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Thread: PM Undead Form

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default PM Undead Form

    So I haven't really seen anyone post about this nor have I seen it in the patch notes so I'm not sure if it's been addressed.

    Right now my TR only has Vampire Form and that's all I've used so far so maybe it's not all forms. When I go to undead form the Vampire Icon appears at the top of my screen to let me know I'm undead. I can also see the "blood" affect coming off my body. I pop a Death Aura and I get healed. All is well in the world.

    If I shrine however (or die and get a raise) the icon and blood affect is still there. The icon says I'm undead, but when I pop a Death Aura I get no heals from negative energy so I know I must not be. This is very annoying because sometimes I can't tell if I'm in undead or not and I've clicked the Vampire form and turned off undead and had to wait for the timer a few times.

    Was the original intent so that we stayed undead (even through death and shrines) until we chose to turn back? If so +1 as that would save a significant amount of SP when we die and need to turn again. However I would say it is not WAI then as only the icon stays.

    When I say "only" though I will caveat that with another possibility. Last night I did Running with the Devils on elite and went undead when I walked in. I got nailed by two hits. One for 350 of light damage, another for 650 of light damage. Ding! (How is one to survive that). Never had that happen pre updates, but hey if that's the way it is then that's teh way it is. So when I get raised I don't go to Vampire form, but the icon and blood affect still show. I know I'm not undead because I test it with my Death Aura and get nothing. So we move along and Ding. 350 light damage. (On top of some other I was taking, but I got nailed by 350 points). This happened all throughout the instance and it appeared I was the only one getting hit that hard.

    So I would ask, is it just my bad luck that I'm getting blasted by light damage non-stop that high on that run or is it possible that along with the lingering icon and blood visual affect I am also retaining the amplification to light damage affect even when not really undead?

  2. #2
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Unfortunately, Running with the Devils is really rough on a PM in undead form. You'll have to drop out of it and find a healer.

    I've never used Vampire form (preferred Wraith 'til I got Lich), so haven't experienced the graphic bug where the form icon sticks around. But you definitely get dropped out of undead form when you shrine. It's annoying, but has always been that way for me.

    edit: Just re-read your post. All mob spell damage has been cranked since the expansion hit. Getting hit for 350 light damage isn't uncommon, unfortunately.

  3. #3
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    Check to see if the skeleton head icon is also on your bar. If not, you're not undead.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I guess what I'm saying is that not only is the skeleton head icon on my buff bar post dead and post shirne, but so is the blood visual affect that you get when you go Vampire.

    - So in other words I enter quest
    - I go to Vampire
    - Skeleton Icon and blood visual affect appear
    - I have STR increase etc
    - I turn on Death Aura
    - I get healed
    - I die and/or shrine (Both have the same result)
    - After raise or shrine the skeleton icon and blood affect is still there without me actively clicking to go undead
    - I use death aura but NO heals from it so I know I'm not actually undead.
    - Also no STR increase, etc

    It also sticks around in town and when I've left an instance

    So it's kind of annoying because I forget when I'm in undead form sometimes. For instance I did Running with Devils and turned off undead (or thought I did), but obviously as stated the undead icon and blood still shows. I tell healer I'm not undead. I start taking damage and no heals. The healer then tells me they tried but couldn't heal me. Grrrrrrrrrr. Not their fault of course, but mine, (read: Devs)

    Couple comments:
    - First thanks to responders. So this doesn't happen in wraith or lich form? I need only one more rank and I can lich then I leave Vampire behind.
    - I went Vampire so I didn't need to burn a feat on mental toughness for wraith as lich was my end goal. I'd rather have Greater Spell Pen or something given the drows in new content
    - 350 searing light hits are normal for non-undead!!! Yikes. I get hit twice in a row with those frequently in there. I was concerned that perhaps that affect of undead hadn't dropped as well. But if that' snot the case that's crazy. Of all 9 characters I have only my SD Fighter could stand two simultaneous hits. Insane.

    Anyone else experiencing this? Try taking Vampire and see if it happens.


  5. #5
    Community Member Meretrix's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I have noticed this too. Once you go into vamp form the graphic effects persist until you relog. It is also visible on your buff icons but the bug is purely visual.

  6. #6
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    Another thing I noticed, at least for me, is if I hit F1 to target myself, and Z to read my own bio, see my buffs in a different way, etc, vampire form is only there on my buffs that way if I'm really in form.

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