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Thread: Rage

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    I am confused, why does anyone need healing in EH Chrono? CSW pots are good enough for the low damage you take...

    Me thinks something else is going on...
    This. I 4 manned it, granted w/ my cleric, a wiz, sorc and FvS.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    No I don't I just am tired of the attitude that ANY class can self heal themselves through ANYTHING ANYTIME. If this was the case there would be no fvs/clerics heal or tank as tank fvs/clerics are just more self-sufficient fighters with less dps. Or every "healer" would be nuke and insta-kill specced.
    This is what I don't get. Why people don't play divines/arcanes exclusively.

    Unlike what the OP just said, they are NOT "self sufficient fighters with less dps," They have more DPS and completely self sufficient without any loss of power.

    And again, seriously, who dies in an eH chrono?

    Finally, on a less serious note. My cleric just topped the kill count in eVon 5. He beat the barb who stayed in the puzzle room to "get conquest." Mostly because we didn't get a caster to join (Okay, I'll be fair, I turned all the undead and instakilled everything else)... but seriously... why does anyone play melee? What do they bring to the table?

    Seriously... I can understand the "Nerf casters/divines" threads, but I just don't understand this one. Other than pointing out how you DIED IN eH CHRONO, what did you accomplish?

  3. #63
    Community Member Sgt_Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    No I probably wasn't there as I was one of the last two to join.
    Um.. you were there. You were one of the 3 Pug's in the group of 12. Everyone else -knew- the drill and didn't need to be told I'm afraid.
    Hart o Gold Hart o Song
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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    But if you sign on to fill a specific role, FILL THAT ROLE. Or at least try, come on people even good Horc sword swinging fvs can and do toss heals to back up.
    I think the point you're missing is that this was their group... their LFM... they didn't join up for the specific role you wanted them to join up for. You're assuming that because of their class, they should heal you. That's not the way the game works. Never, ever go into a group assuming a divine is going to be your personal babysitter just because of their class icon.
    Sarlona Server - Evasca, Imandria, Aasinqa, Kiicha, Araknia, Milria, etc...

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  5. #65
    Community Member achitophel's Avatar
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    Couldnt help myself...

  6. #66
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by achitophel View Post

    Couldnt help myself...
    +1 for the most hilarious moment in my morning.
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  7. #67
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    Agreed on all counts but lets add one.
    If the last two heals you threw were on yourself OUT of combat and while your party was dying you dont deserve to be a healer.
    If all the heals you throw dont land because you ran behind a wall away from your dps/tanks
    That's cool, I'm not playing a healer, I'm playing a divine caster.

  8. #68
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Every player that has taken the dive into the Divine Arts plays differently - Based on Class(es) picked, Skill Level and personal taste.

    Some run around healing every wound no matter how minor, others balance healing well using rule of triage, others run mass heals on themselves only and if your there you get it otherwise tough, than there is those that heal themselves only and finally those that won't heal even themselves.

    Hearing what seems to be both sides of the story - party member that complained they did not get healed and died twice within the first 5 minutes (Admitting also that the first was their fault {sarcastically I believe}) and than admitting they had run with the FvS before and knew not to expect a bot. Than from the PL who was said FvS with comments like being blocked/Out of Range - which can happen if the FvS is running ahead in Chrono or if the party member is running ahead. So we don't have a rewind/replay mode so that each of us can judge what really happened, all we have is the word of two players about the exchange.

    Of course it would be interesting to see the score card at the end to see if in fact the FvS just let everyone die to raise them.

    Look there are two options everyone has if they don't like the tone of the party
    1. Suck it up and adjust
    2. Leave

  9. #69
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    was there, there were no more deaths

  10. #70
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    4 pages of whine and rage and it's not even about a shroud run.

    I'm speechless...

  11. #71
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    with ddo still not working it was fun to relive this post made me think of a evon6 run the other day when after completion i said "good job i didnt throw a single heal" rumomo retorts "yes harkur is first fvs i met who really wont heal" my rebuttle "no momo you've met yourself"

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by hebruhamer View Post
    with ddo still not working it was fun to relive this post made me think of a evon6 run the other day when after completion i said "good job i didnt throw a single heal" rumomo retorts "yes harkur is first fvs i met who really wont heal" my rebuttle "no momo you've met yourself"

    hahahaha seems i should read the forum more :P

    and - i do heal - with divine wrath offc


  13. #73
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    omg you 2 healing a raid did this complete? must of had a bard lol

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