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    Default The Raging Critic - 12 Barbarian / 7 Bard / 1 Fighter

    The Raging Critic - 12 Barbarian / 7 Bard / 1 Fighter

    This is a WIP build, I'd be interested in comments.

    There is a nice synergy between Frenzied Berserker and Warchanter - an extra rage, damage boosts. Plus the combined prerequisite feats - Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus - work well towards the requirements of Overwhelming Critical. Improved Critical is a given, so only Great Cleave is additionally needed. It is still to be seen as to whether a Cleave attack chain is sufficient to replace GTHF.

    While leveling, IC allows you to front load a party wide damage boost at lower levels. A Frenzied Berserker really ramps up in power at rank III.

    CC via Stunning Blow (fort) and Fascinate (will).

    The low number of bard levels and lack of room for meta-feats means any healing focus is via scrolls. Losing Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery III hurts a little, but the extra feat is important.

    8 Bard vs 7 Bard/1 Fighter: The extra IC +1dmg is not a major loss compared to the additional personal dps from Half-Orc for THF mode. This is at least 15% per swing vs a human/half-elf. Although a human build might splash druid instead of fighter - Ram’s Might reduces the personal dps difference to about 7% - but heavy armour and it’s better PPR may be a investment than Human 130% heal amp. Additional Fighter gives 1 BAB, mini-haste boost for leveling and allows the PDK set at cap if you do not have the eClaw set.

    Concept/Goals: Stoned TR for Barbarian life with SOS and eSOS, plus ED grind at 23.
    Class: 12 Barbarian/7 Bard/1 Fighter/3 Epic/X Destiny
    Alignment: Neutral
    Multiclass Progression: 1 Bard, 2 Barbarian, 3 Fighter, 4 Bard, 5-9 Barbarian, 10-15 Bard, 16-20 Barbarian. 2nd level as Barbarian for sprint, 3rd as Bard for Wand Mastery I.

    Stats at 23 and Race (34pt build): Half-Orc: 18,8,16,10,8,14
    Str: 44 (18 base + 5 level + 3 tome + 2 racial + 6 item +1 excp +3 profane = 40 + 2 ship +2 ragesp = 44 +2 yugo
    Str (Raged): 46 + 6 greater rage + 3 power rage III + 1 orc rage I = 56
    Dex: 17 (8 base +3 tome +6 item )
    Con: 32 ( 16 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 excp +2 insight = 28 + 2 ship +2 rage sp )
    Int: 13 (10 base +3 tome)
    Wis: 17 (8 base +3 tome +6 item)
    Cha: 28 (14 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 bard +2 ship + 2 insight = 28

    Human, HE or Dwarf options are all also 18,8,16,10,8,14. Dwarf can go 18,8,18,10,8,12, then with +3 tome will hit 21 for eToughness

    32 point build: Decrease intelligence.
    Ability increase every 4 levels: All in strength.

    Skills : Perform (23), UMD (23), Concentration(20), Tumble (1), Balance (10). Plus whatever at level one.

    Feats (by level): Toughness (1), Cleave (3), WF: Slashing (6), IC: Slashing (9), Extend (12), Great Cleave(15), Stunning Blow (18), OC: Slashing (21), ? (24).
    Feats (Fighter): Power Attack (3)

    Potentially switch OC: Slashing with SF: Perform in order to unlock Virtuoso I and Music of the Dead for additional ED grind CC. If Human may also take Quick Draw or Maximise

    Enhancements (Barbarian): Barbarian Frenzied Berserker II (6AP), Barbarian Damage Boost III (6AP), Barbarian Power Rage III (6AP), Barbarian Power Attack II (3AP), Barbarian Extend Rage I (1AP) , Barbarian Extra Rage II (3AP), Barbarian Sprint Boost I (1AP), Barbarian Toughness I (1AP). Total 27AP
    Enhancements (Bard): Bard Warchanter I (4AP), Bard Extra Song II (3AP), Bard Inspired Attack I (2AP), Bard Inspired Bravery II (3AP), Bard Inspired Damage II (3AP), Bard Charisma I (2AP), Bard Lingering Song II (3AP), Bard Wand and Scroll Mastery II (3AP). Total 23AP
    Enhancements (Fighter): Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) I (1AP), Fighter Haste Boost I (1AP)
    Enhancements (Half-Orc): Improved Perform II (2AP), Orcish Extra Action Boost I (1AP), Orcish Melee Damage II (6AP), Orcish Power Attack II (3AP), Orcish Power Rage I (1AP), Orcish Strength II (6AP), Racial Toughness I (1AP). Total: 20AP
    Total AP: 27 + 23 + 2 + 20 = 72
    Enhancements (Twists): WIP
    Enhancements (Main ED?): WIP ??
    Options: Barbarian Constitution I (2AP - too make up an odd number), Bard Charisma II (4AP, too make up an odd number, although may be better to drop Charisma I), Bard Extra Song III (3AP), Fighter Haste Boost I (Use while leveling), Orcish Fury I (1AP) , Racial Toughness II (2AP), Orcish Power Rage II + Barbarian Power Rage IV (6AP)

