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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Gear Look: A backpack organization

    It would be pretty slick if I could either click or hover over an inventory slot, say armor, and a pull-down window would appear allowing me to see everything I currently have that can fit i that spot.

    An additional X that would toggle on/off items that are currently restricted due to level, race, alignment, etc.

    The pull down window could be semi-customized via the UI settings or turned off completely:

    Option A: The items are freely organized so the items you use most often are found near the top
    Option B: Alphabetical order
    Option C: Organized by Level 1-25 ascending or descending orders.
    Option D: Disable pull down window.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zyerz's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    This somewhat already exists... Its on the "list mode" inventory panel... Lists all your items in categories (weapons, armor, accessories, clothing, ingredients, components, etc, with options to view em in alphabetical, equipped, Level (I believe), price and junk.
    Last edited by Zyerz; 07-23-2012 at 07:14 PM.

    "Hikari datte, yami datte, kitto"

    Into light, into darkness, surely.

  3. #3
    Community Member Draggoon64's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default Organizing Packs

    Ok First off I'm a lvl 9 Fighter/4 Rogue/ 3 Cleric, so I use Great Swords, Longswords, Longbows, Repeating Crossbows, Wands, Potions, etc.. as I'm sure that most people do use a combination of weapons and healing devices.

    What I am saying is that I keep my wands in pack 3 and weapons in pack 2 ... so when I use a wand/sword I WANT it to go BACK to the pack it came from when I'm done...NOT to the first available slot... this is where it gets messy and time consuming. having to move thing back to where they belong. When I switch between Bow and sword I want them back in the same slot in bag 2, and not back to the first open slot.

    I leave bag 1 available for loot, when that gets full then move on, keep filling available slot with new loot, I don't care about that... It"s the Stuff that I DO want to keep and use regularly that I want to keep some what organized.

    It's just existing stuff that you need for each quest that I would like to be able to Lock down.

    Ok I know that there is a LIST view... I'm not talking about that... The way it is now, when you use or pick up itmes the automatically go to the First available slot the the second. What I would like to

    Now I am not a programmer but I am a geek.. I have been in the IT business for ~15 yrs, so what Im asking for will NOT take much time away from other things in the grand sceme of things....BUT will make for an Over-all Better experience for all.

    I hope this clears things up a bit...

  4. #4
    Community Member Draggoon64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyerz View Post
    This somewhat already exists... Its on the "list mode" inventory panel... Lists all your items in categories (weapons, armor, accessories, clothing, ingredients, components, etc, with options to view em in alphabetical, equipped, Level (I believe), price and junk.
    yes I have used the list view, but I do not like it

  5. #5
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    there should be a point and time when you know what your in for per quest, or use the wiki so you can figure out what equipment you need. Equipment you know you wont need store away, i do this before every quest, and i usually dont have to do this often. But its a matter of managing yourself and knowing what your getting into. Not too many people like grouping with those who couldnt spend 5 mins reading on the wiki and not being prepared, then being over prepared is indeed time consuming. However i play lots of toons with 8 action bars or more, one bar for equipment, 3 bars for spells, 1 bar for offensive abilities, 1 bar for w/e. If organization of your pack is an issue just hot bar things, organize the hot bar in such a way you can memorize it. For instance my pale monk has 3 hot bars on the right of my screen. Hotbar number 6 has weapons in this order starting from the top to the bottom.

    Banashing wraps (most used)
    Disruption wraps (moderately used)
    Smiting wraps (seldomly used, kept on me for training dummy mostly)
    Metalline wraps
    Pure good wraps
    holy burst wraps
    stonedust wraps
    vampiric holy wraps
    eveningstar challenge wraps with sonic dmg/con dmg
    eveningstar challenge wraps with sonic dmg/str dmg

    they already provide an option to organizing your screen. also its good for switching out equipment on the fly. going to your backpack, loosing sight of the fight at hand could get you killed, the time spent searching for a particular item can be awfully annoying, and no one wants to wait for that guy who wont use hot bars to be like "oh wait i gotta check my pack and find this item and pull it out" blah thats 3 mins you could have been moving to the next fight/objective, now take that 3 mins and multiply it by every time you have to do that.

    For equipment you dont want to sell by accident, take a few moments before doing sells/repairs, and LOCK EVERYTHING you dont want sold so that it dont show up in the vendor box.

    i think your system would cause more bugs then it would help. the current system dose take a lil bit of time but i think it is effective enough as is. I really think theres nothing to be tweaked here imo

    also my 8 action bars dont block up the screen, i loose some perphial vision but not much, not enough to even affect game play. and this is in windowed mode, if i were in full screen i would have more room for more action bars and still see everything going on (unless you spend all your time in first person mode)
    You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here.

  6. #6
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draggoon64 View Post
    I leave bag 1 available for loot,
    There's your trouble. Fill up 1-4 and leave 5 for loot.

  7. #7
    Community Member fco-karatekid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draggoon64 View Post
    Ok First off I'm a lvl 9 Fighter/4 Rogue/ 3 Cleric, so I use Great Swords, Longswords, Longbows, Repeating Crossbows, Wands, Potions, etc.. as I'm sure that most people do use a combination of weapons and healing devices.

    What I am saying is that I keep my wands in pack 3 and weapons in pack 2 ... so when I use a wand/sword I WANT it to go BACK to the pack it came from when I'm done...NOT to the first available slot... this is where it gets messy and time consuming. having to move thing back to where they belong. When I switch between Bow and sword I want them back in the same slot in bag 2, and not back to the first open slot.

    I leave bag 1 available for loot, when that gets full then move on, keep filling available slot with new loot, I don't care about that... It"s the Stuff that I DO want to keep and use regularly that I want to keep some what organized.

    It's just existing stuff that you need for each quest that I would like to be able to Lock down.

    Ok I know that there is a LIST view... I'm not talking about that... The way it is now, when you use or pick up itmes the automatically go to the First available slot the the second. What I would like to

    Now I am not a programmer but I am a geek.. I have been in the IT business for ~15 yrs, so what Im asking for will NOT take much time away from other things in the grand sceme of things....BUT will make for an Over-all Better experience for all.

    I hope this clears things up a bit...

    THIS ten thousand percent, and finding things that horrendous list view is actually SLOWER than just putting things abck where they were would be.

  8. #8
    Community Member fco-karatekid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    There's your trouble. Fill up 1-4 and leave 5 for loot.
    I actually do it the way xzynot recommends, yet wands wind up in 1, weapons in 4, stuff just moves too much. leave it where we put it.

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