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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Some things i thought ahbout

    Explorers: now that explorers reveal the full map, i thought maybe make it happen that if you examine the explorer in the journal, the location appears on the map. The massage explorers should be able to be replayed /reared in the journal aswell any time.

    XP and leveling:
    Make XP collected at cap (20 or 25 not sure yet) count with a 50% penalty towards your next life up to the grade of the characters veteran status (the vet status the player earned that life) so basicly: if you have enough favor to recieve vet I in that life you can start your next TR on lvl4 using XP you earned while beeing capped. (VIP maybe?)

    Epic Destenies: Add bonus points (4 ap and 2 Fate prob?) for those who have 5 levls in all EDs. the APs can be spend on any desteny, but only once. so you can have 28 points spend in your active ED.

    BSwords: BSwords seem to be the second stepchild (next to ranged) of this game. The new dices totally screw it compared to the games favorite the khopesh. Pls have a look on the bswords dice set and prob up it. (1.75W for onehanded prob?) not sure bout the numbers.

    Ranged combat: pls force all devs to play an archer (and NO melee combat allowed exept for oozes), im couriouse what ideasd they would bring on to balance it.

    Epic tokens in the underdark endchests pls
    Fragments in the q reward list like pots and reknown prob?

    Cannith Challenges: up the nonepic up to 25 pls

    Seperate the completion counter for heroic and and epic
    Thelanis: Errtu-1, Cherubael, Nararian, Seyria, Yarrrkk, Apothecarius, Tarcus-1, Kheradruakh, Evesor, Experimentum

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TimethiefXVI View Post
    Explorers: now that explorers reveal the full map, i thought maybe make it happen that if you examine the explorer in the journal, the location appears on the map. The massage explorers should be able to be replayed /reared in the journal aswell any time.

    XP and leveling:
    Make XP collected at cap (20 or 25 not sure yet) count with a 50% penalty towards your next life up to the grade of the characters veteran status (the vet status the player earned that life) so basicly: if you have enough favor to recieve vet I in that life you can start your next TR on lvl4 using XP you earned while beeing capped. (VIP maybe?)

    Epic Destenies: Add bonus points (4 ap and 2 Fate prob?) for those who have 5 levls in all EDs. the APs can be spend on any desteny, but only once. so you can have 28 points spend in your active ED.

    BSwords: BSwords seem to be the second stepchild (next to ranged) of this game. The new dices totally screw it compared to the games favorite the khopesh. Pls have a look on the bswords dice set and prob up it. (1.75W for onehanded prob?) not sure bout the numbers.

    Ranged combat: pls force all devs to play an archer (and NO melee combat allowed exept for oozes), im couriouse what ideasd they would bring on to balance it.

    Epic tokens in the underdark endchests pls
    Fragments in the q reward list like pots and reknown prob?

    Cannith Challenges: up the nonepic up to 25 pls

    Seperate the completion counter for heroic and and epic
    explorers: not a bad suggestion, but as far as I can tell it wouldn't have much of an impact on the game.

    xp/leveling: with the low level content already as easy as it is to breeze through, I don't really think this change is particularly necessary. That said, if the dev's decided to institute it, I would not object

    epic destinies: I think the extra AP would be a bit much, and probably pretty difficult to code. The extra fate point or two though I think would be a fine addition.

    Bastard Swords: These have the benefit of glancing blows when using them with a shield, so they gain the same bonuses as a two handed weapon here. These, and dwarven axes to an extent, are designed to be the primary weapons for sword and build type builds because of this. They are intentionally less optimal than some other weapon types for TWF builds. That said, I don't think they really need any bonuses as a weapon type.

    ranged combat: The biggest issue that I can see with ranged combat is that it has so many aspects. Spellcasters, bows, crossbows, repeaters, and thrown weapons all fall under this category, and all have vastly different power levels. Spellcasters are arguably some of the most powerful characters in the game, with bow/thrown users being among the weakest. Ranged combat needs an overhaul, preferably soonish.

    epic fragments: the dev's specified a while back that epic tokens and augment slots are a strictly ebberon thing. Though I think they should probably re-assess the new drop rates for fragments, as the most efficient way to get tokens is to run time is money until you are ready to gouge out your eyes, instead of running actual epic quests.

    cannith challenges: I don't think the non-epic challenges should be upped to level 25, since 20-25 are epic by default, but I think that non-epic challenges should count all level 20+ characters as level 20 for the purposes of rewards.

    completion counter: Not sure how feasible this idea is, might be rather difficult to code it into the game at this point. Also not entirely sure how necessary this change would be, since we will have more content the in the 20+ range coming out soon.

    All in all, some fairly decent ideas.

  3. #3
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    Epic Destenies: make them viewable by hotkey even in heroic lvl, i use to think over tzhem when beeing bored

    PreClasses: prob add preClasses like destenies in the futur? no twists ofc
    Make preclasses count towards EDs, like an elven fighter AA can choose shirady instant
    Thelanis: Errtu-1, Cherubael, Nararian, Seyria, Yarrrkk, Apothecarius, Tarcus-1, Kheradruakh, Evesor, Experimentum

  4. #4
    Community Member CheeseMilk's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by TimethiefXVI View Post
    Epic Destenies: make them viewable by hotkey even in heroic lvl, i use to think over tzhem when beeing bored
    While I do wish there was a hotkey for them as well, you can open the menu (bottom left icon on the screen) and drag the Destiny Button to a hotbar. That way it's only one click away. I did the same for the monster manual, for future reference.

  5. #5
    Community Member Avidus's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Ctrl+E will open the epic destiny screen.
    ~ Rukan 4/3 pal/mnk(Past Life mnk x3) ~ Ignavus 16 wiz(Past Life sor/wiz) ~ Styphon 20 Game Deformer(Past Life Clr) ~
    ~ Wyek 7/6 mnk/ftr ~ Lystara 5/6/2 ftr/rng/mnk ~ Tinder 12 brb ~

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