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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default MOTU vs Cannith challenge items

    I'm really torn atm whether the new MOTU items for monks are better all in all than the Cannith Challenge items. Apologies - this is a bit long....

    Let me explain:

    My set up before MOTU

    Head: Cove hat NA + 5
    Armor: Frozen tunic with toughness slotted
    Boots: used to be madstones - now using whatever catches my fancy at the time. Will revert to madstoned when fixed.
    Bracers: Bracers of the wind with GFL slotted
    Gloves: Fabricators
    Belt: Spare hand
    Necklace: Shintao
    Ring 1: Shintao with Holy Burst
    Ring 2: Stalker
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Cloak: GS 45 HP heavy fort
    Trinket: Head of good fortune (upgraded)

    With MOTU I could change the following:

    Bracers, Belt & Armor - sun soul & spider Caparison
    Ring - Seal of dun rubar
    Gloves - purple dragon gloves (this I will almost definately do - no downside & not really part of the discussion)

    So - what do I gain & lose with both options:

    Lets say I used the sun soul, spider Caparison & teh dun rubar ring. I would gain...

    * About +4 wisdom which = +2 DC & AC
    * + 1 AC (9 AC robe vs 8 AC robe)
    * + 1 reinforced fists
    * + 2 to hit & dmg (does it stack with shintao?) and the special abilities that proc on a 20
    * +4 AC from Superior Parrying
    * + 4 dodge
    * + 10 stunning on everything

    Sounds nice. But here is what I lose with this set up:

    * Freezing Ice - this procs a lot & is a real help, especially if I get mobbed
    *Blur from the bracers - don't always have a mage on hand to cast it
    * - 3 dodge from the bracers
    * GFL - not sure where I'd have room to slot this in if I used all the new shinies from MOTU. I suppose I could use my Epic spectral gloves & slot it in there, but that would mean I wouldn't be able to use the new purple dragon gloves which seem to be more useful
    * Exceptional Combat mastery from the spare hand belt - I suppose I could survive without this but it is definately nice for stunning when you already have +10 stunning on the wraps
    * Ring of the stalker - +6 seeker, sneak attack, manslayer & yellow & clear slot - it's a nice combination ring & it is hard to juggle gear & get all the effects from somewhere else.

    So there you have it - not really sure what to do. Maybe the best I could hope for is to keep the shintao & stalker rings & forget about the dun robar seal. I could slot GFL in the stalker ring & then I would just be loosing blur, Exceptional Combat mastery, 3 dodge and Freezing Ice - all of which (especially the loss of frezzing ice & 3 dodge) hurts

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2009


    Well all i can say is that the new set bonuses seem really strong - specially in fire and earth stance. I would really try to work them in.

    Also not sure how often the freezing ice lands in the tougher content (35 save DC).

    Also with the new items all u really need to slot is GFL.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kaledor's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Aalric View Post
    I'm really torn atm whether the new MOTU items for monks are better all in all than the Cannith Challenge items. Apologies - this is a bit long....

    Let me explain:

    My set up before MOTU

    Head: Cove hat NA + 5
    Armor: Frozen tunic with toughness slotted
    Boots: used to be madstones - now using whatever catches my fancy at the time. Will revert to madstoned when fixed.
    Bracers: Bracers of the wind with GFL slotted
    Gloves: Fabricators
    Belt: Spare hand
    Necklace: Shintao
    Ring 1: Shintao with Holy Burst
    Ring 2: Stalker
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Cloak: GS 45 HP heavy fort
    Trinket: Head of good fortune (upgraded)

    With MOTU I could change the following:

    Bracers, Belt & Armor - sun soul & spider Caparison
    Ring - Seal of dun rubar
    Gloves - purple dragon gloves (this I will almost definately do - no downside & not really part of the discussion)

    So - what do I gain & lose with both options:

    Lets say I used the sun soul, spider Caparison & teh dun rubar ring. I would gain...

    * About +4 wisdom which = +2 DC & AC
    * + 1 AC (9 AC robe vs 8 AC robe)
    * + 1 reinforced fists
    * + 2 to hit & dmg (does it stack with shintao?) and the special abilities that proc on a 20
    * +4 AC from Superior Parrying
    * + 4 dodge
    * + 10 stunning on everything

    Sounds nice. But here is what I lose with this set up:

    * Freezing Ice - this procs a lot & is a real help, especially if I get mobbed
    *Blur from the bracers - don't always have a mage on hand to cast it
    * - 3 dodge from the bracers
    * GFL - not sure where I'd have room to slot this in if I used all the new shinies from MOTU. I suppose I could use my Epic spectral gloves & slot it in there, but that would mean I wouldn't be able to use the new purple dragon gloves which seem to be more useful
    * Exceptional Combat mastery from the spare hand belt - I suppose I could survive without this but it is definately nice for stunning when you already have +10 stunning on the wraps
    * Ring of the stalker - +6 seeker, sneak attack, manslayer & yellow & clear slot - it's a nice combination ring & it is hard to juggle gear & get all the effects from somewhere else.