    Head: eChrono?
    Gloves: eClaw
    Cloak: Bard Cloak? eChrono?
    Boots: eChrono?
    Trinket: Voice
    Bracers: eClaw
    Belt: Ravager, Spare Hand
    Necklace: ?
    Goggles: GS Air/Air/Air, Drow Smoke Goggles
    Armour: Whitescale, PDK, Hide of the Goristro,
    Ring1: Ring of the Ravager - will the dot proc on Cleave/Great Gleave/etc?
    Ring2: Warchanter? Seal of House Dun'Robar with Stunning?
    Weapons: SOS and then eSOS - other options: Cloudburst, LitII Falchion, +4 Bodyfeeder Silver Falchion of Vampirism.

    Work in progress. Likely to have three modes: pure dps, CC mode and utility bot.

    Nice to Have
    (Epic) Flameward

    HP: 20 base + 10 draconic + 144 barb + 42 bard + 10 fighter + 220 CON32 = 446 + 22 toughness feat + 30 GFL + 45 greensteel + 20 toughness item + 20 racial toughness = 583 + 30 level 23 + 69 CON32@lvl23 +3 toughness = 685 + 69 greater rage@23 + 46 yugo@23 = 800

    Stunning Blow: 10 base + 10 item + 17 strength + 1 fighter tactics + 5 combat mastery + 6 legendary tactics +1 yugo = 50 + 5 raged = 55

    UMD: 23 base +9 charisma +4 GH +1 focus chant +6 greensteel +1 luck = 44 +3 item
    UMD@16: 17 base +8 charisma +4 GH +1 focus chan +6 greensteel +1 luck +3 item = 40
    Fascinate: 23 ranks + 15 Item + 4 GH + 1 Focus Chant + 1 Voice + 2 Improved Perform + 9 CHA28 = 55 + 1 hogf/luck +6 greensteel +6 Allure = 68
    Base Duration: 24 seconds + 6 seconds per bard level 24 + 6 * 7 = 66 sec

    IC lasts for 4min + 40% (Bard Lingering Song II) = 336sec
    One song per rest per level of Bard: 7 + Bard Extra Song II +3 Allure = 12

    Focusing Chant: 36+6s/CL = 78sec. Or 156sec with extend.
    Displacement/Haste: 6s/CL = 42sec. Or 84sec with extend.
    Rage Spell: 1 Minute +6s/CL = 102sec or 204sec with extend.

    Main weakness of this build is spell duration


    Duration: 18 + (Constitution modifier x 6) seconds. The rage-enhanced Constitution score is used for this calculation. 18 + (32+6 (greater) + 0 (hardy) )* 6 = 246 sec or 4min 6 secs. (Plus Extend Rage I for 125% boost) = 307 sec.

    Number of Rages: 4 + 2 (Barbarian Extra Rage II) +1 (Warchanter I) = 7

    Barbarian Rage: Greater Rager +6 STR, Barbarian Power Rage III +3 STR, Orcish Power Rage I +1 STR, Frenzy +2 STR = +12 STR when Frenzy. May decide to not Frenzy when solo or short-man.

    2012/07/30 - Take Fighter at 3. Power Attack required for Cleave - switch WF: Slashing to Level 6.
    Last edited by emptysands; 07-29-2012 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Hmm, seems I may have kicked off a little Bard 7 splash craze.

    Seems like a good idea - but can you use Songs while Raged?

    IC can be used for buffing before raging ofc, but will you be able to use Fascinates effectively?
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    Seems like a good idea - but can you use Songs while Raged?

    IC can be used for buffing before raging ofc, but will you be able to use Fascinates effectively?
    Not as far as I know - the IC duration pretty much will match the Raged duration - 336sec vs 307sec. So use of songs will depend on the moment. Either chose not to rage beforehand, depending on party or use the dismiss rage button at an OMG moment. Unfortunately self buffs like displace will not last the distance - this will likely require picking your moment: songs, fascinate, rage.

    I'm planning a most two-man static group too 23 and beyond. While leveling Frenzy probably will not be used and Greater Rage does not kick in until level 19. In a full party with a healer, you'd like stay raged the whole time and go into full dps mode.

