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Thread: Rage

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    Sometimes I just like to let people die. I do this mainly to my guildies, but occasionally if might have happened when a pugger wasn't listening.
    And you enjoy dying when someone expresses their support in your healing ability. Good times.
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Its even more hilarious when they themselves prove this wrong when the raise comes in a half second after death.
    That doesn't mean anything. You might have caught them in between cooldowns, been blocked, missed a mass cure or mass heal, they may have been stunned, any number of things.

  3. #23
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kages View Post
    And you enjoy dying when someone expresses their support in your healing ability. Good times.
    A well timed death, is just hard to beat.

    Heck, sometimes I die just so I can pike.

  4. #24
    Community Member Quetzacoala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    So disturbing trend on Sarlona is healing classes not healing. I ran Chrono on EH today and was dead twice in the first five minutes both times IN FRONT OF THE FVS. Im all for playing a toon however you want to just look at the last thread I posted about my rogue. But if you sign on to fill a specific role, FILL THAT ROLE. Or at least try, come on people even good Horc sword swinging fvs can and do toss heals to back up. thats difference between being good and being stuborn on a fvs/cleric.
    Quite frankly, there are far too many reasons why the favored soul did not heal you.

    1. He may have been lagging

    2. He may have been busy healing others

    3. Something could have happened in reality that demanded his attention

    4. He may not have realized that you needed to be healed

    5. He may have assumed another healer would handle it

    6. He may not be a favored soul that heals others

    7. He may have had a personal vendetta against you
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    I agree with the feathered marsupial.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Expecting people with HP totals nearing 1k to heal up using CSW pots is pretty redando when one heal spell will top them off. How long is the high DPS fighter or barbarian expected to stand there and drink pots rather than actually DPS the mobs down?

    EH can be blown through even faster if the heavy beaters are damaging mobs the entire time, rather than damaging mobs 25% of the time and guzzling CSW pots 75% of the time.
    I have more then active pure fighter with more then 1k hp. And i can totally heal myself and dps. Don't think that people can't they just expect others to heal them.

    Take care of yourself first. Soul Stones have ****** dps!

  6. #26
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justagame View Post
    That doesn't mean anything. You might have caught them in between cooldowns, been blocked, missed a mass cure or mass heal, they may have been stunned, any number of things.
    When the res comes in that quick, it was timed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  7. #27
    Community Member Sgt_Hart's Avatar
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    Having been there, and living through it all on my 265HP bard.. All I'm gonna say is it tends to be wiser to stay with the group, rather than following an FVS/TANK off and wherever the hell stamp was going.
    Hart o Gold Hart o Song
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  8. #28
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    I have more then active pure fighter with more then 1k hp. And i can totally heal myself and dps. Don't think that people can't they just expect others to heal them.

    Take care of yourself first. Soul Stones have ****** dps!
    I agree that people should always have a self healing solution, but the entire idea of raids being BYOH isnt as efficient as having the heavy beaters do their thing constantly while the healers DOT and heal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    When the res comes in that quick, it was timed.
    Laughable. I think you overestimate the ability to precisely time these things in the heat of battle. Who on earth likes to rez? Raising/re-healing-rebuffing takes away from other activities, right when the s___ is hitting the fan. Put another way, who on earth would refuse to heal, yet is johnny on the spot with a rez time and time again? No one I know, and no one who is even reasonably efficient at playing the class.

    I ask you, what's a more reasonable explanation?

    1. The healer was healing someone else/on a cooldown / blocked / fighting or otherwise occupied at the moment you needed the heal, and upon your death raised you


    2. They purposely stood by and watched you die, unwilling to cast a heal, just so they could rez you afterwards

    If the goal is to look out for yourself only and not heal anyone else, the same is going to be true for rezzing -- you MIGHT rez someone when the dust has settled, and you're not otherwise engaged.

  10. #30
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    Some valid points, but ultimately I do not agree. Rezzing I cheaper, what are buffs?
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

  11. #31
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Can you feel it!!! Lets go..lets go lets go lets go....

  12. #32
    Community Member mr_O's Avatar
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    So yes I do understand being self sufficient like i said i carry minimum 200 heal scrolls maxed wand amd scroll mastery and have a tiny bit of amp. My scrolls hit me for 454 i have 608 hp and 110% fort. But being repeatedly hit by devils means i cant scroll myself. The fvs wasnt doing anything and someone said "looks like he made the mistake of thinking-- was going to heal him." This is an unacceptable way to fill a healing role. If it said byoh i would have came anyway a.d been in the mindset that i would be healing myself. If you cant help the party dont come period.
    Kixie,cixie,assassyn,synfully,jacktherippa,livingd eath of sarlona

  13. #33
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    I haven't played my healer much since MoTU came out mainly since I have other characters to work on first,
    but it feels generally that the huge dumbing down of content and everyone hitting all the time has led
    to a BYOH approach almost everywhere. SF pots are very easy to get now and get most people with decent
    heal amp from 0-full in at most 2 swigs. The fact that their main penalty (not being able to hit for **** and
    having no AC) has been all but nullified they are now a perfect way to keep your melee no blue bar character
    up. This in my opinion is the main reason "healers" heal less as they expect people to be able to keep themselves
    up, the way they saw it in other groups.

