will do some training as a Fighter next. So am I a Druid because I did most of my training there? Bairclaw don’t know. Maybe I am a little of everything. Is there a name for that? Bairclaw doesn’t know, but if I had to put a name on it I guess I would call it Fruidonk.
Now one thing that I try to tell people is that I am not really the best at anything. I don’t heal as good as a cleric or favored soul. I don’t do the magical damage of a sorcerer and I don’t do the insta-kills of a wizard. And I don’t have the melee damage of a fighter or barbarian. But Bairclaw does a little bit of all of those things; that is what makes him special. Now if you want to be like one of those other guys, I would say to you to go train with them, because that is what you would need to do.
Bairclaw was just thinking that maybe someone might read this who has not seen him. And they might be wondering what does he do? Is he like a wolf, or a bear, or a donut? So, I will answer that now. I am a Two-Weapon Fighter in Fire Elemental form. A lot of the time I use this spell called Body of the Sun that hurts people around me while I fight. So I am like this big firey ball of chopping swords.
Now I guess most of you will want more details about being a Fruidonk, so I tried to organize some of my training in a list to help you out…
Da Fruidonk build….. by Bairclaw
RACE: Well I am a Half-Orc. I don’t know if being a Fruidonk is the best choice for Half-Orcs. Human would probably be better for the extra feat and skill point. But then you would need to be a skinny little human and not big and cool like me, but I guess if you can live with that, then human would be a good choice.
CLASSES: Druid 16/Monk 2/Fighter2
STR: 18 (I put all level ups here)
DEX: 15 (I needed +2 Tome for TWF)
CON: 14
INT: 6
WIS: 14
CHA: 6
FEATS: (11 total – 12 if human)
Two-Weapon Fighting (TWF)
Oversized TWF
Dodge (I maybe change this out for lightning reflexes later to make my evasion work better)
Empower healing
Improved TWF
Improved Critical: Slashing
Greater TWF
Ok, that leaves me with 2 more feats to take and there are a lot of good choices. So I will list the choices I think are good and let you make up your mind. I will include Dodge and Lightning Reflexes in this list as they are not really feats that I think are necessary. Also if you are a skinny human you get to pick one more.
Power Attack (Extra damage is nice but this may cause some ‘to hit’ problem)
Dodge (3% miss chance)
Lightning Reflexes (+2 to reflex save. Will help make evasion better)
Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh (better weapons = more damage)
Augment Summoning (make your dog better)
Quicken (you may need this to heal yourself in really big battle)
Mental Toughness (more spell points is good)
Cleave (This is a... ummm... big word... prereckquizit? for ... more big words ... lejendairy drednot... so you may want it)
Bairclaws writing hand is getting tired, so he will not write down all the enhancements but will highlight a few…
Vengeful hunter
Seasons Herald
Crown of Summer
Spring Resurgence
Beastial Nature which gives a +3 to reflex save.
And of course Spell enhancement stuff
If you have gotten this far, Congratulations! You are a good reader! So some of you may be thinking why do all this training like this? What does it give you? Bairclaw’s real answer is that it is fun. But some of you will want more technical answer so I will list all the benefits of being a Fruidonk…
Monk WIS bonus to AC, if in PJs
Self Healing (you get the Heal spell at your 15th level of Druid. It is nice)
Fire Elemental form +10 racial bonus to your saving throws against magical poisons
Fire Elemental form immunity to natural poisons
Fire Elemental form racial immunity to sleep, paralysis and stun
Fire Elemental form 100% bonus to fortification.
Fire Elemental form - you dont need to breath underwater
Fire Elemental form - Body of the sun (dis is good spell)
Crown of Summer – 2d6 light damage added to weapons
Crown of Summer – 15% Healing Amp
Spring Resurgence – Can be cast on you and all allies. Costs no spell points. When you fall below 50% hit points, you are healed by 20d6 positive energy, and receive a +2 primal bonus to attack rolls.
Decent Melee DPS and Decent Spell Damage which when combined equals pretty good.
Regenerate – Heals ability point damage, and level drain
Self Buffing:
Resist Energy
True Seeing
Ok, now Bairclaws hand really tired from writing. I hope now that I have shared my secrets it will make the world a better place.
If you liked this, send me a donut.