  4. #4
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emptysands View Post
    Not as far as I know - the IC duration pretty much will match the Raged duration - 336sec vs 307sec. So use of songs will depend on the moment. Either chose not to rage beforehand, depending on party or use the dismiss rage button at an OMG moment. Unfortunately self buffs like displace will not last the distance - this will likely require picking your moment: songs, fascinate, rage.

    I'm planning a most two-man static group too 23 and beyond. While leveling Frenzy probably will not be used and Greater Rage does not kick in until level 19. In a full party with a healer, you'd like stay raged the whole time and go into full dps mode.
    This is why so many interesting idea's involving Barbarians falls down, for me.

    They can't use Social skills while raged. They cant use songs. Scroll use is out of the window. Forget trap disabling. There are so many interesting tactics and mechanics that go out the window with Rage that make them very hard to work with.

    By mid to end game your Rages are getting some decent length and you have a useful pot of them. I've looked at 12 Barb splits before, and worked possible 17 minute windows of constant Rage - shrine to shrine, just about. And a Barb that isn't Raged, is just a gimped fighter without the feats really. If you start dismissing them to pick up a heal scroll or use a Fascinate, well....

    Don't get me wrong, very situationally I can see having the odd Fire Shield, Fascinate and teleporting around town is nice and could be useful.

    So rather than plugging my own Song & Dance build (which makes very funky use of fateSinger and I get the feeling you'll want to go for something more Brutal and upgront like Legendary Dreadnought) - have you considered going Fighter 12/Kensai 2 instead?

    I'm thinking this would fit your goals alot better while still giving you very good DPS with relevant feats. Tactical Combats feats and UMD is a potent combination, and you'll still get your 'Rage Mode' with Fighter Haste Boost and Power Surge. With all the extra boosts you can get from going Kensai and Half-Orc you'll be swinging, singing, swirling whirlwind of doom.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    This is why so many interesting idea's involving Barbarians falls down, for me.

    They can't use Social skills while raged. They cant use songs. Scroll use is out of the window. Forget trap disabling. There are so many interesting tactics and mechanics that go out the window with Rage that make them very hard to work with.

    By mid to end game your Rages are getting some decent length and you have a useful pot of them. I've looked at 12 Barb splits before, and worked possible 17 minute windows of constant Rage - shrine to shrine, just about. And a Barb that isn't Raged, is just a gimped fighter without the feats really. If you start dismissing them to pick up a heal scroll or use a Fascinate, well....

    Don't get me wrong, very situationally I can see having the odd Fire Shield, Fascinate and teleporting around town is nice and could be useful.

    So rather than plugging my own Song & Dance build (which makes very funky use of fateSinger and I get the feeling you'll want to go for something more Brutal and upgront like Legendary Dreadnought) - have you considered going Fighter 12/Kensai 2 instead?

    I'm thinking this would fit your goals alot better while still giving you very good DPS with relevant feats. Tactical Combats feats and UMD is a potent combination, and you'll still get your 'Rage Mode' with Fighter Haste Boost and Power Surge. With all the extra boosts you can get from going Kensai and Half-Orc you'll be swinging, singing, swirling whirlwind of doom.
    The main purpose for this is to get a Barbarian past life. After grinding some more ED xp, this toon will likely TR into a 20 Fighter.

    Since I'll mostly be 2-man TRing, I'm hoping that the bard levels will give some options. Scale up dps by rage/frenzy if in a full party. Otherwise rage, break rage, heal, rage, with displacement for initial pulls.

    The rage and song durations pretty much match up.

    Self-buffed if I assume full GTHF on 14 Barb/2 Fighter vs raged GTHF 7Bard/8Barb/1Fighter - there is about a 7% difference in dps, 144.43 vs 135.03 per swing with the same gear. Without the GTHF line the Critic's per swing drops to 117.26, but I'm not sure how cleave spam factor into the dps calculations. With the same song (+5) the Barb will increase to 154.56 per swing.

    One thing I'd like to check is if the primal scream "rage" allows the crit bous from FB2: "While raging, increases the critical multiplier of all weapons you use by 1 when you roll a natural 19 or 20 that is a confirmed critical hit." Since you can still cast spells when raged with primal scream, this might be a useful mechanism for a FB2/Warchanter to get a dps crit bonus without losing the ability to scroll heal, etc.

  6. #6
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    Just remember that without Warchanter 2 then you will still have ASF in anything heavier then light armor.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morbic View Post
    Just remember that without Warchanter 2 then you will still have ASF in anything heavier then light armor.
    It's a shame the new armor do not have blue slots. Heavy armour use will probably be situational and it looks like Bard casting in light armour is bugged and still affected by (lower) ASF anyway. Importantly heal scrolls are not effected by ASF.