  14. #34
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    I'm guessing your sound wasn't working when we said "BYOH, if you can't byoh stay back till we get to the main fights. Don't pull aggro off the healers. Don't run ahead of the healers if you are not self sufficient." Sure I've got close to 3k SP but that doesn't mean I have to let you suck it up like a sponge. If you remember the party was spread out all over the market place, there was no way to tell who was close enough to get healed. Half the time I tried to heal you, you where either blocked or out of range. Make a healer and tell me how much fun you have following a group around that is all over the map and trying to keep them alive.

    different kinds of healers -

    I am NOT a heal bot, I will NOT follow you around to keep you alive. If you want to live, you will follow me. If you don't like the way I play, Don't ask me to heal your party.

    My blue bar is nothing more then an extension of my red bar.

  15. #35
    Community Member mr_O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drstampede View Post
    I'm guessing your sound wasn't working when we said "BYOH, if you can't byoh stay back till we get to the main fights. Don't pull aggro off the healers. Don't run ahead of the healers if you are not self sufficient." Sure I've got close to 3k SP but that doesn't mean I have to let you suck it up like a sponge. If you remember the party was spread out all over the market place, there was no way to tell who was close enough to get healed. Half the time I tried to heal you, you where either blocked or out of range. Make a healer and tell me how much fun you have following a group around that is all over the map and trying to keep them alive.

    different kinds of healers -

    I am NOT a heal bot, I will NOT follow you around to keep you alive. If you want to live, you will follow me. If you don't like the way I play, Don't ask me to heal your party.

    My blue bar is nothing more then an extension of my red bar.
    I call BS i was following you and three other people i did not recieve one heal i got a res and scrolled myself up. I dont expect you to be a heal bot but if you can toss it on a teammate in need then TOSS it. If you refuse thats your bad not mine.
    Kixie,cixie,assassyn,synfully,jacktherippa,livingd eath of sarlona

  16. #36
    Community Member FooWonk's Avatar
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    Default You just might not deserve a heal.

    If the last two times the healer cast heal were on you,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you jumped out of a mass heal the healer just cast,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If while near death, you aggro a new mob,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you just stole aggro from the group's tank,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you come running back to the healer with a train of mobs,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you refuse to fight inside the battle clerics aura,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If the last two heals the healer targeted on you were "blocked",
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you treat the healer like your personal hireling,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If your primary contribution to the group is whittling away at the healer's blue bar,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you find it necessary to announce your displeasure at the healer,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you think the healer has no right judging your capabilities,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you think the healer needs you,
    you don't deserve a heal.

  17. #37
    Community Member mr_O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FooWonk View Post
    If the last two times the healer cast heal were on you,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you jumped out of a mass heal the healer just cast,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If while near death, you aggro a new mob,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you just stole aggro from the group's tank,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you come running back to the healer with a train of mobs,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you refuse to fight inside the battle clerics aura,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If the last two heals the healer targeted on you were "blocked",
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you treat the healer like your personal hireling,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If your primary contribution to the group is whittling away at the healer's blue bar,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you find it necessary to announce your displeasure at the healer,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you think the healer has no right judging your capabilities,
    you don't deserve a heal.

    If you think the healer needs you,
    you don't deserve a heal.
    Agreed on all counts but lets add one.
    If the last two heals you threw were on yourself OUT of combat and while your party was dying you dont deserve to be a healer.
    If all the heals you throw dont land because you ran behind a wall away from your dps/tanks
    Kixie,cixie,assassyn,synfully,jacktherippa,livingd eath of sarlona

  18. #38
    Community Member Sgt_Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drstampede View Post
    I'm guessing your sound wasn't working when we said "BYOH, if you can't byoh stay back till we get to the main fights. Don't pull aggro off the healers. Don't run ahead of the healers if you are not self sufficient."
    Nice of you to quote it and retort Mister O, but reading it first may have been more.. productive?
    Hart o Gold Hart o Song
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  19. #39
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    woot!!! i was definately the FVS that didnt heal him Harkur on sarlona, and i ended up tanking the raid and i always say if u want heals better b standing next to me or the mass spell wont hit ya. we had zero issues completing all ya did was run in die with in 5 mins then leave its not a divine job to babysit ur red bar unless theres a boss and again better b standing next to me swinging

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    Agreed on all counts but lets add one.
    If the last two heals you threw were on yourself OUT of combat and while your party was dying you dont deserve to be a healer.
    well if the healer dies, the party WIPES! of course the healer is going to heal him/her self first.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_O View Post
    If all the heals you throw dont land because you ran behind a wall away from your dps/tanks
    why would we run and hide when we are tryen to pull aggro. BOTH the FvS in that party play tanks, and both are heal spec.

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