    So there you have it - not really sure what to do. Maybe the best I could hope for is to keep the shintao & stalker rings & forget about the dun robar seal. I could slot GFL in the stalker ring & then I would just be loosing blur, Exceptional Combat mastery, 3 dodge and Freezing Ice - all of which (especially the loss of frezzing ice & 3 dodge) hurts

    Any ideas?

    I haven't pulled the spider pj's yet nor do I have enough favor to give them the sun soul set bonus. I do wear the sun soul set.

    Helm- GSMin2 HP
    Neck- Henshin (Shintao)
    Trinket- Voice of the master (still looking for a good trinket)
    Goggles- Woodsman goggles
    Bracers- Bracers of the SunSoul
    Boots- Boots of the Woodsman
    Belt- Belt of the SunSoul
    Gloves- Epic brawling gloves (these are actually really nice again now that the glass jaw strike is working)
    Ring1- Seal of DunRobar +10 stunning, +8 Dex
    Ring2- Henshin with Holy Burst (still looking for the Shintao ring)
    Armor- Sun Soul Pj's

    I plan on working favor and farming up a set of the spiderspun pj's, also need to finally get my shintao ring from ToD, haven't decided on a trinket as yet. I ended up dumping GFL, but I did pick up the epic toughness feat, and also with the additional hps and EDs I still have around 700 health.

    I dumped Epic Jidz, Epic Raven's sight, Epic Spare hand, Bloodstone, was a sad day but afterwards I did feal alot better, the mtn stance proc goes off alot and is really helpful.
    Last edited by Kaledor; 07-26-2012 at 10:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006

    Default Hard to give up

    Those gem slots are nice but even without them here is what I would lose.
    Fire shield cold = -50% to fire dmg is great , reflex does cover for some of that
    Freezing Ice, coupled with the alchemical air set, this or lit strike = death to most things kinda doubles my free kills

    10 inherent stacking elect reist
    Blurry 20% , always having blur on or constant 20% dmg avoidance unless mob has TS
    Dodge bonus 3% , I like me some dodge, but I'm not giving up dmg rings for a dodge item
    Air guard , things fall down sometimes

    3% double strike , doesn't stack with my tier 3 air alchems but sometimes I do take them off, nice to have constant 3% at least ( I sit 22% normally I am big on double strike)
    +5 combat mastery, This is just pimp stun fist, stun blow ect.. (54 DC unbuffed, how much is overkill?)
    Riposte, counterattack as a dmg shield.. I think backstab goes off on it too as I see 2 numbers (half elf dil rogue for 3d6) seems to do like 70 pts
    Staggering blow, not sure I have ever seen that go off, hard to tell when wearing air guard

    The new set I lose the above for the following

    Set bonus +2 to hit and dmg, might not stack with shinto set
    On a 20 roll
    Fire - cure mod, with standard monk amp like 50 ish hp maybe
    Earth - 10 sec buff to reduce incomming dmg by 25% ( great if you tank, but I dont like the aggro you get, and with my build either I can tank it without it or for instance in epic elite, it doesn't help enough ... those guys dont play =)
    Air - 6% to doublestrike temp buff (unsure if it stacks with epic destiny stuff )
    Water - Fire shield cold -50% to fire dmg is great , reflex does cover for some of that

    +2 more resist
    +1 more ac
    Reinforced fist , doesnt stack with alchemical wraps (think its not working currently anyway) but would be nice for other wraps

    +1 more wis (not taking off shinto ring set)
    +2 con , hpts are yummy
    +4 to saves and +4 to ac , very nice love the save (not having issues failing saves currently) , and the ac but 4 ac aint what it use to be

    +1 extra con , This would free up the neck slot if the shinto set bonus doesnt stack.
    +2 wis this gives an ac and a dc back to stun fist but not stun blow (I use both)
    +15 con - duplicated on shinto neck set


    Might free up a neck slot, give me 23 hpts , like +5 or 6 to most saves and 6 ac
    The stance effects seem to be taking some of what I lose and giving it back as a temp buff, grated it might stack and they are kinda cool, Might be worth it on a tankie type monk, if you are buffed with blur and have a +4% dodge somewhere it could be cool.

    I am a DPS build (If I want to tank I have a defender build fighter, no point building 2 tanks =), normally in wind stance but also grandmaster earth and I think I lose alot more than I get back if I equip the new set, maybe the raid crafted armor can make up for all that, a solid neck with +5 combat mastery would go a long way to making it feasible. ( I stun everything constantly, thumb button bound )

    PS I have my toughness and greater false life item on epic gem slots I would be losing too.

    Anyway thats my breakdown, it might not be for everyone, and the gear from the house C challenges takes a little longer to get and is kinda more grind tasktic

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