  8. #8
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    At 4 and working well - Orcish Melee Damage I + Bard Inspired Damage I and Bard Lingering Song I work well together. Cleaving for 100 damage unraged.

  9. #9
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    Up to 8 without any problems - wand healed and dpsed a few pugs without any problems. Cure Crit Wands from the Guild vendor work well at the moment with heal amp and a (bugged) devotion item.

    Stoned and holding at 15 - 7 Barb/7Bard/1Fighter. No problems two man elite plaza chain - except for undermine (need some jump clickies :/). Great Cleaving crits for 300-450 when using the SOS. Discovered the can still cast when frenzied, but not raged. Heal scrolls, fascinate and displacement work well for those OMG moments. IC song at +5 dmg - very nice.

    Gear at 15:

    HEAD: Minos
    NECK: Silver Flame
    EYES: Tharnes or Air/Air GS Googles (need to trade some scales for large stone or three)
    TRIK: Voice (I'm lazy) or HoGF (if without ship buffs and heal scrolling). Might also use Bold Trinket or PL Ioun Stone.
    ARM: Claw
    HAND: Claw (dps mode) or Vile Blasphemy (old version, scroll mode or if reflex is important)
    RING: Crafted +6 STR and +3 Resists
    RING: Crafted CON +6 and B/I
    BACK: Bard's Cloak
    BELT: GFL, Planar Gird
    FOOT: F/F and Balance +10
    ARMR: Marilith Chain
    QUIV: Quiver of Alacrity (upgraded)

    WEAP: SoS or Crafted +3 Bodyfeeder Silver Falchion of Lesser Vampirism

  10. #10
    Founder Fafnir's Avatar
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    I've been doing the TR run with this toon on my TR4 monk/rogue.

    This barb/bard build is only a TR1 and there may be some gear benefits (e.g. regular SOS) that this particular player has - but the build seems very effective.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    ... the build seems very effective.
    It definitely is. Decent damage, extremely high survivability and soloability.

    I've done one of my melee's lives with a similar build (11 barb 7 bard 2 ftr) and it was quite potent and enjoyable:

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mackem View Post
    It definitely is. Decent damage, extremely high survivability and soloability.

    I've done one of my melee's lives with a similar build (11 barb 7 bard 2 ftr) and it was quite potent and enjoyable:
    I've been thinking about a TWF version for my ranger. Even though he has a +4 DEX tome, it's pretty hard to keep the stats up - probably 18/13/16/8/8/12 on a HO. Losing the INT isn't so bad - basically means Concentration. But taking TWF feat chain means it's hard to get OC: Slashing and HO doesn't really work for as well for TWF builds. So I'd probably go human.

    Post stone, Faf and I had finished off the Plaza chain and GH - holding 16 almost at 17 cap. I've found that displacement and frenzy then C/GC work very well together. Situational fire shield scrolls. It all works well. I've crafted the last tier on my GS googles and without the abbot gloves equipped I hit 40 UMD in dps mode.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by emptysands View Post
    I've been thinking about a TWF version for my ranger. Even though he has a +4 DEX tome, it's pretty hard to keep the stats up - probably 18/13/16/8/8/12 on a HO. Losing the INT isn't so bad - basically means Concentration. But taking TWF feat chain means it's hard to get OC: Slashing and HO doesn't really work for as well for TWF builds. So I'd probably go human.
    Exactly. Though I had only +3 DEX tome, I had +4's in INT and CHA and I went human.

    And I took an extra FTR level (11/7/2 instead of 12/7/1) for an extra feat (you never have enough TWF feats lol) and because I took 7 bard early for haste/displace so I would not get 12th barb lvl until the cap anyway

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mackem View Post
    Exactly. Though I had only +3 DEX tome, I had +4's in INT and CHA and I went human.

    And I took an extra FTR level (11/7/2 instead of 12/7/1) for an extra feat (you never have enough TWF feats lol) and because I took 7 bard early for haste/displace so I would not get 12th barb lvl until the cap anyway
    Yeah, the calculus is different now you have to think about the ED grind. It's definitely better to take bard levels early: +5 dmg, displace/haste and scroll use are very effective mid to high level.

  15. #15
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    Not having evasion is painful in elite quests at the moment. Double shot lighting hitting for 150 from Storm Giants in GH Tor is nasty. I'm hitting 410 HP with buff and unraged at level 16, but with the current spell power scaling on elite I sometimes feel like I don't have my fort item equiped.

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