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  1. #1
    Community Member SornStarguh's Avatar
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    Default Seek class advice on getting 32-point build

    Hey everyone. Recently got back into DDO. Going the whole 9 yards this time with VIP and all that.

    The first thing I really want to do is unlock the 32-point builds. The plan is get a character up to lvl 8 and hopefully get stoned, then I can go back and roll some lower stuff for favor. I figured this might be a good way to learn some quests since I don't like to group up and not know whats going on and maybe get some gear for rogue as well.

    Rogue is where my heart is. Eventually it will come down to a rogue main. But its not really a good thing to start out with seeing as how I'm still poor and I'd like to have gear for him already ready when I make the big guy.

    With these things in mind, I'm looking suggestions from some of you vets on what to take up to 8-16. I have all available classes except the favored soul.

    My first instinct was fighter. I've gotten one up to 5 (kensi greatsword) and its been a total faceroll in the harbor with a cleric follower. But then I got thinking, I don't know any quests outside the marketplace so I may need some advice or at least confimation that I'm on the right path.

    I also have a lvl 7 wizard that I enjoy to solo with, but that seems about as bad as running quests you don't know on a rogue.

    Thats the only 3 chars I have right now the third being my rogue placeholder whos waitin on me to make some kind of decision. I should warn that I'm not really familiar with alot of classes outside of rogue.

    Thanks for taking a look.

    tl;dr - Looking for a class to pump out favor in order to make my 32-point rogue asap.

  2. #2
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    I would say just play the build which is most comfortable for you. So, if you think rouge is easy to play, so be it. Though IMHO Rouges and Paladins are great for 3rd life TR builds, that way you can invest more on their stats. If I had to make something just for unlocking 32 point build, I would make a min-max 28 point build Dwarf/Horc barbarian i.e. max out STR then CON, and dump all other stats. Groups don't expect much from melees, and they are allowed to pike with auto attack command.

  3. #3
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    Just roll a dwarven nannybot, I mean cleric.

    Learn the quests and what not to do.

    And keep to the rear with your gear. You'll have to run the quests multiple times to learn all the ins-n-outs. But you're just grinding for favor. Do as many quests on elite as you can. Even if you have to solo some at your level or below.

    Shield mastery, toughness, empower heal, extra turns.

    Max wis, dump some in to cha, and the rest in to con.


    The healer the group can't live with out.

    Also, try to get in a good active guild.

    Did I mention have fun? Because that's the most important part.

  4. #4
    Community Member daniel7's Avatar
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    Instead of grinding favor for a 32 point build why don't you level up a toon to 20 and then TR to a 34 point build. Pick which class you think has the best past life feat for your second life.

    Some examples:

    2nd life as a caster->first life as a WF wizard

    2nd life as a rogue or dark monk->first life as a rogue

    2nd life as a melee->first life as a paladin

    2nd life as a ranged player->first life as a ranger
    Volver life 3 lvl 20 sorc - 4 Epic /// Adept life 3 lvl 2mnk/17pal /// Vindicate life 6 lvl 18rgr/1ftr/1clr - 2 Epic /// [COLOR="Red"]

  5. #5
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    fleshy wizard (probably elf) pale master is my advice. extremely good soloing power, great versatility, good past life if you decide to use it to TR into any other type of caster.

  6. #6
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    If level 5 or so is the highest you have ever been , don't get stoned.
    Just do yourself a favor and don't do it.
    Play and learn the game , don't try and skip you WILL regret it.

    There are a few " hurdle" levels in ddo and the hurdles get higher as you go. Level 4 is a small one , 8 is a bit higher , 12 is a huge one and on from there.

    If your so keen on 32 pointers (I can't believe I'm saying this) save you monthly turbine point grant from VIP and buy 32 pointers.
    I wouldn't say that to anyone except someone who thinks getting stoned with no resources , skills or experience wanted to get stoned so they could unlock 32.

    Honestly there are very few builds that you would really need/want 32 for.
    Twf pally or monk. It is nice to have with a rogue but you can get by with a 28 or drow on a rogue. Anything else 32 points is almost a waste.

    Want sneaky but waiting till 32 to do rogue?
    Try a sneaky 2 rogue splashed wizard. Traps covered with a massive int score invis spell for sneaking and firewall to get things done.
    18 int say 14 con a couple points in dex/str and your good to go be sneaky.
    Rogue at 1 then wiz till say 8 or 10. Then 1 more rogue for evasion and top off skills.
    Be sure to grab insightful reflexes feat, toughness and some metas and your good to go.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  7. #7
    Community Member SornStarguh's Avatar
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    Jun 2007


    Thanks for the advice all.

    I was racking my brain about this and I just said forget it. I just got back and I'm prolly tryin to go too fast. I decided to just have fun and go with it from the marketplace on up. What sealed it was thinking about how much I'd forgot about doing Proof is in the Poison. I remembered it was tough, but it was like I'd never even been in there before. It's a level 4 quest I going to 16 might be kinda crazy.

    I had a fighter up to 6 and It was cool, but...things get real pretty fast at around level 6 quests. People start playing as an actual group it seems. I found myself in alot of groups and they would not go past me, and I didn't even know where to go. So, were all just standing around and I'm wondering why aren't we going? After awhile I realized I was a fighter and therefore destined to go first after checking their HPs and was like, "Oh **** am I the tank?!" Two rangers, a bard, a rogue, and a wizard all agreed that I was indeed the tank. All I remember is these blades kept coming out of the walls trying to kill me and they were trying hard. I'd take like 88 damage and be like, "Ouch man." Then like 5 wands go off on me and I'm like, "Is this my fate?"

    I figured I don't need to go first yet, so I rolled up a drow wizard PM and at lvl2 I can tell its prolly a keeper. No idea how to make one but I cranked one out on the builder and just went with that. They didn't have these fancy enhancements back in the day. I guess I'll take this one to 20. Might stone the fighter and save it for later. I don't know a thing about TR but I figure I'll learn about it at 20. Want to try and get a little gear before 1st TR tho.

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